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Iran: Tehran Struggles To Push Ahead With India Pipeline

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  • Iran: Tehran Struggles To Push Ahead With India Pipeline

    RadioFreeEurope/RadioLiberty, Czech Republic
    July 30 2005

    Iran: Tehran Struggles To Push Ahead With India Pipeline
    By Bill Samii

    Officials in Iran are eager to get under way with a proposed gas
    pipeline to Pakistan and India that has been the subject of talks for
    more than a decade. Initial discussions among the participating
    countries concerning a 2,600-kilometer, overland natural-gas pipeline
    from Iran through Pakistan to India began in the early 1990s.

    Iran sits on the world's second-largest natural-gas reserves -- an
    estimated 26.6 trillion cubic meters, according to the U.S. Energy
    Information Administration.

    Work on the project has yet to commence, however, and mid-July
    statements from Indian officials cast doubt on the deal, particularly
    in light of Washington's recent agreement to cooperate with the
    Indian nuclear program.

    New Delhi Expresses Doubts

    India is a huge and growing natural-gas market, with consumption
    nearly 25 billion cubic meters in 2002 and projected to reach 34
    billion cubic meters in 2010 and 45.3 billion cubic meters in 2015.
    With its increasing energy requirements, India has entered
    discussions about pipeline construction with Bangladesh, Iran,
    Myanmar (Burma), and Qatar. Recent meetings among officials from
    India, Iran, and Pakistan suggested that the pipeline project
    connecting the three countries would get under way in the near future
    despite pricing disagreements (see "RFE/RL Iran Report," 7 March and
    23 March 2005).

    Indian officials recently stressed their eagerness to go ahead with
    the Iranian pipeline project. Indian Petroleum Minister Mani Shankar
    Aiyar said in Lahore on 4 June that India would not give in to U.S.
    pressure to abandon the project because of concerns that Iran might
    use the revenues to develop nuclear or other banned weapons, Press
    Trust of India (PTI) reported. The next day, Aiyar was in Pakistan
    for talks with his counterpart, Amanullah Khan Jadoon.

    The two sides created a Joint Working Group to accelerate work on the
    pipeline. Diplomats in the Indian capital noted that Iran is absent
    from the Joint Working Group, the Hindi "Navbharat Times" reported on
    8 June, and they suggested that this was a conscious decision in
    order to allay U.S. concerns.

    In mid-June, India agreed to purchase $22 billion worth of natural
    gas from Iran. Starting in 2009-10, an Indian consortium will
    purchase 5 million tons of liquefied natural gas (LNG) annually over
    a 25-year period. This was less than the initial agreement, reached
    in January, for the purchase of 7.5 million tons.The pipeline project
    directly involves Iran, Pakistan, and India, and it has the potential
    to improve troubled Islamabad-New Delhi relations. Washington would
    welcome such a development, but it is reluctant to see the project go

    The next month, Pakistani officials were in New Delhi to discuss the
    pipeline. Indian Petroleum Minister Aiyar told reporters that the
    discussions would address commercial, financial, legal, and technical
    issues. According to AFP on 12 July, when asked about Washington's
    opposition to the project, Pakistani Oil Secretary Ahmad Waqar said,
    "Our president and prime minister have stated on a number of
    occasions that we will proceed with this project based on our
    national interests."

    Given these developments, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's
    announcement on 21 July in Washington that he was unsure whether the
    pipeline would get funding might have come as an unpleasant surprise
    to observers in Tehran and Islamabad.

    "I am realistic enough to realize that there are many risks, because
    considering all the uncertainties of the situation there in Iran, I
    don't know if any international consortium of bankers would
    underwrite this," Singh said, according to the PTI news agency.

    Islamabad Is Eager

    Talks between Pakistan and Iran in early July also suggested that all
    was well.

    Iranian Petroleum Minister Bijan Namdar-Zanganeh visited Islamabad
    and met with Pakistani Petroleum Minister Jadoon in the first week of
    July. The two sides signed a memorandum of understanding that called
    for continued discussions, and Namdar-Zanganeh said he hoped a final
    agreement would be signed by April. He noted that after 10 years of
    talks, this was the first "written document." Namdar-Zanganeh also
    met with Prime Minister Pervez Musharraf and Prime Minister Shaukat
    Aziz, according to media reports.

    Jadoon emphasized that his country would need natural gas for
    consumer and industrial consumption by 2010. The country's demand for
    natural gas is expected to rise approximately 50 percent by 2006,
    according to the EIA. Moreover, gas is expected to become the "fuel
    of choice" for electricity-generation projects in the future.

    In light of such requirements, and possibly because of the
    approximately $600 million in transit fees Pakistan stands to earn,
    Islamabad tried to allay concerns prompted by Singh's late-July
    comments. Pakistani Foreign Ministry spokesman Muhammad Naim Khan
    announced on 25 July that even if India gave in to U.S. pressure,
    Islamabad would build a natural-gas pipeline from Iran, AFP reported.
    "We would welcome Indian association with this project but if it is
    not feasible with India, we are going to go ahead with the project in
    any case," Khan said in the Pakistani capital. He said Pakistan
    needed the gas.

    Pakistani Petroleum Minister Jadoon said in Islamabad on 23 July that
    his country could handle all the pipeline security requirements, IRNA
    reported. "We, like India, are in need of gas and we know how to take
    care of the interstate projects and we are committed to its
    security," he said.

    "Business Recorder," a Pakistani financial daily, reported on 28 July
    that Islamabad had begun a search for investment banks that could
    serve as "financial adviser/consultant" for the pipeline. Pakistan
    wants to hasten completion of the paperwork for the project, and it
    is aiming for a December 2005 deadline. Despite recent cautionary
    statements from Indian officials, the Pakistanis believe India's
    energy requirements will force the issue. Pakistan is also willing to
    pursue the issue bilaterally.

    The Nuclear Alternative

    The pipeline project directly involves Iran, Pakistan, and India, and
    it has the potential to improve troubled Islamabad-New Delhi
    relations. Washington would welcome such a development, but it is
    reluctant to see the project go ahead. U.S. State Department official
    Stephen Rademaker warned that Iran could fund terrorism and weapons
    of mass destruction with the money it made from natural-gas sales,
    the international edition of "The Wall Street Journal" reported on 24
    June. U.S. officials have warned the Indians and Pakistanis that
    their companies could be sanctioned if they go ahead with the

    If India forsakes natural gas from Iran, then it might have to turn
    to nuclear power as an alternative. U.S. President George W. Bush
    announced on 18 July that India is "a responsible state" that "should
    acquire the same benefits and advantages as other such states," reported. Bush went on to say that he would encourage Congress
    to make the legal adjustments necessary for such cooperation with the
    Indian nuclear program to take place. In exchange for such
    cooperation, India agreed to allow international agencies to oversee
    its nuclear program.

    Potential Blow To Iran

    The collapse of the Indian natural-gas deal would be a sharp blow to
    Iran. Such a development could have an impact in three areas. One
    possibility is that Iran could try to salvage the deal by offering
    India a lower price for its gas. Pricing disagreements were one of
    the main sticking points in March.

    Another possibility is that Iran's efforts to diversify beyond oil
    might collapse. That being said, Armenia and Turkey are already
    customers for Iranian gas; Tehran has signed agreements with Oman and
    Kuwait; and it has signed gas-related memorandums -- or at least
    discussed the topic -- with Austria, Bulgaria, China, Greece, Italy,
    South Korea, and Taiwan.

    The third possibility, probably much more remote, is that Iran would
    renounce activities that concern the international community,
    including support for terrorism, interference in neighboring states'
    affairs, and the pursuit of weapons of mass destruction.

    Failing that, Iran would find it very difficult to compete with the
    United States in terms of bargaining power. If the Indian model --
    even without nuclear concessions -- were applied successfully in more
    cases where Iran was trying to do business with other countries, then
    Iran would find itself increasingly isolated.