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Georgia: Tbilisi Says Russian Officers Behind Gori Bombing

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  • Georgia: Tbilisi Says Russian Officers Behind Gori Bombing

    Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, Czech Rep
    July 26 2005

    Georgia: Tbilisi Says Russian Officers Behind Gori Bombing
    By Jean-Christophe Peuch

    A fighter in South Ossetia (file photo)
    Georgian officials on 25 July blamed Russian intelligence operatives
    for a recent series of attacks in the South Caucasus country. Those
    attacks include a fatal car bombing in Gori, the main city of the
    Shida Kartli region, near the separatist region of South Ossetia.
    Russia denies any involvement in the attacks, and has labeled the
    charges a provocation. The accusations are not likely to ease
    Georgia's already troubled relations with Russia.

    Prague, 26 July 2005 (RFE/RL) -- Georgian Interior Minister Vano
    Merabishvili, speaking in Gori on 25 July, announced the arrest last
    week of two suspects in a 1 February blast that claimed the lives of
    three police officers.

    "I would like to express my thanks to the counter-intelligence
    department, which has demonstrated an exceptional professionalism in
    the past six months, identifying and [eventually] arresting the
    people who carried out this terrorist attack," Merabishvili said.
    "The two individuals who parked that notorious car here and then blew
    it up have been arrested and will be brought to justice under
    Georgian laws."

    Merabishvili said six additional suspects are being sought in
    connection with the case. A third man was arrested on 25 July.

    Georgian officials had long suspected South Ossetian separatists were
    responsible for the blast.

    But Georgian analysts have said they believe the blast could be
    linked to infighting among rival Gori-based criminal groups
    controlling smuggling operations to and from South Ossetia. Several
    regional police officials -- including Shida Kartli police chief
    Aleko Sukhitashvili, the alleged target of the bombing -- were
    dismissed on suspicion of corruption in March.

    Merabishvili on 25 July said confessions obtained from the two
    detainees had helped investigators determine the Gori attack had been
    planned by a man he identified as Colonel Anatolii Sysoev of the
    Russian Army's Main Intelligence Directorate, or GRU.

    The interior minister was joined by Givi Targamadze, who heads the
    Georgian Parliament's Defense and Security Committee.

    Targamadze accused Russia of using South Ossetia as a base for
    carrying out a number of sabotage operations against Georgian
    interests -- including attacks last year on the country's electricity
    grid that caused severe power outages.

    "It is very unfortunate that our suspicions regarding Russia's
    possible direct involvement in our internal conflict [with South
    Ossetia] have proved founded," Targamadze said. "[The Russians] are
    directly training groups of saboteurs. We said in the past that we
    had information in regard to this. These groups are quite large,
    numbering -- according to our information -- about 120 people. In
    addition, there are quite a lot of [Russian] agents on Georgian

    The Interior Ministry later released a police video purporting to
    show one of the detainees admitting to playing a role in the Gori

    Investigators have identified the man as Gia Valishvili, an ethnic
    Georgian who said he recently changed his name to Valiev. In the
    video, Valiev described how he and his accomplices organized the
    attack, planting 70 kilograms of TNT in a car left outside the Gori
    police headquarters."It is very unfortunate that our suspicions
    regarding Russia's possible direct involvement in our internal
    conflict [with South Ossetia] have proved founded." Georgian
    parliamentarian Givi Targamadze

    Valiev claimed the mastermind of the attack was a Russian, a man whom
    he identifies simply as Igor. In the video, Valiev said Igor
    suggested the explosives be connected to a detonator hidden in a
    cigarette pack in the car's glove box.

    "The explosives had a special detonator that Igor had prepared,"
    Valiev said. "The mechanism was hidden in a pack of Yava cigarettes.
    Two wires were protruding from the pack and were connected to an
    explosive capsule. On the side of the pack was a switch. After the
    mechanism was activated, it would go off within 15 minutes if neither
    the car nor the pack were moved. If the car or the pack was moved, it
    would go off within two hours."

    Valiev never mentions Anatolii Sysoev by name. But Georgian
    investigators say the GRU operative is the same man Valiev identifies
    as Igor.

    In a fresh police video released on 26 July, Valiev told
    investigators that Igor and other GRU operatives had established a
    headquarters with Russian peacekeepers in the South Ossetian capital
    of Tskhinvali.

    `In the second half of 2004, around 15 August, the GRU took us to the
    Daryal Gorge in [neighboring] North Ossetia," Valiev said. "We were
    trained at the 58th [Russian] army base. Our instructors were
    Russian. They taught us how to fire various weapons, assault rifles
    in particular, how to lay mines and use various pieces of heavy
    equipment. There were some 90 of us from [South] Ossetia at the

    Georgian officials have been careful not to implicate the Russian
    government in the attack. But the allegations have still sparked
    anger in Moscow.

    Yevgenii Ivanov, a spokesman for the Russian Embassy in Tbilisi,
    rejected suggestions his country could be behind the Gori attack.

    "We categorically deny any possible involvement of Russian officials,
    or [government] institutions, in any illegal action committed on
    Georgian territory," Ivanov said.

    In comments made to Russia's state-controlled Channel One television,
    Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Vyacheslav Sedov also rejected
    Merabishvili's accusations.

    Sedov said Moscow is "accustomed to seeing the Georgians make
    mountains out of molehills." In this case, he added, there wasn't
    even a molehill to begin with.

    In a statement, the Russian Foreign Ministry said Tbilisi's claims
    "would neither help normalize the situation in South Ossetia, nor
    contribute to the further development of Russian-Georgian ties."

    Relations between Georgia and Russia have long been tense, despite
    the mild rapprochement that followed Georgian President Mikheil
    Saakashvili's election in 2004.

    Tbilisi accuses Russia of supporting separatist regimes in South
    Ossetia and Abkhazia, while Moscow blames Georgia for allegedly
    allowing Chechen militants onto its territory.

    Addressing an emergency security meeting in Tbilisi, Saakashvili on
    25 July praised investigators for arresting suspects in connection
    with the Gori bombing. But he said claims that Russian individuals
    are involved in the attack should not harm ties with Moscow.

    "I would like to stress that although there are clear indications
    that foreign citizens were involved in these operations -- and we
    have ample documented evidence of that -- I want everyone to know
    that we all have that information, but that we don't want to use it
    for confrontation," Saakashvili said. "We don't want cooperation with
    Russia [in the anti-terrorism fight] to turn into confrontation. We
    want full cooperation with the Russian Federation, with its
    appropriate services and their heads, as well as with [its]
    government on issues related to the fight against terrorism."

    Meanwhile, Russian media on 26 July said Georgia's accusations are
    likely to prompt increased tensions between Moscow and Tbilisi.

    In a commentary, Russia's state-controlled Radio Mayak said the
    claims are "absurd" and that there are no possible motives for Moscow
    to be involved.

    Other Russian media note that Targamadze and other Georgian officials
    have also suggested Moscow might be behind a recent failed grenade
    attack on U.S. President George W. Bush during a visit to Tbilisi in

    An ethnic Armenian resident of Tbilisi, identified as 27-year-old
    Vladimir Arutyunian, was arrested last week on suspicion of throwing
    a Russian-made device at Bush and Saakashvili while the two
    presidents were addressing a large crowd on Tbilisi's Freedom Square.
    The grenade reportedly failed to go off due to a malfunction.

    Although Arutyunian has suggested in a police video that he acted
    alone, Georgian investigators on 25 July said they were looking for
    possible accomplices.