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Gibrahayer - 07/25/2005

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  • Gibrahayer - 07/25/2005

    [email protected]

    The largest circulation Armenian
    online e-magazine on the WWW

    Gibrahayer 27 July, 2005 - Refugee Football Club Anorthosis of Turkish
    occupied Famagusta, face Turkish titans Trabzon Sport tonight at GSP Stadium
    in Nicosia. The match will be shown live on LTV. All tickets - to this
    fire-filled encounter - have been sold out. Both teams have declared that
    they view the match as a sports event.
    It seems that Turkey's much dreaded recognition of the Republic of
    Cyprus has taken another blow through sport. The Turkish football team
    arrived to Cyprus using the Interna tional airport of Larnaca.
    The Technical director of Trabzon Sport Senol Gunes accused Turkish
    authorities of not assisting them in getting to Cyprus, because Turkey does
    not recognise the Republic of Cyprus. "We will go to Cyprus even if it mean
    going through Africa or the Far East" Gunes said and added that "he was
    certain that if his team was successful in getting to Cyprus, they would
    qualify to the next round."
    The Turkish team arrived in Cyprus on Sunday using the legitimate
    entry point of Larnaca International Airport and held their first practice
    at GSP Stadium at 8:00 pm on Monday night.
    This is the first time Turkish and Cypriot teams are facing each
    other in football.

    Venezuela has adopted a resolution that recognizes the Armenian genocide and
    asks the European Union (EU) to place preconditions on Turkey's EU bid,
    "Yerkir" ( reported.
    Adopted on July 14, the resolution was introduced by Parliament Member
    Victor Hugo Morales and attorney Janet Madris. Venezuela's Armenians have
    worked for years to have their country officially recognize and denounce the
    genocide of fellow Armenians by Turkey's Ottoman govern ment. With Turkey's
    recent aspirations toward Europe, however, the resolution also appeals to
    the EU to "postpone Turkey's membership bid until its also recognizes the
    1915 genocide of 1.5 million Armenians."

    The New Anatolian / Athens TNA, 25 July 2005. Athens decided on Thursday to
    open offices of a Greek telecommunications company in both Armenia and
    Nagorno-Karabakh in retaliation for Azerbaijan's recent decision to begin
    direct flights to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC).
    Athens announced that Intracom, one of the largest telecommunications
    company operating in Greece, will open offices in Armenia (a state with
    which Turkey has no official diplomatic relations) and in Nagorno-Karabakh
    (an Azerbaijani region occupied by Armenia).
    Intracom will establish a joint venture with th e Armenian
    telecommunications company Vivacell in an agreement expected to be signed
    next Tuesday. Intracom will invest 22.8 million euros in Vivacell. The Greek
    company is expected to open its office in Yerevan before September and is
    expected to open the office in Nagorno-Karabakh before October.
    This is considered to be a retaliatory response to Azerbaijan's
    decision to begin direct flights to the TRNC at the end of this month, in a
    first step towards ending the isolation of the TRNC.
    Test flight set for next week
    Azerbaijan announced last week that it will begin direct flights between its
    capital Baku and Nicosia in the TRNC on July 31, and a test flight is set
    for next Wednesday, July 27.
    Added to the start of direct flights between Baku and Nicosia, as part
    of Azerbaijan's efforts to help to end the TRNC's isolation, an eight-member
    Azerbaijani parliamentary delegation arrived in the TRNC to participate in
    the Peace and Independence Day celebrations on Wednesday. An Azerbaijani
    business delegation was scheduled to arrive in the TRNC on Friday to explore
    avenues of cooperation, especially in the trade, tourism and industry
    Greek Cypriots protest direct flights
    The Greek Cypriots expressed their concerns about the start of direct
    flights to the TRNC during a European Union Permanent Representatives
    Committee (COREPER) meeting last week, claiming that such flights are a
    violation of the sovereignty of an EU member state.

    TATIANA'S CORNER - you can view the cartoon strips in the Archives section
    This corner is reserved for local artist Tatiana Ferahian's comic strips
    which are amalgamations of Armenian-Cypriot social commentaries, painted
    with her usual wry and ironic humour, to stimulate and encourage awareness
    and interest toward our community's everyday happenings.

    AD OF THE WEEK Are you looking for an effective antivirus, antimalware and
    antispyware system? Contact PANDA's offices in Cyprus and take advantage of
    the super introductory prices being offered. Tel: 22-441514, email:
    [email protected]

    ARMENIAN MUSIC By Arek Dakessian in Beirut
    Armenian Music is the new section in Gibrahayer, dedicated to bringing
    Armenian Music closer to Armenians, shedding light on the Armenian music
    scene, Armenian history in music, how all this has affected the Armenian
    Question and to try to realize the full potential of our music, which is a
    significant aspect in our culture.
    Armenian Rock - the sixties
    On a parallel line to the Arakyalner, another trend was also emerging
    in Armenian Rock. In Soviet Russia there was Vladimir Visotsky, alongside
    Bulat Okudjava. Okudjava sang simple and touching tunes, Visotsky's
    melodies, however, it had hidden political lyrics ridiculing the system...
    Kind of like the Bob Dylan of the America's, these were called bards,
    normally poets, philosophers, writers and so on who also sang. Our Armenia
    had it's own bards, a stand-out figure in these bards is Roupen Hakhverdian,
    whose Yerevanian love tunes accompanied by his acoustic guitar became very
    popular. Hakhverdian's repertoire ranged from songs he made for a cartoon
    series ("Found Dream") by R. Sahakian about a little girl walking into
    paintings on the raw political songs like "My Dove", and "Autumn
    of our Love" that raised quite a few eyebrows in the Soviet censure. Still,
    Roupen's songs were more love songs rather than political ones, and his
    music was left relatively unscathed.
    Dear readers, the decade of the nineteen sixty was the decade where the
    womb of Armenian music was dialated nine centimeters wide and babies came
    out, Arakyalner and Roupen Hakhverdian are only the most famous. Arakyalners
    memories are still in the hearts and minds of Armenians over the age of
    forty who were in Armenia at the time, or had friends there, and the
    teenagers who were attracted by the rebirth of Arakyalner in the late 80's
    early 90's. And Roupen, now in his sixties, is still as famous as ever, but
    more emotional than before... I saw him cry on Ho1 during an interview about
    A small analogy perhaps to clear my head: Roupen is to the Armenian as
    what Bob Dylan was to the American, and what Brel was to the French
    (Roupig's preferred analogy). Arakyalner are to the Armenian as what John
    Lennon was to the American.
    1965 was the 50th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, this was the
    turning point of Armenian thought, as we came around to remembering the
    Genocide as not only a sad part of our history, but a part that we should
    retain, this resulted in the first demonstration in Soviet history, as we
    broke the glasses of the Opera House. I think it is thus self-explanatory
    that the genius of Roupen and Arakyalner was born in the framework of 1965.
    If we look at this on an international scale, the French youth brought down
    their government, the American youth started anti-Vietnam-campaigns, and the
    Diaspora resonated the events in Armenia through a change of national

    On Bruises, Beauties, and Makeup
    by Khatchig Mouradian

    Excerpts from her interview
    ¢Turkey's modernization went hand in hand with the transformation from a
    multi ethnic, multilingual, multi faith empire to a supposedly homogeneous
    Turkish nation-state. This process is replete with traumas, losses, and
    painful memories many of which have been somehow erased from our collective
    ¢In many families tod ay there are old women who remember the atrocities
    committed against the Armenians in the past, I think it is especially
    valuable to bring out that accumulation of knowledge.
    ¢My presentation at the Conference in Istanbul was going to be on Zabel
    Yeseyan. I am fascinated by her life and work, and I think it is a pity that
    today Turkish intellectuals do not know anything about her.

    Says Elif Shafak in this interview, "'The bruises and the make-up' is a
    metaphor I use in order to better depict Turkish modernists' obsession with
    'our image in the eyes of the Western world.' The elite likes to prove to
    the Westerners how Westernized, modernized we Turks are. Yet when it comes
    to critically reading the past, the same elite is indifferent, if not
    It is this indifference and ignorance that Shafak, whom "The
    Economist" considers to be "well set to challenge Mr. (Orhan) Pamuk as
    Turkey's foremost contemporary novelist," tries to confront. She does not
    believe in deceitful "outward appearances" and suggests that Turkey
    wash away the makeup "to see both the beauties and the bruises underneath."

    the complete interview in Aztag Daily can be read at the following link.

    Books by Elif Shafak "The Flea Palace" & "The Saint of Incipient Insanities"
    Available from Monday July 26, in Cyprus from The MOUFFLON Bookshops
    [email protected] Tel: +357 22665155

    Artsvi Bakhchinyan, the Armenian walking Encyclopedia, film critic,
    historian and filmographer, informed us of the winner of The Golden Apricot
    Award of the Yerevan International Film Festival ` Vaughan Pilikian for his
    film HAMMER AND FLAME ` a ten minute masterpiece on the Danteesque Inferno
    the Indian poor of Gujarat live through daily, to pull apart the gigantic
    contaminated poison-ships (nuclear, petrochemical etc.) which the Western
    governments send there for scuttling, because they would not get away with
    the poisoning of their own workers in their own countries¦ one of the
    thousand and one state-committed crimes the Western news-media pretend to
    know nothing about¦
    Vaughan's film is the first to blow the whistle in a stunningly
    beautiful and profoundly moving way, telling a story without a single word
    spoken, with consummate painterly images that penetrate the mind, with a
    hauntingly perfect sound track that chills the bones¦
    Vaughan is the son of Professor Pilikian, has an MA in Classics from
    Cambridge University, M. Phil in Sanskrit from Oxford University, and was a
    Fellow at Harvard University for two years where he studied the Arts ` film,
    painting etc. He is half-American ` his late mother being the young
    American playwright Gail Rademacher.
    Vaughan is also a distinguished poet, with a deeply philosophical
    semi-prophetic sequence to his credit, titled At Eclipse, published by
    Unruowe, London, 2001. It tells of an imaginary and imaginative sinking of
    a ship memorably referred to as The Ice Nautilus ` in a complex
    multi-layered symbolism representing the Ship of State, or any doomed
    Society at large suffering from terminal pollution and genocidal barbarism.
    ARTSAGANG JUNE 2005 You can now read the Armenian community's 20- page
    monthly Armenian publication (June 2005 issue number 123) in front of your
    computer in pdf format at:

    ¢Azad Azerbaycan TV in Baku reports that a soldier of a military unit in
    Beylaqan [District], Rafael Cafarov, was killed as a result of the Armenian
    violation of the cease-fire.
    ¢Over 4000 Armenians participated in a three-day pilgrimage in St. Tadιe
    Monastery in Iran that was held on July 7-9 under the patronage of the
    Catholicosate of Cilicia and the supervision of the primate of the Diocese,
    V Rev Fr Neshan Topuzian.
    ¢"Armenia is on a promising path toward sustained high growth an d the
    alleviation of poverty, and I think this is a major achievement," said IMF
    deputy managing director Augustin Carstens.
    ¢The U.S. Senate voted 98 to 1 on July 20 to approve the Fiscal Year 2006
    Foreign Operations Appropriations Bill which recommends $75 million in
    assistance to Armenia and an additional $3 million in humanitarian aid to
    ¢New cases of anthrax have been recorded in the southeastern Anatolian
    region in recent days. Three persons who are suspected of having contracted
    anthrax are being treated in Diyarbakir and Elazig. Six persons who earlier
    reported to various hospitals with the suspicion of having contracted
    anthrax are still being treated in Diyarbakir. Work is continuing in the
    region to inoculate the livestock that are under risk of contracting
    ¢The launch of a new mobile phone provider in Armenia has left the cellular
    network close to collapse as overloaded frequencies fail to cope with the
    increased demand. Viva-Mobile ended the controversial monopoly enjoyed for
    seven years by Greek-owned ArmenTel, but serious technical problems have
    ruined the start-up.
    ¢Georgian police announced the arrest of a 27-year-old Armenian on July 20
    suspected of throwing a live hand grenade towards President George Bush
    during a visit to the former Soviet republic in May. Vladimir Arutyunian was
    captured following a shootout that claimed the life of a senior police
    officer who specialized in counterintelligence. The final stage of
    Arutyunian's capture was broadcast live on Georgia's main television channel
    s. Gibrahayer subscribers in Tbilisi have informed us that he has been
    charged with premeditated murder.
    ¢The Turkish government is trying to obstruct the opening of a section in a
    genocide museum that is due to open in Oslo, Norway, Armenpress reported,
    citing Haraj, an Armenian-language newspaper published in France. more:
    ¢At the RCA $600,000 championships in Indianapolis-USA, Marcos Baghdatis
    lost in the second round against Kenneth Carlsen 5-7, 6-2, 4-6.
    ¢Refugee Football Club Anorthosis of Famagusta defeated Dynamo Minsk 1-0 in
    Cyprus and qualified 2-1 on aggregate in the Champions League. They face
    Turkish titans Trabzon Sport today Tuesday 27 July 2005 at GSP Stadium in
    ¢After the disastrous results of the Armenian teams in Europe, the focus is
    back to the Championship at home, where Champions Pyunik (former HMEM) are
    leading the table with 34 points followed by MIKA with 32.
    ¢RUSSIAN Nikol ay Davydenko and Armenian Sargis Sargsian have been cleared
    of match-fixing allegations for a match played at Gstaad on July 4. Sargsian
    was declared the winner of the match when Davydenko sensationally retired
    while leading 6-1 1-0. Sargsian started the match as a big underdog at odds
    of up to $6.50. Davydenko cited a wrist injury for the retirement. One
    Europe-based bookmaker became suspect when a 4000 euro bet was placed on
    Sargsian just five minutes before the match. It is believed the bookmaker
    traced the IP address of the betting account to the official player hotel in

    Mark your calendar at the beginning of August to see Mars grow progressively
    brighter and brighter throughout the month. At the beginning of August it
    will rise in the east at 10p.m. The Red Planet is about to be spectacular!
    Share this with your children and grandchildren.
    This month and next, Earth is catching up with Mars in an encounter
    that will culminate in the closest approach between the two planets in
    recorded history. The next time Mars may come this close is in 2287. Due to
    the way Jupiter's gravity tugs on Mars and perturbs its orbit, astronomers
    can only be certain that Mars has not come this close to Earth in the last
    5,000 years, but it may be as long as 60,000 years before it happens again.
    The encounter will culminate on August 27th when Mars comes to within
    34,649,589 miles of Earth and will be (next to the moon) the brightest
    object in the night sky. It will attain a magnitude of -2.9 and will appear
    25.11 arc seconds wide. At a modest 75-power magnification.
    Mars will look as large as the full moon to the naked eye. Mars will
    be easy to spot. At the beginning of August it will rise in the east at
    10p.m. and reach its azimuth at about 3 a.m. By the end of August when the
    two planets are closest, Mars will rise at nightfall and reach its highest
    point in the sky at 12:30a.m. That's pretty convenient to see something that
    no human being has seen in recorded history. So, mark your calendar at the
    beginning of August to see Mars grow progressively brighter and brighter
    throughout the month.

    g i b r a h a y c a l e n d a r

    ¢The Yerevan State Youth Theatre is participating in the International
    Festival of Ancient Greek Drama 2005 performing Clouds by Aristophanes on
    Thursday 28 July 2005 at Makarios III Amphitheater, Nicosia and Saturday 30
    July, 2005 at the Ancient Paphos Odeon. Both performances begin at 9:00 pm
    and tickets are CYP 10.00.
    ¢The Hamazkayin Cultural and Educational Association Oshagan Cyprus Chapter
    is organising a Dinner at AYMA on Wednesday 27 July, 2005 at 8:00. You can
    participate only by reservation by calling Louise Aynedjian on 99533684.
    ¢7th Homenetmen Pan Armenian Games-Athens-Greece 24-31st July. 300 Armenian
    athletes from 15 countries competing in Basketball, Volleyball and Swimming.
    200 will da nce and sing in a unique opening and closing ceremony. Welcome
    to the home of the Olympic Games. . Barkev
    Somakian Georgiou is representing Cyprus in swimming.
    ¢STUDENTS CULTURAL FORUM July 21 ` August 3 in Yerevan, Armenia. Interested
    in taking part in a culturally, intellectually, and socially stimulating
    program especially tailored for Armenian university students? If so, come
    and discover the various facets of our rich Armenian culture and heritage
    offered by The HAMAZKAYIN STUDENTS CULTURAL FORUM. For more information and
    application forms please contact Arto Tavitian [email protected]
    Hamazkayin Oshakan Cyprus Chapter is happy to announce that this year there
    are three participants to the Forum from Cyprus.
    ¢AKTI: Coasts Without Frontiers, Age group:18-25. Dates/Duration: August
    20-27. Location: Polis Chrysochous camp site. Contact: Kyriaki Demetriou;
    Tel: 22 45848548454; Email: [email protected] A multicultural environmental
    youth camp will bring together 30 Cypriot yout h between 18 and 25 years
    old, from Greek-Cypriot, Turkish-Cypriot, Maronite and Armenian communities
    of Cyprus. The project will focus on coastal areas of Cyprus, both at the
    north and the south, aiming at the protection and preservation of the Cyprus
    coastal ecosystem by promoting knowledge-based society. The camp will take
    place for a week in August and will feature environmental workshops,
    facilitated discussions, field visits to the coast, clean-up activities and
    a final poster production.
    ¢Three months left until the 72nd Annual AYF Olympics, expected to draw
    thousands of Armenians from all over the world to Washington , DC September
    1-5, 2005. In the three-day get-together a rich cultural programme is
    scheduled as well. Nune Yesayan kicks off the weekend with a barahantes.
    Also featuring Nersik Ispirian, the Michael Gostanian Ensemble, the <
    STRONG>Aravod Ensemble. The All Stars will close the weekend with John
    Berberian on the oud, Onnik Dinkjian's Vocals, Hachig Kazarian on clarinet,
    Roger Krikorian on the dumbeg and vocals, and Ara Dinkjian on Keyboards.
    Rooms are filling up fast, so make sure you book your room online. You can
    even buy your HyePass and purchase your Ad Book ad .
    ¢AYMA/HMEM Chicco Football practices take place every Friday from 7:00 -
    8:30 pm for children starting from the age of 7. Contact Krikor Mahdessian
    on 99650897.
    ¢Armenian Radio Hour on The Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation via real audio
    on . Broadcast 17:00-18:00 local Cyprus time (14:00-15:00
    GMT). Armenian news every Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Tuesday.
    ¢The Armenian Prelature announces that the next permit for the Armenian
    Cemetery visitation at Ayios Dhometios on the Green line, is on Sunday 7
    August, 2005.
    ¢Every Wednesday from 7-8 pm (Cyprus time + 2 GMT) on CyBC's Trito, Puzant
    Nadjarian presents the "History of the Blues". Internet edition on

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    The last five issues are stored at the Archives section of the above link,
    where you can also subscribe to our e-magazine.

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    electronic environment, now in its fifth year, disseminating news & posting
    upcoming events about the Armenian community of Cyprus, Armenia, Artsakh and
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    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress