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BAKU: Official Says US Under Secretary Visit Not Just About Polls

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  • BAKU: Official Says US Under Secretary Visit Not Just About Polls

    Azeri official says US under secretary's visit was not just about polls

    Azad Azarbaycan TV, Baku
    28 Jul 05

    [Presenter] The head of the foreign relations department of the
    Azerbaijani presidential administration, Novruz Mammadov, has said the
    US Under Secretary of State Paula Dobriansky's visit to Baku was not
    just about the [November parliamentary] election. Issues of
    cooperation in several areas between the two countries were also
    discussed at a meeting with her. He noted that similar topics will be
    discussed during Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov's visit to the

    [Novruz Mammadov, captioned, shown speaking to ATV] All the press said
    that Dobriansky was visiting only because of the election. But in
    reality, Dobriansky and the president discussed the whole spectrum of
    bilateral relations, especially the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict over
    Nagornyy Karabakh, as well as Azerbaijan's integration into
    Euroatlantic organizations and democratic reforms. In other words,
    they discussed other issues too.

    It is natural, because a high-level delegation usually seeks to
    develop all areas of relations, not just aiming for a single goal. The
    visit of the Azerbaijani foreign minister to the USA will have similar
    agenda. I repeat that the whole spectrum of bilateral relations will
    be discussed during his visit to the USA.