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Interview With Mark Geragos on CNN Larry King Live

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  • Interview With Mark Geragos on CNN Larry King Live

    Interview With Mark Geragos

    Aired June 6, 2005 - 21:00 ET


    LARRY KING, HOST: Tonight, exclusive. Scott Peterson's defense attorney,
    Mark Geragos, finally breaks his long silence. It's his first live,
    in-depth interview since Peterson was sent to death row, and since he
    testified for his former client, Michael Jackson. Mark Geragos for the
    hour with your phone calls exclusive, next on LARRY KING LIVE.

    Continuing our 20th anniversary extravaganza of great guests, Mark
    Geragos joins us tonight. This is not the LARRY KING LIVE setting. We
    are in Costa Mesa, California. Why are we here?

    MARK GERAGOS, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Because I'm in trial here, and I said if
    you want me to interview -- and I wanted to be on your 20th anniversary
    week -- so we agreed to come down here to the Marriott.

    KING: Because you couldn't have made it up the 405.

    GERAGOS: We were just discussing it. To try and get from here to there
    by 6:00 o'clock, we never would have made it.

    KING: Is this a murder trial here?

    GERAGOS: No, this is a fraud case, a 57-count fraud case. We've been
    down here for three months; we're going to be down there a couple more

    KING: Talk some about Jackson later, but let's -- first things first.
    How did you take -- how did you get the Peterson case?

    GERAGOS: I originally got a call from Lee Peterson. And Lee wanted to
    talk. Came up to the office. Talked to Lee and Jackie, and after talking
    for a while, it kind of evolved, I suppose. And talking to Jackie,
    you've spoken to her before, she's an amazing woman. And I agreed after
    talking with them, and my first instincts were, look, I'm probably not
    the right guy for you, but after talking to her for a while, decided
    that I'd go up and I'd talk to Scott.

    KING: True, they had seen you on this show?

    GERAGOS: Probably had seen me on this show or some others, yeah.

    KING: What were your impressions upon meeting Scott?

    GERAGOS: I was very favorably impressed upon meeting Scott. I thought he
    was a highly intelligent guy. I thought he was a -- you know, somebody
    who I thought had a lot more emotion than the way he had been portrayed.
    I mean, that was my first -- I think, I, like everybody else, when you
    saw him and you see kind of that B-roll of him, and that there's always
    this idea that he's arrogant or that he's cocky or this or that. In
    knowing him, I didn't see any of that.

    KING: What is your rule? Do you have to believe in your client, or do
    you -- or is your role to see he gets a fair trial?

    GERAGOS: My role, as a criminal defense lawyer, as all criminal defense
    lawyers, is to see that a client gets a fair trial. And tat's -- and
    what goes into that is that you must test the government's case or the
    people's case or whatever it is, at every possible turn. And I suppose
    sometimes it's an added bonus and sometimes it's a detriment, depending
    on whether or not you believe in the client's innocence.

    I mean, a lot of lawyers have said, and I think Edward Bennett Williams,
    who is somebody that you knew well...

    KING: Very well.

    GERAGOS: ... is quoted as saying a lot of times, God save me from the
    innocent client. Because there is no greater pressure for a defense
    lawyer than somebody that you truly believe is innocent who you're

    KING: Was that the case here?

    GERAGOS: Well, it became the case here.

    KING: You began to truly believe?

    GERAGOS: Right. I, like a lot of the pundits I think and a lot of the
    public, had initially thought that, you know, it looked bad and it was
    not a case. And I had made statements, I think even on your show.

    KING: Here's what you said on this show.

    GERAGOS: I figured you would have that.

    KING: On January 24th, you said: "At the end of the day, they may find
    some evidence this guy might be a sociopath that everybody is painting
    him out to be." On the day of his arrest, on this program, you said:
    "The most damning piece of circumstantial evidence, the marina receipt,
    comes out of his own mouth and his own hands. This is just a devastating
    thing. A damning circumstantial case. The man is a sociopath if he did
    this crime. This is a guy who has from day one not helped himself in any
    way." So you had a radical change?

    GERAGOS: Well, you know, I don't know that it was so much a radical
    change. I still think that the -- at the end of the day, you go through
    that case, we spent, I don't know, maybe a year and a half on that case.
    And in trial, when you are there for nine or 10 months, the same -- and
    you hear some of the jurors talk when it came down to it at the end of
    the day -- all they said was, if the bodies had not floated up where
    they did, some of them said, we could not have convicted. At the end of
    the day, that was the most devastating piece of evidence.

    There isn't -- I think if you go through everything else that was
    produced in that trial, there was either an answer for it or an
    explanation for it, or it was not what it appeared to be. That was the
    only thing. That was the only thing that I think ultimately was the
    ultimate piece of circumstantial evidence.

    KING: Was there a con to taking it? We know the pros of taking it.

    GERAGOS: Oh, well, I also told you this. I don't know if you've got it
    in your quotes, but I also said at the time, there would be a mutiny in
    my office, which there was to some degree. Most people said, why take
    it? Because what happens in high-profile cases, every time I have taken
    one of these cases where it becomes a media frenzy, is generally, your
    clients think you don't have time for -- your other clients think you
    don't have time for them. A criminal lawyer exists on a kind of a
    30/60/90. You've got cases that come in; you either dispose of them or
    you try them, on a fairly quick basis. It's not like a civil case that
    may take years to get to trial.

    So clients tend to not want to be with you, because they figure you're
    concentrating all of your time on the other case. No matter how much
    somebody pays you, it can't make up for the amount of time, effort, and
    anxiety that goes with it.

    KING: Did you lose money on this?

    GERAGOS: Well, yeah. I mean, ultimately at the end of the day, it's not
    a money-maker, no, in any sense of the word. I mean, at a certain point,
    whether you're fighting for funds between the various counties, which we
    were, San Mateo didn't want to pay for experts. And Stanislaus didn't
    want to pay. We had to go back and forth. I had go to the administrative
    office of the courts and -- I don't want to get into the particulars of
    that, but that was a problem. A lot of my fees, I ended putting back in
    to pay for experts, and still trying to clean up those things as well.

    So at the end of the day, there -- it's infinitely easier to just not
    take a case like this, to have stayed on TV, I suppose, or become a

    KING: You would have been on this show forever.

    GERAGOS: Oh, I could have done -- I could have done 90 shows. Every
    night, doing that, you could have, as you know, lawyers are paid, if
    they want, to be consultants. Could have made more money.

    KING: You never got paid from CNN.

    GERAGOS: No, because CNN said the only way they would pay is if you
    don't do anything else.

    KING: Oh, and you did other things?

    GERAGOS: I did. KING: But we were your primary.

    GERAGOS: Yes, that's why I'm here on your 20th anniversary.

    KING: If you look back, what went -- is there anything where you say,
    should have, would have, could have? You're a (INAUDIBLE).

    GERAGOS: Always. I mean, always. Look, there isn't a single case, and as
    you know, when you have any kind of adversity, you always look back and
    try to figure out what it was that may have gone wrong. I think one of
    the things that if I had to do it over again, is I was against having
    cameras in the courtroom. I thought, given -- I mean, this was a case
    where everybody, it seemed, coming into it, had a presumption of his
    guilt. I mean, we used it laugh. We'd go through 1,600 jurors, and you
    would -- even the guy who was completely illiterate, on the 23-page
    form, he could find the one spot that said, "Scott Peterson guty,"
    g-u-t-y. You had even the Buddhists, who were against taking a life,
    said they would make an exception for Scott Peterson. So I mean, there
    was a presumption of guilt in this case.

    KING: Should have had cameras?

    GERAGOS: It was overwhelming. I think we should have had cameras. And
    the reason was, I thought at the time that maybe we could damp down the
    interests, but it had the opposite effect. It kind of increased it. And
    people were -- you know, it was kind of a -- it would be a public
    lottery every morning, which was mind- boggling. People would travel
    from all over the country. And then as you walk into the courtroom, down
    the hallway, there would be people lined up on both sides, begging you,
    give me a defense pass, give me a prosecution pass, wanting to get in.

    It created more of a circus-like atmosphere. I think that would have
    been relieved as a safety valve.

    KING: Would you have changed your opening statement?

    GERAGOS: No. Not for...

    KING: Stone-cold innocent?

    GERAGOS: Not for a minute. Because I don't think that for a second that
    had anything to do with the jurors' decision. I don't think that the
    opening statement -- a lot of the things that had been attributed to
    being in the opening statement were not in the opening statement. So
    that's part of the reason that I think, if there had been cameras in the
    courtroom, that would have been something that would have been...

    KING: So you're saying the reason you lost that case was where the body
    came up?

    GERAGOS: I think that that was the -- and it's not just my opinion on
    that; the jurors have said that. Because if you listen to what the
    jurors say, they really can't articulate when this happened or how this
    happened. And the prosecution couldn't. I mean, the prosecution got up
    in the closing argument and just also for the first time, speculated as
    to what transpired, and that was belied by what the evidence was. I
    mean, we tried this case on the basis of a prosecution theory that Laci
    had died the night before on the 23rd or in the wee morning hours.
    Midway through this case, on cross- examination of the computer expert,
    all a sudden, lo and behold, what do we find, the computer expert says
    at 8:45, somebody is on that computer, looking at umbrella stands with
    sunflowers on them. Laci has got a sunflower tattooed on her. Somebody's
    looking at the weather, somebody is going to these various locations for
    other kinds of scarves and things like that, which clearly wasn't Scott,
    and if it had been Scott at 8:45, why didn't he tell somebody so that he
    had that as an alibi?

    KING: When we come back, we'll ask Mark, what is it like to be the
    lawyer for a man condemned to death? How do you react emotionally? We'll
    be right back.


    KING: We're back on LARRY KING LIVE with Mark Geragos. What is it like
    emotionally? You believe in your client?

    GERAGOS: I believe in all my clients. I mean, I go to trial. And it's --
    there's no...

    KING: You think Scott Peterson didn't do this, right?

    GERAGOS: I went in there, and I took that case, and I became convinced.
    And it is -- and I told the jury during the penalty phase. I talked from
    the heart to the jury. And said, look, there's no harder thing for me to
    do than have to sit here and beg you to spare his life, when I believe
    this, and that I felt, you know, as a -- as a lawyer, you cannot feel
    any lower than in a death penalty case to have somebody that you truly
    believe is innocent, to be convicted and then be sentenced to death. I
    mean, there is bar none, at least for me professionally, nothing worse
    than you can experience than that.

    KING: You ever lost one before?

    GERAGOS: I've never -- I've never lost a death penalty case. In fact, I
    have probably handled 50-some-odd murder case. I've never had a client
    convicted of first-degree murder before. Closest I have ever come before
    was about 10 years ago, I had a client where a jury came back on a
    first-degree, but I'd convinced the judge to throw it out, and we tried
    it twice more after that, and then came back with the second. I've never
    had a client convicted of anything higher than a second.

    KING: So what was it like for your gut when they announced the verdict?

    GERAGOS: Well, the biggest problem, and one of the things that I regret,
    is that I wasn't there. I had...

    KING: Ah-huh! GERAGOS: Yeah, I had asked the judge the week before,
    because I had another case in L.A., and I said, the following Friday,
    that judge wanted me down -- the L.A. judge -- wanted me down there to
    do a case. And Thursday before the verdict came out was a holiday, a
    court holiday. So the jury was not going to deliberate. I was up there
    on Wednesday. And on Wednesday, we had one of the brouhahas with the
    jurors, and we replaced it and put in a new juror. And we did that in
    the afternoon.

    So I talked to the judge, and he said, go down there, there's not going
    to be a verdict. And Judge Delucchi and I agreed, there's no way that
    just putting somebody in, the jury getting the instructions, you have
    got to start anew, not deliberating on Thursday. And then Friday, what
    most people don't know, is that he had already told one of the --
    promised one of the other jurors that they were going to get off, and it
    was only going to be a half-day. Plus, in addition to that, the jury had
    asked that a priest be sent in, because they were sequestered. So all
    indication were they were going to deliberate through until the
    following week.

    I went down there. Then out of nowhere, we get the verdict.

    KING: You were shocked?

    GERAGOS: Yeah, we were as shocked as you can believe. But one of the
    things that the judge had indicated, I said, look, I can try and get a
    private jet up there or scramble some way to get up there. And he had
    indicated, look, the sheriff does not want to hold on to this, because
    as you probably saw, the courthouse had become encircled with people.
    They were afraid from the public safety standpoint there was going to be
    a problem, and I wasn't going to create a public safety problem by
    saying, hey, hold it for me, I got to get up there.

    KING: How did you hear the verdict?

    GERAGOS: Turned on -- I think CNN. And did it in the office. Pat Harris,
    who tried the case with me, was there. One of the other lawyers from the
    office was there as well.

    KING: What was your feeling?

    GERAGOS: I mean, it was a kick in the gut. I mean, I did not expect it.

    KING: You thought he would get not guilty?

    GERAGOS: I -- well, I thought it would hang. All indications were that
    this case was going to hang going into it. I think prior to all of the
    problems inside of that jury room, this case would have hung.

    The -- one of the -- and I, you know, we have attempted to interview the
    jurors, but did not, but when you read what the jurors have said
    afterwards -- one juror in particular says that if the foreman, the
    first foreman had not been removed, there never would have been a
    verdict in the case. That was my read on it, based upon the kinds of
    questions they were asking and the exhibits that they were asking for.

    KING: You think they're going to write books or try to?

    GERAGOS: Well, apparently -- see, and I only know what I read in this
    particular instance and what I've heard. Apparently, collectively as a
    group, they've been shopping a book with ironically one of the pundits
    who was up there second-guessing me most of the time outside of the
    courthouse. So he's been trying to sell it. I don't know if it's sold.

    KING: You know who it is, or...?

    GERAGOS: I don't know who they -- no, they were -- collected and gathered...

    KING: Who's the pundit?

    GERAGOS: Oh, the pundit was one of the local yokels who was up there,
    who was commenting.

    KING: Have you -- have you talked to Scott?

    GERAGOS: Yeah, oh, frequently. We talked to Scott frequently. Pat sees
    him and has visited him in San Quentin...

    KING: How is he living with it?

    GERAGOS: I mean, he has been throughout all of this, I think, enormously
    resilient. And -- and one of the things, you know, without breaching
    confidentiality, because he's said it to others and not just to me, but
    he has said, look, after my family was killed, the fact that they're
    blaming me for it, it pales in comparison with losing Laci and Connor.
    So, as I'd indicated before, either the guy's the greatest sociopath of
    all time, or he's innocent.

    KING: And he's handling death row OK?

    GERAGOS: Well, you know, as well as anybody...

    KING: Some people emotionally could?

    GERAGOS: You know, I don't know that anybody handles death row, and I
    don't know how anybody gets through that. I don't know how anybody, when
    they've suffered a loss and if they are innocent and if they are on
    death row -- and you know, we've had somewhere in the neighborhood of
    about 100 some-odd convictions that have been overturned in people who
    were on death row, exonerated. I don't know how any of them handle it. I
    have read things that they have written. I've listened to people who
    have been exonerated later on talk, and nobody ever says, boy, that was
    a great experience, I'd do it again if I could.

    KING: We'll be right back with Mark Geragos on this edition of LARRY
    KING LIVE. Don't go away. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)

    UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The state of California versus Scott Peterson. We
    the jury in the above-entitled cause find the defendant, Scott Lee
    Peterson, guilty of the crime of murder of Laci Denise Peterson, in
    violation of Penal Code Section 187A.



    KING: We're back with Mark Geragos. Why didn't you call Dr. Henry Lee, a
    renowned expert, defense witness?

    GERAGOS: Henry there was. We talked for -- all night, practically. And
    finally made the decision not to. I think at that point, we figured that
    what he was going to bring was not anymore than we'd already proven.
    Made a decision. I don't think it would have mattered if we had called
    him or if we hadn't called him, ultimately. I mean, the feeling was at
    that point, jointly, that it wouldn't have made any difference, that the
    case had not been proven, and that we felt that we could stand on where
    we were at that point.

    KING: Even though his reputation proceeds him?

    GERAGOS: Well, Henry, look, Henry is one of the greatest, and Henry's
    got a fantastic ability to be able to communicate and to communicate in
    simple form, things that are generally more complex and make it

    But at that point, we had jurors that were tired and had been there for
    a long time, and we didn't know that putting on for another three or
    four days at that point stuff that would have -- that I thought we had
    gotten out all throughout the cross-examination. I mean, during the
    cross-examination, I thought we had used their experts to prove that
    there was no forensic evidence. And if there was no forensic evidence,
    that you would expect that there would be in this case, and since there
    wasn't, that you couldn't make that leap to say, well, I'll just
    speculate as to what happened. I'll just fantasize as to what happened.

    KING: Are you handling the appeal?

    GERAGOS: Well, right now, we've interviewed a number of appellate lawyers.

    KING: That's a specialty, right?

    GERAGOS: It is a specialty. And especially, because it's a death penalty
    case, I always want to leave open the option for whoever the appellate
    lawyer is if they want to take a shot at me for ineffective assistance
    of counsel, I'd be more than happy.

    KING: You would go with that?

    GERAGOS: Absolutely. KING: If they argued ineffectively assistance, you
    would have said...?

    GERAGOS: Absolutely. I don't have -- I don't have ego when it comes to
    that. I mean, one of the things -- if I was worried about that, I never
    would have taken this case in the first place. I mean, there are lawyers
    who are more worried about their reputation than the case. And this
    case, when this case came in, I was counseled by virtually everyone not
    to take the case. Maybe with the exception of you. And one of the
    reasons was that you had somebody who was literally one of the most
    reviled guys in the country. I mean, he was hated, overwhelmingly. And
    that tends to -- people tend to associate the client with the lawyer.
    And virtually everybody said, why did you do it?

    KING: Why do they do it? They don't associate the doctor with the patient.

    GERAGOS: No, and you have that often, that's kind of the fall- back
    position as well. You don't tell the doctor in the operating room, look,
    you are not going to operate on that guy because he's a bad guy or this
    or that, but that tends to be the case with a lawyer.

    You know, there has been kind of a transformation in the last 25 years,
    at least since I started practicing law, as to what a criminal defense
    lawyer is, and how they're portrayed. When I first started, I mean, I
    followed my father around who was a county prosecutor. And then he left
    the office and became a defense lawyer. And to my mind, that was the
    most glorious thing in the world, to be a criminal defense lawyer. And I
    grew up reading "To Kill a Mockingbird" and to watch the movie, and
    identifying with Atticus Finch, and watching "Parry Mason," the TV
    series, and thinking that was the greatest thing in the world.

    That's kind of morphed at this point, for a variety of reasons, into
    this caricature of what a defense lawyer is. It's Bobby Donnell on "The
    Practice," it's the James Spader character on "Boston Legal," where it's
    people who are shaving the corners and rounding edges, as opposed to
    what I have always thought being a criminal defense lawyer is, which is
    being the last kind of bulwark against an attack on the Constitution.

    KING: What about the whole system of pundits, lawyers on television?
    Conviction before the case is over? Innocence before the case...

    GERAGOS: Well, what's happened is, you've taken what started off as the
    ESPN model as I call it. You've got the ex-jocks, and now you've got
    either the lawyers who are not practicing or whatever, and they get up
    there. And that model has morphed into what I call the FOX-ification of
    the legal system. And what has happened is, you notice that, as cable TV
    started to expand, one of the first stories that came out was the
    impeachment story, and that kind of drove ratings, and that really drove
    ratings and the various competitions amongst the channels. And so you
    had the prosecutors versus the defense during impeachment, and that was
    also a Republican versus Democrat, and that kind of morphed into now
    this idea of prosecutors being the right or the good guys, and defense
    lawyers being the bad guys. And that's kind of where you have it now,
    and that's what's happened. And it's really a shame.

    KING: Is it bad?

    GERAGOS: Yes.

    KING: To go into television, forecasting a case or having an opinion on
    a case without having heard every minute of the trial?

    GERAGOS: Well, no, I don't think that's bad. What I think is bad is when
    you go out and you deliberately either don't know anything about the
    case, or you have abandoned the presumption of innocence, or you mislead
    the public. When you mislead the public about what actually occurs in
    the courtroom or what happened in the courtroom, or what the standard of
    proof is or what a defense lawyer's supposed to do, and you start
    talking about oh, defense lawyer's job is to lie -- the defense lawyer's
    job is not to lie. Or you talk about the prosecution during this, that,
    or the other thing, and that somehow that's more noble -- it isn't.
    There is a role. It's an adversary system, it's the system -- the best
    system in the world. And historically, the best system that's ever been

    KING: Right back with more of Mark Geragos. We'll include some of your
    phone calls too. We're in Costa Mesa, where he's in trial. Don't go away.


    SHARON ROCHA, MOTHER: Soon after Laci went missing, I made a promise to
    her, that if she's been harmed, we will seek justice for her and Connor
    and make sure that that person, responsible for their deaths, will be
    punished. I can only hope that the sound of Laci's voice begging for her
    life and begging for the life of her unborn child is heard over and over
    and over again in the mind of that person every day for the rest of his

    RON GRANTSKI, STEPFATHER: Our friends, family, country searched for Laci
    everywhere. There wasn't one place that wasn't searched. They had no
    reason to doubt that it was Scott who did what he did, and he got what
    he deserved.



    KING: We're back. The anti-Scott sentiment, did you ever see anything
    like that?

    GERAGOS: No, nothing even close. I mean, when I represented Gary Condit,
    I thought that I had seen probably the most virulent reaction against
    somebody. But the -- Scott, it just pales in comparison with anything I
    have ever seen.

    KING: How did you react to Amber Frey?

    GERAGOS: Well, I didn't have a real problem with her as a witness,
    because I didn't think that she brought anything to the case for the
    prosecution. I did have a problem, obviously, with what I considered to
    be kind of a violation of the restraining -- or the gag order by proxy,
    by her lawyer.

    KING: Gloria Allred?

    GERAGOS: Yeah, and I thought that that was something that one of the
    judges should have reigned in. And I always thought that based upon what
    I heard, the only way that her book or her movie would have sold is if
    there was a conviction. I thought that there was something that was just
    fundamentally wrong with the idea of somebody who's a lawyer for a
    witness -- and I didn't understand why a witness needed a lawyer -- if
    the witness is gagged, why isn't the lawyer gagged? You know, one or the
    other, when you asked before, what is one of the things you might do
    differently? At some point, some lawyer, I don't know if it's me or
    somebody else in one of these cases, when they're gagged, I think at a
    certain point may have to weigh whether or not the order of the court
    trumps their obligation to represent their client.

    KING: And so they ungag it and face contempt.

    GERAGOS: Yeah, you're going to face the contempt in the face of what
    they think is an onslaught of misinformation, especially if you believe
    that that information seeps back to the jury.

    KING: Would you agree if Scott is the culprit, he is a sociopath?

    GERAGOS: Look, if Scott did it, there is no question. The problem is
    every piece of evidence that they put on there I think was effectively
    the -- dealt with.

    KING: You said where the body turns up is key?

    GERAGOS: I said that, that's a key, and if you've got...

    KING: That's an extraordinary coincidence.

    GERAGOS: Except the problem was, you know, we spent day after day after
    day with witnesses who searched that place and didn't find anything, and
    they searched it repeatedly, and they had the most sophisticated
    equipment in the world, and they mapped the bottom of the bay. And they
    didn't find anything. They found Snapple bottles, and found six-inch
    sticks, and they found tires, and they found every conceivable thing in
    the world except anchors.

    KING: If he didn't do it, there's a killer loose?

    GERAGOS: That's, you know, usually the case. Anytime you have got
    somebody who's exonerated off of death row for a horrible crime, and the
    only way you make it to death row is on a horrible crime, means that
    there is somebody else walking around.

    KING: Let's take a call. Phoenix, Arizona. Hello.

    CALLER: Hi. I had two questions for Mark Geragos.

    KING: Sure.

    CALLER: Other than...

    KING: Go ahead.

    CALLER: Hello? Other than the jury foreman, did the change in jury
    composition change the outcome?

    GERAGOS: Well, I would -- it's been my read on what happened is that
    there were three different jurors who were removed in this case. The
    first one was Justin Falconer, who was juror number five. Justin
    Falconer, I believe, was removed -- and that was -- and at the time, I
    made a record of it, and I think it'll be something that's dealt with on
    appeal -- was because of the media insinuating themselves into that jury
    box, and there were some commentators in particular that were
    mischaracterizing what happened with Justin and Brent Rocha at the front
    of the courthouse, and saying that there was some kind of, "you're going
    to lose today," when in fact that's not what was said. Brent testified
    to that. Justin testified to that. Justin was later removed.

    I thought that that was frankly outrageous, that he was removed, and I
    didn't think there was good cause. I think the record shows that there
    was not good cause. And Judge Delucchi and I probably -- a man who I
    have the enormous respect for, and actually have a great deal of
    affection for as well, that -- we disagreed most strongly on that.

    Second, to answer to her question, was, during deliberations, another
    juror was removed, prior to the foreman. And that juror was juror number
    seven. She has a Web site, and if you go to her Web site, she will
    describe that she was one of the people who supported the jury foreman,
    the man who became known as Dr. Lawyer.

    Well, the same juror who complained about Justin Falconer complained
    about juror number seven. And juror number seven, who's then removed,
    and that changed, when they substituted somebody else in, apparently is
    how they removed juror number five as a foreperson, and juror number six
    became the new foreperson.

    KING: And it's appealable?

    GERAGOS: All of that stuff is on the record. All of that stuff was
    subject to the motion for a new trial, and all of that stuff will be
    part of the appeal.

    KING: Why did you take the Jackson thing in the middle of all of this?

    GERAGOS: Actually, the Jackson case I was on well before I ever had
    Scott. I just...

    KING: It was not publicized?

    GERAGOS: It was not publicized. In fact, my feeling at the time was that
    I didn't want it to be publicized. I didn't think it would make any
    sense. But I'm still under the gag order on that case, not only as a
    lawyer but now as a witness. So I have got a double whammy...

    KING: Well, what do you make of the prosecution including you in his
    final statement to the jury, lambasting you?

    GERAGOS: I would love to respond to that, and I will wait until after a
    verdict comes down and the gag order is lifted. And I will have, I
    suppose, something to say about that.

    KING: (INAUDIBLE). Will they be out a long time, that jury, just as a
    reportorial guess, that's not something to do with the gag order?

    GERAGOS: I think the jury will be back this week.

    KING: You do?

    GERAGOS: Yeah.

    KING: Chico, California, hello.

    CALLER: Thank you for taking my call, Mark.

    KING: Sure.

    CALLER: You said it was where the body came up that convicted Scott. How
    about Scott didn't know what he was fishing for, and what bait he was
    using. Then he said...

    GERAGOS: Scott did...

    CALLER: Wait a minute. My husband, when he goes out fishing, he knows
    what he's fishing for and you only catch sturgeon at night.

    GERAGOS: Well, that's not what -- they put on a gentleman by the name of
    Angelo Kong (ph), who was a sturgeon fisherman, who said the opposite.
    He did not say -- he testified, that was their witness.

    Number two, he did say, the reason he didn't know what bait, they asked
    him what bait -- is he wasn't using bait. He had he was using a silver
    lure, approximately that large. And the idea that somehow he wouldn't go
    there -- he said he wanted to put his boat in the water. That's what he
    told the detective that night in the taped interview. That's what was there.

    Once again, if there had been a camera in the courtroom, some of these
    urban myths, so to speak, wouldn't be out there.

    KING: Did you ever consider putting Scott on? GERAGOS: Yes, absolutely.
    Absolutely, I considered putting Scott on.

    KING: And?

    GERAGOS: Ultimately at the end of the day, I didn't think they proved
    the case.

    KING: Did Scott want to go on?

    GERAGOS: I think Scott would have welcomed going on. I think he wanted
    to talk to this jury. I think he wanted to express...

    KING: He could have overruled you then.

    GERAGOS: Absolutely. Ultimately, it was my advice that he not take the
    stand, that we stand pat.

    KING: We'll be back with more of Mark Geragos. Don't go away.


    KING: We're back with Mark Geragos. What about the controversy over the
    boat? The judge permitted the jury to see the boat. One juror got into
    the boat. You wanted to show it...

    GERAGOS: Actually, two -- what actually happened is I think on the third
    day of deliberations, they asked to see the boat. We had previously done
    a demonstration, because the whole idea was, the theory of the
    prosecution was, Scott had taken Laci into the boat and then dumped her
    overboard. It was this 14-foot aluminum game fisher. I actually had
    somebody get into a -- we bought a 14-foot game fisher, put somebody in
    it, had him be the approximate size, had a demonstration done, shown --
    showed that when that was done, if you pushed somebody over the side,
    the boat would capsize. Tried to get that introduced. The judge wouldn't
    do it. He wouldn't allow it in.

    KING: Reason?

    GERAGOS: Then -- well, he said that -- he gave us an explanation that it
    wasn't the identical boat. I said, well, the boat that's there is in

    So then during deliberations, he comes down, and the jurors say we want
    to see the boat. Which is fine and dandy. We go down into the garage.
    The boat's on a trailer. Two of the jurors get in. And after they get
    in, they start rocking around and they start doing their own
    demonstration on the trailer. I kind of come unglued, run over to where
    Delucchi is, Judge Delucchi is, and tell him, you can't do this. This is
    a demonstration. This is prohibited. And he said, I didn't know they
    were going to do this, basically. I'll give them an admonition. I said,
    an admonition is not good enough, they're conducting an experiment.

    We then renewed our motion to have our demonstration shown to the jury,
    because we felt -- because it's clear in the jury instructions in
    California, caljic (ph) instruction says you shall not conduct any
    experiments, visit the scene, do anything like that. He denied it. And I
    would expect that that would be further grounds of appeal.

    KING: So, you think there are a lot of appealable grounds?

    GERAGOS: Well, not just me. Judge Delucchi was quoted as saying in open
    court on the record, "this case is an appellate lawyer's Petri dish." So
    if he thinks it's an appellate lawyer's Petri dish, and he's the trial
    judge, that tells you all you need to know.

    KING: And you would go so far as to say -- I want to reiterate this --
    if the appellate lawyer wants to say you did a bad -- malfeasance...

    GERAGOS: Look, if they...

    KING: ... you'd accept that?

    GERAGOS: Look, I don't have a problem if they find something that they
    think they want to challenge, I mean, what am I going to do? I'm going
    to stand on ceremony? If it's a legitimate criticism? You know, I'm a
    big boy. I'll take it.

    KING: What was the motive?

    GERAGOS: Gee, you got me. That was one of the questions we had all along.

    KING: I mean, as everyone kept saying, what about divorce?

    GERAGOS: It morphed -- it morphed, I think. The prosecution's original
    theory I think was for Amber, that he was in love with Amber. When it
    became apparent that that wasn't going to fly, then it became, well, he
    wanted to be footloose and fancy-free. I don't think for a second that
    either of those make any sense, but like I say, we'll have to wait and
    see how it plays out on appeal.

    KING: What's your read of the crime? Like who do you think did it?

    GERAGOS: I have got -- I have got various theories. I don't know yet.
    It's still under investigation, and I certainly wouldn't at this point
    speculate on it, but it's still under investigation. There's tips coming
    in all the time. There's people who are investigating it, and rightfully
    so. So I'm not going to get in the way of that.

    KING: How has it affected your business?

    GERAGOS: I don't think that it's affected business at all.

    KING: Still clients coming in?

    GERAGOS: Clients -- I've got more clients than I know what to do with,
    and I have hired a couple of lawyers recently. So it hasn't killed
    business, so to speak. It has a -- I mean, there are people, who, as I
    indicated before, can't get past the fact that you could represent
    somebody who is that reviled, and that is troublesome to me. I mean,
    there is -- there is a -- every lawyer who is sworn in in this state, in
    California, takes an oath that says, you're not going to let your
    personal opinion or reputation get in the way of who you're going to

    KING: A rogue is in trouble in a court then, right? Scott was a rogue?

    GERAGOS: Well, you have a situation where we have reached the point
    where the media has, in what I call these supersize cases, they decide
    or they champion the idea of the conviction. They want to kind of try
    and convict the person prior to there actually being a trial.

    That's a problem. You know, part of what's happened is this kind of --
    the Internet, where you don't have to source, and it jumps over to
    cable, and once it's on cable, it goes to broadcast media, and then
    certain things become fact that are not fact. You may get to a point in
    America where we have to do what they do in England, which is shut it
    down as soon as the case -- as somebody gets filed on, so that you don't
    get to a point where the media convicts the person.

    KING: They can't cover the trial, right?

    GERAGOS: Right. They can't cover it, and you wait and you see later on.
    It's not a blanket elimination of the media, but it delays what it is,
    and it's only in -- you know, the criticism, at least from my
    standpoint, is not across the board. You can go into the courthouse in
    any courthouse in this country, and 99.999 percent of the cases are
    never covered by the media, have no affect whatsoever. Or if they are
    covered, it's on a one-day or a two-day blip. It's only in these kind of
    super size cases, where you have jurors who -- where it affects jurors.
    You get what I call stealth jurors.

    KING: You think if this were not supersized, Scott would be not guilty?

    GERAGOS: I think that if this case were tried and it was a reasonable
    doubt standard, yes, I think he would have been found not guilty.

    KING: And reasonable doubt (INAUDIBLE). And by the way, we have standing
    invitations out to the prosecutors of the Peterson case, and to Laci's
    family as well, the Rochas. That invitation stands. We'll be right back.



    GREG BERATLIS, JUROR, PETERSON CASE: If those bodies had never been
    found, or had been found in the desert, or let's say in Yosemite
    National Park, we wouldn't be here. But those bodies were found in the
    one place he went prior to her being missing by anybody else -- or
    knowing when she was missing. That was the one place. And I played in my
    mind over and over, conspiracy, was somebody trying to set up Scott? Was
    somebody after Laci? It didn't add up for me.


    KING: How are Scott's parents doing?

    GERAGOS: It's tough on them. I mean, Jackie is incredibly strong, as is
    Lee, but it's tough. I mean, there's -- when they see him, and they
    visited him...

    KING: How often can they see him?

    GERAGOS: Well, they can set up appointments and get up there, and they
    have done it on a number of occasions, and they do it as often as they
    can. And I think they -- the family tries to see him at least once a week.

    KING: Is he isolated?

    GERAGOS: Well, everybody on death row is isolated in a certain sense.
    He's in a kind of a preliminary stage, and then he gets reevaluated at a
    certain point, and then he gets certain other kinds of freedoms, in
    terms of associating -- or having a larger area in which to go into. But
    it's a fairly isolated lifestyle.

    KING: Everyone in his area is on death watch, right?

    GERAGOS: Yeah. This -- well, you say death watch; they're all on death
    row. There's very little -- especially the situation he's in right now,
    very little human contact and human interaction other than the visits.

    KING: And he can go out and exercise?

    GERAGOS: Well, occasionally, and that gradually happens the longer you
    are there.

    KING: Define reasonable doubt.

    GERAGOS: Well, that's a good question. The jury instruction says it's an
    abiding conviction. Something I often talk to jurors about it, is it's
    that state of mind where you can wake up every morning of every day for
    the rest of your life and say, yeah, I'm sure I don't have any doubts
    about this.

    KING: That juror typified that, right?

    GERAGOS: Well, that's -- they nicknamed -- we nicknamed him Coach. And
    he looked torn, as you could see. There was somebody who'd struggled.
    I've seen other interviews with Coach, and he legitimately looked to me
    to be torn up by the process. I don't think anybody who could go through
    this on any side or be affiliated with this wasn't affected. I mean,
    there was kind of a siege mentality.

    The first couple of months, the prosecution was rocked unmercifully by
    the media in this case. The last couple of months, it was the defense
    who was rocked by the media in this case. It was constantly a state of

    But that, you know, notwithstanding, there was a couple of families that
    were in there. I mean, there was the Rocha family in there, dealing with
    the death of their loved ones. There was the Peterson family in there,
    dealing with -- you know, they considered Laci a daughter and Connor
    their grandson as well. I mean, the raw emotion that was in that
    courtroom was palpable, and it wore on people.

    You take that and combine it with the fact that it's a death penalty
    case, where they're trying to take somebody's life, the state is trying
    to take somebody's life, and the fact that the families at one point
    were so close and so united, you don't get -- at least from my
    standpoint -- more of an emotional cauldron than what we had in that
    courtroom. And it was tough, it was wearing.

    KING: Do high-profile people, Simpson, Michael Jackson, have an edge?

    GERAGOS: Without a doubt. Without a doubt. You have a constituency. No
    matter who you are, there are people out there who want to be
    predisposed to give you a presumption of innocence because of your
    celebrity. That is not the case with most people who go through the
    criminal justice system. Most people who go through the criminal justice
    system suffer from what I always say, the presumption of guilt, which
    is, you ask jurors, when we do jury voir dire here, in cases where
    there's not this kind of coverage, do you believe where there is smoke
    there is fire? Most jurors will tell you, you know what, I actually do.
    He wouldn't be sitting here, you know, the police wouldn't have arrested
    him, they wouldn't go through this much trouble unless he did something.

    So if he did something, yeah, I'm kind of predisposed to that, and
    that's the way that most people think, and it's not that it's a wrong
    way to think. I suppose in some ways, that's a common sense way to think
    about life and how you approach life. But when you get into a courtroom,
    the presumption of innocence is the one thing that separates us from
    other civilized societies, or uncivilized societies.

    KING: Take a break, and when we come back in our remaining moments, I'll
    ask Mark about his plans. Don't go away.



    BERATLIS: For me, Mr. G. would be a person I would want to represent me
    in any situation. I thought that he was very thorough. I think that
    there was no stone unturned, that he didn't -- I mean, I think he did a
    very good job of presenting his side.


    KING: A plus for Mr. Geragos, another plus. Earlier this year, a judge
    approved a landmark $20 million settlement in a class action lawsuit
    against New York Life, for unpaid life insurance benefits to the
    descendants of Armenians killed 90 years ago in the Turkish -- Ottoman

    GERAGOS: Yeah, in the span of one year, I had probably the low in my
    career and the high in my career. I mean, I'm Armenian 100 percent,
    Armenian. This case was a class action that we filed, and New York Life
    stepped up to the plate and settled this case for $20 million, and it's
    the oldest case from inception to resolution. 1915 is when the Armenian
    genocide was.

    KING: But did they have the policies?

    GERAGOS: And they had the policies. We were able to show that, through
    discovery, we got the policies. We've showed it. We've actually set up a
    Web site. People have made claims; over 3,000 claims have been made. And
    we've now moved on to another company, AXA, which used to be the Old
    Equitable (ph), and we filed suit against them. They have, based on our
    research, almost 5,000 policies during the same time of the Ottoman Empire.

    KING: Death of Johnnie Cochran?

    GERAGOS: Oh, I have known Johnnie -- Johnnie was in the DA's office with
    my father. They were -- all three of us are what's called Old Bailey
    members, and I've known him since I was a kid. And I saw him three days
    before he went into the hospital with Ben Brafman and Michael Jackson up
    in the Beverly Hills house.

    KING: And what are you going to do? You're going to come back regularly
    on this show now? You're going to write a book? What are you going to do?

    GERAGOS: Well, I was thinking maybe you and I would write a book. What
    do you think about that?

    KING: Let's write a book.

    GERAGOS: I want to write a book...

    KING: What else you want to do?

    GERAGOS: I probably want to try -- I have got a couple more cases I need
    to try. I got a backlog. When you're out of commission for a year...

    KING: Do you want to return to media?

    GERAGOS: I probably do. I think that there is -- I think that the pundit
    world is overrepresented by the prosecutorial side, and so I think there
    needs to be some kind of balance.

    KING: So what are you saying is you want to come on as Geragos for the

    GERAGOS: I don't -- you know, I could never be a DA. Could you? Could
    you be a prosecutor?

    KING: It would be hard. GERAGOS: It would be hard, wouldn't it?

    KING: Thank you, Mark.

    GERAGOS: OK, Larry, good to see you.

    KING: Mark Geragos, we thank him very much. We've had quite a week, and
    into tonight, celebrating our 20th anniversary at CNN.

    Old friend of yours, Nancy Grace, will be here tomorrow night. She's got
    a book coming out called "Objection!" -- with an exclamation point.

    We always have an exclamation point when we turn things over to Aaron
    Brown, do we not? In fact, it should be "NEWSNIGHT" with an exclamation
    point. What do you think of that, Aaron?

    AARON BROWN, HOST, "NEWSNIGHT": I think that's a fine idea, but you know
    what? I hope you get 20 more good ones.

    KING: Thank you, Aaron.

    BROWN: Twenty more good years. I do.

    KING: Thank you, baby. Go get'em.

    BROWN: Thank you. I shall.
