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Bids for Health Project Implementation Unit State Agency

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  • Bids for Health Project Implementation Unit State Agency

    Bundesagentur für Außenwirtschaft
    bfai - Ausschreibungen im Ausland
    10. Juni 2005

    [English follows]
    Medizin. Ausrüstung


    Lieferung und Installation medizin. Ausrüstung für 70 kommunale
    Ambulanzstationen, für ein Schulungszentrum für Allgemeinmediziner
    und div. Schwesternschulen

    Ausschreibende Stelle:

    Health Project Implementation Unit State Agency

    Weitere Details entnehmen Sie bitte dem nachfolgenden Originaltext:

    The Republic of Armenia has received a credit from the International
    Development Association toward the cost of the Health System
    Modernization Project, and it intends to apply part of the proceeds
    of this credit to payments under the contract for procurement of
    Medical Equipment No: CR/A-G/001-05.

    The Health Project Implementation Unit State Agency now invites
    sealed bids from eligible and qualified bidders for procurement and
    installation of medical equipment for 70 community ambulatories in 10
    Marzes (regions) of Armenia, Family Physicians Training Center in
    Yerevan and Nursing Medical Colleges in 3 Marzes of Armenia (all the
    project sites are 5 - 320 km from Yerevan).

    Bidding will be conducted through the International Competitive
    Bidding (ICB) procedures specified in the World Bank's Guidelines:
    Procurement under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits (h) (May 2004), and is
    open to all bidders from eligible source countries as defined in the

    Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from
    Health Project Implementation Unit State Agency, Mr. Narek
    Yervandyan, Procurement Officer (e-mail: [email protected]) and
    inspect the bidding documents at the address given below from 1100 to
    1700 hours (+004 GMT), Monday to Friday.

    A complete set of bidding documents in English may be purchased by
    interested bidders on the submission of a written application to the
    address below and upon payment of a non refundable fee in AMD 45,000
    or US$ 100. The method of payment will be transfer to the following
    bank account:

    (a) HSBC Bank Armenia 001-141472-004 - for AMD transfer.

    (b) HSBC Bank Armenia 001-141472-104 - for USD transfer.

    The bidding documents will be sent by airmail for overseas delivery
    and surface mail or courier for local delivery.

    Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before 21 July 2005
    at 1100 hours (+004 GMT). Bids will be opened immediately in the
    presence of the bidders' representatives who choose to attend in
    person at the address below on 21 July 2005 at 11:10 hours.
    Electronic bidding will not be permitted. Late bids will be rejected.
    All bids must be accompanied by a bid security of US$ 20,000 or an
    equivalent amount in a freely convertible currency.

    A Pre-bid conference will be held at the address below on 27 June
    2005 at 1500 hours (+004 GMT).

    The address referred to above is:

    Health Project Implementation Unit State Agency.

    Mr. Narek Yervandyan, Procurement Officer.

    2 Acharyan Str. (in the building of the Institute of Hygiene and
    Occupational Diseases after N. Hakobyan; in front of "Avan Salt
    Factory" State CJSC; the terminal station of micro-bus No: 10), 2nd
    floor, Avan.

    Yerevan 375040, Armenia.

    Tel: (374-10) 622-310, 622-148.

    Fax: (374-10) 622-334.

    E-mail: [email protected]

    - Lieferung und Installation medizin. Ausrüstung für 70
    kommunale Ambulanzstationen, für ein Schulungszentrum für
    Allgemeinmediziner und div. Schwesternschulen
    Ausschreibende Stelle:
    - Health Project Implementation Unit State Agency
    Weitere Details entnehmen Sie bitte dem nachfolgenden Originaltext:
    The Republic of Armenia has received a credit from the International
    Development Association toward the cost of the Health System
    Modernization Project, and it intends to apply part of the proceeds
    of this credit to payments under the contract for procurement of
    Medical Equipment No: CR/A-G/001-05.
    The Health Project Implementation Unit State Agency now invites
    sealed bids from eligible and qualified bidders for procurement and
    installation of medical equipment for 70 community ambulatories in 10
    Marzes (regions) of Armenia, Family Physicians Training Center in
    Yerevan and Nursing Medical Colleges in 3 Marzes of Armenia (all the
    project sites are 5 - 320 km from Yerevan).
    Bidding will be conducted through the International Competitive
    Bidding (ICB) procedures specified in the World Bank's Guidelines:
    Procurement under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits
    (h) (May 2004), and is open to all bidders from eligible source
    countries as defined in the Guidelines.
    Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from
    Health Project Implementation Unit State Agency, Mr. Narek
    Yervandyan, Procurement Officer (e-mail: [email protected]) and
    inspect the bidding documents at the address given below from 1100 to
    1700 hours (+004 GMT), Monday to Friday.
    A complete set of bidding documents in English may be purchased by
    interested bidders on the submission of a written application to the
    address below and upon payment of a non refundable fee in AMD 45,000
    or US$ 100. The method of payment will be transfer to the following
    bank account:
    (a) HSBC Bank Armenia 001-141472-004 - for AMD transfer.
    (b) HSBC Bank Armenia 001-141472-104 - for USD transfer.
    The bidding documents will be sent by airmail for overseas delivery
    and surface mail or courier for local delivery.
    Bids must be delivered to the address below on or before 21 July 2005
    at 1100 hours (+004 GMT). Bids will be opened immediately in the
    presence of the bidders' representatives who choose to attend in
    person at the address below on 21 July 2005 at 11:10 hours.
    Electronic bidding will not be permitted. Late bids will be rejected.
    All bids must be accompanied by a bid security of US$ 20,000 or an
    equivalent amount in a freely convertible currency.
    A Pre-bid conference will be held at the address below on 27 June
    2005 at 1500 hours (+004 GMT).
    The address referred to above is:
    Health Project Implementation Unit State Agency.
    Mr. Narek Yervandyan, Procurement Officer.
    2 Acharyan Str. (in the building of the Institute of Hygiene and
    Occupational Diseases after N. Hakobyan; in front of "Avan Salt
    Factory" State CJSC; the terminal station of micro-bus No: 10), 2nd
    floor, Avan.
    Yerevan 375040, Armenia.
    Tel: (374-10) 622-310, 622-148.
    Fax: (374-10) 622-334.
    E-mail: [email protected]
    Finanz.: Weltbank, Loan-Nr. Credit No 3920-AM; Project ID P073974
    Deutsche Botschaft kann bei der Beschaffung der Unterlagen (gegen
    Kostenerstattung/ Zusendung einer Kostenübernahmeerklärung)
    behilflich sein. Weitergehende Informationen sind unter Angabe der
    Ref.-Nr. (s.o.) erhältlich bei:
    - Botschaft der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
    Tscharenz Str. 29
    375025 Jerewan
    Tel.: 00374741/ 559755, 523279, 586591
    Fax: 00374741/ 524781
    Weitere Details zu obiger Ausschreibung liegen der bfai nicht vor.
    Interne bfai-Nr. 0610518
    Bitte bei Rückfragen bei der bfai angeben!


    SIC-Code mit Beschreibung:
    Weltbank - IBRD(9722b2)
    Medizin. u. zahnmedizin. Geräte, Ausrüstung(3840)
    Grosshandel mit med. u. Krankenhaus-Ausrüstungen(5047)
    Medizin. u. chirurgische Geräte und Instrumente(3841)
    Chirurgie-, Prothetik-, Arbeitsschutz-Bedarf(3842)
    Elektromed. und elektrotherapeutische Apparate(3845)
    Allgemeiner Krankenhausbedarf(3849)
    Gesundheitswesen, Praxen, Krankenhäuser(8000)
    Medizinische Grundversorgung(8001)
    Medizinische Ausbildungseinrichtungen(8240b1)