AZG Armenian Daily #119, 29/06/2005
Warm Welcome of Prague Spectators 31 Years Ago
Soloist of Armenian Philharmonic Orchestra, professor of Yerevan
Conservatoire, Marine Abrahamian, performed at Josef Suk Hall of
Rudolfinum Concert Hall in Prague on June 15. Wild applause made
her return 3 times for a new performance. Czech spectators were
delighted. "Original performance, superb technique and high performing
art", the most influential Czech newspaper MF Dnes wrote the next
day. Art critic of Prazhski Noveni, Robert Bland, gave his appraisal,
"All maturity of Abrahamian's technique came about as a humble
instrument called to express the original musical content... Total
command of the theme and the skill of revealing it are perhaps the
real mastery of her performance". The author also praises Abrahamian's
repertoire, which included Beethoven, Chopin, Debussy and Ravel.
Laureate of Smetana Award back in 1974, student of Jacob Flier of
Moscow Conservatoire, Marine Abrahamian reminded the Czech spectators
once again of the art and culture that remote Armenia has.
While talking to Marine at a cafe in downtown Prague, an old woman
approached us and learning that we understand Czech thanked Marine. It
turned out that she attended her concert at Rudolfinum.
The pianist confessed to us that the concert repertoire was rather
complicated and that the works she chose are considered to be a
touchstone for professional musicians. Marine Abrahamian thanked the
organizers of the concert, particularly the Prague Philharmonic that
invited her to Czech Republic. "I feel that my concert at Rudolfinum
opens a new period for me and gives new momentum to work", she says.
By Hakob Asatrian in Prague
Warm Welcome of Prague Spectators 31 Years Ago
Soloist of Armenian Philharmonic Orchestra, professor of Yerevan
Conservatoire, Marine Abrahamian, performed at Josef Suk Hall of
Rudolfinum Concert Hall in Prague on June 15. Wild applause made
her return 3 times for a new performance. Czech spectators were
delighted. "Original performance, superb technique and high performing
art", the most influential Czech newspaper MF Dnes wrote the next
day. Art critic of Prazhski Noveni, Robert Bland, gave his appraisal,
"All maturity of Abrahamian's technique came about as a humble
instrument called to express the original musical content... Total
command of the theme and the skill of revealing it are perhaps the
real mastery of her performance". The author also praises Abrahamian's
repertoire, which included Beethoven, Chopin, Debussy and Ravel.
Laureate of Smetana Award back in 1974, student of Jacob Flier of
Moscow Conservatoire, Marine Abrahamian reminded the Czech spectators
once again of the art and culture that remote Armenia has.
While talking to Marine at a cafe in downtown Prague, an old woman
approached us and learning that we understand Czech thanked Marine. It
turned out that she attended her concert at Rudolfinum.
The pianist confessed to us that the concert repertoire was rather
complicated and that the works she chose are considered to be a
touchstone for professional musicians. Marine Abrahamian thanked the
organizers of the concert, particularly the Prague Philharmonic that
invited her to Czech Republic. "I feel that my concert at Rudolfinum
opens a new period for me and gives new momentum to work", she says.
By Hakob Asatrian in Prague