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Newsletter from, date: 20-Jul-2005 to 26-Jul-2005

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  • Newsletter from, date: 20-Jul-2005 to 26-Jul-2005

    Yerevan Press Club of Armenia presents `MediaDialogue" Web Site as a
    Regional Information Hub project.

    As a part of the project web site is maintained,
    featuring the most interesting publications from the press of Armenia,
    Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey on issues of mutual concern. The latest
    updates on the site are weekly delivered to the subscribers.
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    Source: "Golos Armenii" newspaper (Armenia) [July 21, 2005]
    Author: "De Facto" news agency

    `The principles proclaimed by Mountainous Karabagh in 1991have not
    changed. We exclude Karabagh subordination to Azerbaijan. We will
    struggle for our independence, as stated by President of Mountainous
    Karabagh Republic Arkady Ghukasian in the interview to Armenian Public

    In his opinion, MKR authorities understand that it is a long and
    complex process. However, if today the international community is not
    ready to recognize independence of Mountainous Karabagh, this
    possibility should not be excluded altogether, he stated. If
    previously we considered MK status respecting territorial integrity of
    Azerbaijan, today all the options are on the agenda. It is clear for
    both international community and Azerbaijan that MK will not agree to
    be a part of Azerbaijan, as emphasized by Arkady Ghukasian.

    "We repeatedly stated about our principles: Mountainous Karabagh
    should be independent, Mountainous Karabagh cannot be a part of
    Azerbaijan, Mountainous Karabagh should have security guarantees,
    whereas the security frames of MK are also determined at
    negotiations. We certainly have benchmarks for compromise that we
    cannot trespass', MKR President stated.

    Answering the question about the impact of various factors on the
    negotiation process: attitude of the international community, Baku
    oil, democratic elections, Arkady Ghukasian noted that any of these
    factors is considered in the negotiation process. However, he thinks
    the principle of democracy is of primary importance today
    "International community closely follows the development of the
    processes both in Mountainous Karabagh and Azerbaijan. It is not by
    accident that the parliamentary elections in Karabagh got so much
    attention', MKR President stated. In his opinion, today the decisive
    role will be with such points as the willingness of MK people to build
    a sovereign state, develop democratic relations, market economy,
    ability to implement the goals and objectives set. `I am confident
    this circumstance might not be a priority for today. In this respect,
    I think we have a serious advantage', Arkady Ghukasian
    stated. Commenting on the statements that the process of Karabagh
    settlement undergoes a new stage of activation, MKR President noted
    that this conclusion may be made considering that today Azerbaijani
    position is more constructive compared to previous years. `They are
    not so aggressive and expressed willingness to discuss those issues
    that have always been a priority for Mountainous Karabagh. If
    previously Azerbaijan refused to discuss the status of MK, today this
    issue is on the agenda of the negotiation. It means Azerbaijan
    gradually enters the constructive field', Arkady Ghukasian said.

    As an answer to the request for explanation of this phenomenon,
    President of MKR did not exclude the fact that one of the reasons is
    the fact that in November Azerbaijan will have parliamentary
    elections, on which a lot will depend. On the other hand, he noted
    that international community has long worked with the Azerbaijani
    authorities convincing them that a rigid position will not settle the
    problem. `It is a mistake to ignore the Karabagh factor and discuss
    issues only with Armenia. I am convinced that this view is also shared
    by OSCE Minsk Group Co-chairmen and it is also the result of the
    mediators' activity with Azerbaijani authorities', Arkady Ghukasian
    stated. On the other hand, he continued that there are developments
    that are not hinging either on Azerbaijan, Karabagh or Armenia, and
    the Azerbaijani authorities should take it into account. `Today, the
    international community is interested in settling the conflict through
    peaceful means, and in my opinion Azerbaijan cannot ignore this
    circumstance". The request to characterize the fact that the
    negotiations are mainly conducted between Armenian and Azerbaijan on
    the level of Foreign Ministers and Presidents and the mediators
    periodically visit Stepanakert informing MKR authorities about the
    progress of negotiations, was answered by Arkady Ghukasian as follows,
    "The fact that MK does not actively participate in these processes not
    counting the visits of the mediators, sets the impression that
    Stepanakert is outside the negotiation process. When we speak of a
    real format of negotiations - Karabagh-Azerbaijan-Armenia, there is an
    impression that we need it. Meanwhile, I am convinced that it is
    essential for the process. We have much stronger attributes of
    statehood than negotiations with Azerbaijan".

    MKR President is confident that without Karabagh participation the
    problem cannot be solved. `The fact that today Azerbaijan refuses to
    hold negotiations with Karabagh is another matter. I may draw one
    conclusion - Azerbaijan is not yet ready for settlement, since any
    contacts with Armenia without MK is propaganda based on the approach
    that hinges on the principle `Armenia - aggressor, Armenia occupied
    the territories of Azerbaijan, and Azerbaijan naturally conducts
    negotiations with Armenia on these and other issues', Arkady Ghukasian
    stated. `I am confident that Mountainous Karabagh is not outside
    negotiations. Half in jest, I emphasized several times that if we are
    all interested in the result, it is not important whether MK
    participates in the negotiations: let the negotiations be conducted by
    Portugal and Spain. If as a result of these negotiations MK
    independence is recognized and we get what we aspired to, I see no
    problems', MK President noted.

    In his opinion, MK participation in the negotiations is not an end in
    itself. `However, I am confident that there are issues impossible to
    be solved without MK participation. All the mediators understand it. I
    am confident that today both the Co-chairmen and the authorities of
    Azerbaijan understand that we are approaching a stage when MK
    participation becomes necessary. It is essential for Armenia
    too. Herein, we have no problem of mistrust, the issue is not that we
    do not trust the Armenian authorities or doubt their negotiating
    skills. The point is that MK participation will make the negotiation
    process more efficient, since there are issues that cannot be solved
    without MK participation. Armenia cannot answer these questions
    instead of Karabagh', Arkady Ghukasian stated. He noted in particular
    that without MK participation it is impossible to work on the details
    of peaceful agreement. The Karabagh side is aware of the working
    process. "In any case, these principles are agreed with MK. If
    currently Armenia defends some principles, these are primarily MK
    principles. The fact that today we have no agreement between Armenia,
    Azerbaijan, Karabagh and the mediators on these principles is another
    matter', Arkady Ghukasian stated.

    "Again, I want to emphasize that participation in the negotiations is
    not an ending goal for us. In propaganda aspect, our failure to
    participate sets the impression that Mountainous Karabagh is not a
    subject but object of negotiations. This circumstance is really in
    place and we should take it into account', MKR President noted.

    Answering the question whether he believes that Azerbaijan really
    aspires to peaceful settlement, Arkady Ghukasian stated, `I think
    peaceful settlement is a risk primarily for political leadership. I am
    not sure the Azerbaijani authorities are willing to take this risk, to
    show political will. Still I am confident of their intention to do
    so. It is hard to imagine a political figure, who would be unwilling
    to solve a problem that is a priority for his country. However, desire
    is not enough. Political will is what we need. It was not by accident
    that I said it is a risk. The Azerbaijani authorities clearly perceive
    that it is impossible to implement all the ideas they voiced
    throughout these years. They cannot get everything without making
    concessions. Considering the fact that they gave great promises to
    their people from which they need to gradually withdraw for they are
    unreal, I think the problem is whether they will take the risk or
    not. Recently, I notice that the Azerbaijani press became less
    aggressive. It means certain activity was started with the people
    through artificially imbuing hatred and hostility towards Armenian
    people. Something we did not do these years in our country. We were
    much more reserved'. There was a concern that Azerbaijani authorities,
    who repeatedly organizing information leakage and then instigating
    public opinion against the information disseminated by them similarly
    to the proposal about `a common state' and later around Prague
    principles of settlement, will likewise fail the frequently discussed
    idea of conducting a referendum and a temporary status of MK. Arkady
    Ghukasian stated that such a conclusion can me made.

    `If the authorities of Azerbaijan are interested in the conflict to be
    settled as soon as possible, there should be no leakage, since this
    process is confidential. There is a principle - if all the issues are
    not agreed upon, we cannot consider the issue is solved. It is a
    process and the leakages put it at risk. The principle of
    confidentiality should be respected by all the sides. It is impossible
    for one country to respect confidentiality and the other one give
    leakages. Taking this into account, it can be assumed that Azerbaijan
    attempts to avoid the process', he stated.

    Alongside this, MKR President did not exclude the attempts for
    probing by the Azerbaijani authorities. `Azerbaijani authorities
    voiced loud statements of spread-eagle type like, `Karabagh is our
    inalienable part! We will never put up with the occupation of our
    territories!' etc and today they became hostages of their own
    statements. I think we need time for the Azerbaijani authorities to
    pass into a constructive field', Arkady Ghukasian stated. }

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    Source: "Zerkalo" newspaper (Azerbaijan) [July 26, 2005]

    The equipment of Russian military base 62 (Akhalkalaki) cannot be
    withdrawn from Georgia under own power or by trailers, as Deputy
    Commander of the Group of Russian Forces in the Transcaucasus (GRFT),
    Colonel Vladimir Kuparadze stated.

    "Five bridges on the route from Akhalkalaki to the railway station in
    Akhaltsikh are not fit for equipment passage, so its further
    transportation by the railway to Batumi is impossible. We informed the
    Georgian side about it', Kuparadze stated.

    He noted that the headquarters of the Russian forces called the
    attention of the Georgian side to the necessity of taking adequate
    measures for transportation of the equipment.

    As a reminder, Foreign Ministers of Russia and Georgia, based on the
    results of the negotiations in Moscow May 30, signed a joint statement
    stipulating that the withdrawal of the Russian military bases from
    Georgian territory should be over in the course of 2008. After the
    negotiations, Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov
    stated to the journalists that `the withdrawal will be stage-by-stage:
    starting from heavy equipment, personal stuff and later handing over
    the Russian military objects to Georgia".

    However, afterwards member of the Security Committee of State Duma,
    Gennady Gudkov stated after his trip around the Russian military bases
    in Georgia that Russia is unable to fully withdraw the troops and
    equipment from Georgia by 2008. `Russia will meet the deadline if part
    of the property and equipment is left behind and the people are taken
    to open field', Gudkov stated. He proved his point by the results of
    the analysis of technical and technological possibilities of troops
    withdrawal, which was conducted by himself and member of the Defense
    Committee of State Duma, Nikolay Bezborodov - also on a visit to
    Russian military bases in Georgia. According to Gudkov, just
    withdrawal of the heavy equipment - by large landing ships through sea
    - will take 3,5 or 4 years. `If it is easier to do from Batumi, how
    can we withdraw equipment from Akhalkalaki? This issue has not been
    considered at all', Gudkov said. In his opinion, heavy equipment from
    Akhalkalaki will not get to the sea under own power: only 5-6 out of
    16 bridges might not keep the weight of the tanks.

    As a reminder, the withdrawal of the military equipment from the
    Russian base in Batumi was started on June 1. The train with 15 cars
    left Batumi and arrived in Tbilisi by midnight and later to
    Armenia. Based on the data of GRFT, the transportation of the
    equipment and munitions was carried out in compliance with the plan of
    withdrawing surplus of munitions and equipment from Batumi base out of
    Georgia, developed a few moths ago before the Georgian-Russian
    negotiations on the terms of withdrawing Russian military bases from
    Batumi and Akhalkalaki were over. }

    Source: "Milliyet" newspaper (Turkey) [July 23, 2005]
    Author: Semih Idiz

    With the negotiations on Turkey's EU membership on October 3
    approaching, Yerevan again showed concern. Armenia, whose economic
    isolation still more increased after launching of Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan
    pipeline, directed its energy to obstruction of Kars-Akhalkalaki
    railway project with the support of the Diaspora. If the project of
    Kars-Akhalkalaki railway, that was again raised at the opening
    ceremony of Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline in May with the participation
    of the Presidents of Turkey, Azerbaijan and Georgia, is implemented,
    these three countries will be connected to Europe, avoiding Armenia.

    Armenian Minister of Transportation Andranik Margarian (apparently
    Andranik Manukian is meant - Ed.) in his interview published recently
    in the Armenian press, stated that in case the project is implemented,
    Armenian blockade will be in full. Margairian noted that they do their
    best to prevent the project.

    Attack For Prevention

    Armenia is also inspired by the fact that the costs of the project are
    high - 600 million USD. As anticipated by Yerevan and Diaspora, the
    implementation of the project requires foreign investment. In fact, it
    is also confirmed by the Turkish officials.

    It is for this reason that during the meetings with the colleagues
    from EU, Margairian constantly puts this issue on the agenda, trying
    to convince the European community that the project is directed
    against his country. The main argument of Armenia is the fact that the
    railway connecting Kars with Armenian city of Gyumri already
    exists. Armenia states that the railway Kars-Gyumri is blocked for 15
    years `because of the Turkish hostility', presenting this fact to the
    EU officials as a violation, so it attempts to show it as a violation
    of `good neighborly relations' to the EU countries. The Armenian side
    is also encouraged by the fact that TRASECA European project, that
    foresees joining of Caucasus and Europe by a railway, does not mention
    Kars-Akhalkalaki project and refers only to Kars-Gyumri railway.

    EU Encourages

    The coincidence of the Armenian attack and the attempts of certain EU
    members, who are against Turkey's membership, to introduce in the
    framing document on Turkey-EU negotiations the conditions on opening
    the Armenian border is not accidental. It is also no accident that
    right now the famous figures of the Armenian lobby in US Congress Joe
    Nollenberg, Frank Pallone and George Radanovich submitted to the House
    of Representatives the draft law on this issue. Based on the
    supposition that the interested parties will try to get financial
    support of Washington for construction of Kars-Akhalkalaki railway,
    the representatives of the Armenian lobby are trying to pass a draft
    law preventing implementation of this route in circumvention of
    Armenia. Their main argument is inexpediency of constructing a new
    railway while there is inactive Kars-Gyumri railway.

    Time will show whether USA and EU will support these initiatives of
    the Armenian side. We repeatedly witnessed how USA and EU openly
    support Genocide allegations, in the past moving this issue to the
    background, defending their own economic interests. Thus, all the
    attempts of Armenia and the Armenian Diaspora to prevent launching
    Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline failed. The same may happen now. Small
    interests are always sacrificed to bigger ones, whereas Armenia
    constantly ignores this factor and thus it suffers. }

    Source: `Koveldgiuri Gazeti' newspaper (Georgia) [July 22, 2005]
    Author: Leonid Gordeli

    The photos, made from the space by one of American satellites of the
    Earth, led the investigation about the grenade cast at US President on
    the track of an unemployed resident of Tbilisi, Vladimir Harutiunian
    (27). More exactly, the main contribution was with broadcasts by the
    local channels and the assistance of unknown persons, responding to
    the promise of 150 thousand lari (about 80 thousand USD) by Georgian
    Ministry of Interior for providing information by the `hot
    line'. There were several `feelers' according to the Minister of
    Interior Vano Merabishvili, and the sum will be divided among
    them. Meanwhile, currently the law and order bodies are much more
    concerned by other problems.

    Who is he, Vova Harutiunian - an individual with anti-global
    orientation, who was on his own or a humble tool in the hands of
    foreign special services? The Georgian authorities are now in
    anticipation of a very important answer to this question. Harutiunian
    faced charges of a terrorist act by several articles: terrorism,
    premeditated murder of a policeman, illegal storage of arms and
    explosives. He already confessed to throwing the grenade by himself
    and even provided some details describing the movement of his arm: a
    throw over the head (something like a basketball technique called a
    `hook') to reach the tribune, barred from the 120 thousand crowd with
    a construction of bulletproof glass. He made his confession at a
    hospital ward. Harutiunian was taken to the clinic after he was
    wounded in shootings during a special operation on his
    detention. Trying to escape, with a burst of machine gun the suspect
    killed the Head of Primary Investigation Department of the Ministry of
    Interior Anti-terrorism Center, Zurab Kvlividze (35), who wounded him
    from his gun (the operation was conducted in the yard of Valdimir
    Harutiunian's house). Thus, in setting a penalty for three-months
    imprisonment, the incrimination was both illegal storage of arms and
    premeditated murder of a policeman.

    In the shed built by Harutiunian at his small garden, the
    investigators found several grenades, some explosives, and
    detonators. The shed is wrapped in wires inside and outside,
    resembling a movie `Timur and His Team'. As his acquaintances say,
    Vova was a good expert in electrical devices. He installed an alarm
    system warning of strangers approaching and to provide a connection
    with the apartment where he permanently resided. The criminal experts
    found several books. One of them is `Jackal's Day' about a failed
    attempt at General Charles de Gaulle. Another - a manual on primary
    military training. The neighbors testify that Vova had a reputation of
    a guy reading a lot and enjoying it. Still, they say he was reserved
    and actually had no friends. Knowing a family he came from, they were
    sincerely astonished over the incident stating that they would never
    think Vova might be involved in any street fight to say nothing of
    such a serious crime as an act of terrorism or an attempt to commit
    it. It is not surprising that he had never had any criminal record or
    other contacts with law and order bodies. His hatred to George Bush,
    as US President, was expressed by Vladimir Harutiunian in the form of
    a bad language and a characteristic gesture of raising a middle finger
    immediately after detention.

    Harutiunian was unemployed although several years ago he could work as
    a motor mechanic. He left the technical support station without any
    reason, preferring breeding and sale of hamsters. His mother, Anjela
    Harutiunian - a teacher of French, is also unemployed and earned her
    living by the sale of disposable napkins. The neighbors testify that
    despite their destitution, they never applied for help to anyone. For
    instance, unable to pay for the elevator, they did not use it though
    the neighbors kindly asked them to. Such was the living of this family
    whose main provider, Harutiunian's father, passed away over 20 years

    What is it - `Herostratus Complex', impact of the books on a `definite
    topic' or a burst of personal indignation accumulated for the past
    years? Is there any connection with other people or organizations
    inside or outside the country? There are still quite few suppositions
    voiced. The version about enraged `lonely wolf' is not very
    popular. In particular, Chairman of Parliamentary Committee on Defense
    and Security Givi Targmadze thinks, `the track might lead to Russia or
    any other state. A similar opinion, promoted by the inertia of
    thinking, was expressed by a couple of experts. However, if
    Harutiunian had qualified instructors, the grenade should have
    exploded but it failed to. As Minister of Interior Vano Merabishvili
    stated, one of the main reasons is that the hand grenade of Degtyarev
    `was wrapped in a handkerchief'. Another reason, according to the
    preliminary conclusion of military technical experts, might be the low
    quality of the grenade, which appeared to be `made in Armenia', as
    they asserted. Armenian Defense Minister gave a quick response,
    explaining that the military industrial complex of the country does
    not produce grenades of this type. Apparently, this statement will be
    repeated by Armenian Prime Minister, Andranik Margarian, planning an
    unofficial visit to Georgia this weekend. According to some data, he
    intends to raise the issue of `Armenian terrorist' at the meetings
    with a Georgian colleague Zurab Nogaideli and President Mikhail

    Just to remind, prior to Vladimir Harutiunian's birth, many future
    celebrities lived among Tbilisi Armenians: composer Aram Khachatrian,
    astrophysicist Victor Hambartsumian, chansonnier Charles Aznavour,
    world chess champion Tigran Petrossian, movie director Sergey
    Parajanov and other famous people. Nevertheless, the fact remains that
    Vova Harutiunian committed a crime impossible to be forgiven.

    NB: Dear readers, the next MediaDialogue update will be made in early

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