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Woman's reward for accidental killing stirs controversy in Russia

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  • Woman's reward for accidental killing stirs controversy in Russia

    Woman's reward for accidental killing stirs controversy in Russia

    Ekho Moskvy radio, Moscow
    27 Jul 05

    [Presenter] The story of Russian woman Aleksandra Ivannikova, who as
    you all know killed a taxi driver trying to rape her about two years
    ago, took a sensational twist today. The Izvestiya newspaper has
    learnt that she received a reward of R50,000 [next to 1,750 dollars at
    the current exchange rate] for the killing. The money was awarded to
    Ivannikova by an organization called the Movement Against Illegal
    Immigration, which has the [Russian] acronym PNI. This is how the
    movement celebrated its third anniversary. [Passage omitted:
    previously reported details of case]

    I add that during the hearing the court fully upheld the civil suit
    brought by the victim, the father of the killed [taxi driver Sergey]
    Bagdasaryan. The court ordered the defendant [Ivannikova] to pay him
    R200,000 as compensation for material and moral damages.

    The Movement Against Illegal Immigration, which decided to give
    Ivannikova the award for killing Bagdasaryan, believes that she rid
    Russia of a rapist and therefore should be rewarded, not accused. This
    should be done by the state, but as it has not done so, the movement
    is rewarding Ivannikova for killing Bagdasaryan, an Armenian, the
    movement's PR coordinator, Aleksandr Belov, told our radio station in
    an interview.

    [Belov] As there aren't any official awards, we thought that since
    Ivannikova is from a not-very-well-off family and has a young child -
    he is five months old - we should present her this award. And we gave
    her the money that we had collected. She acted in self defence and as
    a result of her action she rid Moscow of a rapist. Unfortunately,
    particularly at the moment, over 50 per cent of the most serious
    crimes are committed by immigrants from CIS countries and the far
    abroad. These crimes are particularly linked to violence and we are
    drawing attention to this fact.

    [Presenter] Belov said that Ivannikova received the award [start of
    quote] for all the suffering she has had to put up with from the
    law-enforcement system over the last two years, end of quote.

    Ivannikova's husband, Oleg, confirmed that he and his wife had
    received the money. The prize was a noble gesture which would have
    been hard to turn down, Oleg Ivannikov said.

    [Ivannikov] It wasn't R50,00. Let's say it was a certain sum. As far I
    unde rstand, people just collected some money, regardless of whether
    we wanted it, and gave it to Aleksandra. It wasn't to pay off the
    compensation or anything, it was just a kind gesture. It was awarded
    for a brave act. I doubt whether it the organization has nationalist
    roots. It is just spin from the media, not them. [Passage omitted:
    Ivannikov says members of pro-Kremlin groups are in the movement,
    presenter says they have denied this]

    [Presenter] The award of the prize to Ivannikova is clearly a case of
    inciting racial hatred, Seda Vermisheva, a member of the Russian Union
    of Armenians, believes.

    [Vermisheva] There were infringements from the very beginning of the
    criminal case. A man has died but nobody knows what he did or didn't
    do. [Passage omitted] He can't say anything in his defence. There are
    no witnesses.

    If she is given an award for this, the next criminal case should be
    against this organization for inciting racial hatred. They themselves
    will come under a criminal article.

    It is amoral for her to accept money as a reward for killing a
    person. At all times she should think about the fact that she killed a

    [Presenter] I remind you that Ivannikova has refused to comment.

    The presentation of this award is not the only action by the
    organization against illegal immigration in the Ivannikova case. The
    movement threatened the parents of Bagdasaryan, who Ivannikova killed
    in self defence, Svetlana Gannushkina, the head of the Civil
    Assistance organization, told our radio station.

    [Gannushkina] Ivannikova killed this person accidentally and that is
    evidently why she was acquitted [as received]. So it is pointless to
    reward her for what the Movement Against Illegal Immigration wants
    from us. She didn't intend to do what happened.

    The dead man's father phoned me and said that the family is being
    threatened by none other than this Movement Against Illegal
    Immigration. I think that they represent more of a threat to Moscow
    than the criminal diasporas that they talk about.

    [Presenter] The speaker of the Moscow city duma, Vladimir Platonov,
    effectively agrees with Gannushkina. He believes that the
    law-enforcement agencies need to pay particular attention to movements
    like the Movement Against Illegal Immigration.

    [Platonov] If an organization appears that in this way stimulates self
    defence and helps the victims of violence, then this can probably be
    welcomed. But if an organization uses this to fight ethnic groups, it
    is sad and, in my view, unacceptable.

    There are violent people from all ethnic groups. When passing and
    implementing laws the authorities have to show that all possible
    efforts are being made to fight crime by all ethnic groups in order to
    prevent the emergence of organizations that have goals which are
    dangerous for a multi-ethnic state.

    [Presenter] Immigration is beneficial for any state, Platonov
    said. Workers coming from abroad are a boon for any country.