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NKR: Solution Is Possible Through Direct Talks Only

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  • NKR: Solution Is Possible Through Direct Talks Only


    Azat Artsakh - Nagorno Karabakh Republic (NKR)
    03 March 05

    The press conference of the NKR foreign minister Arman Melikian in
    Yerevan evoked lively reaction in Armenian press. Several foreign mass
    media and news agencies also responded to the press conference. Here
    are certain details of the press conference. `Reuter' The NKR National
    Assembly informed that they are going to make a statement on
    recognition of independence of NKR. Do you think it is real or not?
    What concessions is NK willing to make? `First of all, the NKR NA
    addressed the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as the parliaments of
    other countries of the world appealing to them to recognize the
    independence of NKR. As to the possible compromises on the part of
    Karabakh, these can be made only through negotiations. Today we do not
    negotiate directly with the Republic of Azerbaijan and it is early to
    speak about any compromises.' Newspaper ` Azg' In your opinion is
    Karabakh party in the talks and if yes, howis the participation of
    Karabakh expressed? During your press conference in Stepanakert you
    said that the Karabakh party was actually left out of the talks. Was
    itby the fault of the Republic of Armenia? `I see no need to look for
    the guilty. There is a certain situation. At on time the present
    format of talks used to contain certain logic. I cannot tell either
    that NKR was left out of the talks. We are informed on how the talks
    are carried out between Armenia and Azerbaijan. And during the press
    conference in Stepanakert I said that the settlement of the problem
    can be achieved only by direct talks between NKR and Azerbaijan and I
    can confirm this once again.' `De Facto' Whatpositive points do you
    see in the PACE resolution on Nagorni Karabakh? `This interesting
    question is raised often. Of course, there are negative points for us
    in the resolutionbut there is a new approach: the Azerbaijani
    authorities are called upon to start a direct dialogue with the NKR
    authorities. In certain sense this testifiesto the rightness of the
    viewpoint that bilateral negotiations between Azerbaijan and NKR may,
    in fact, be effective.' `Mediamax' Yousaid you are informed on the
    negotiations going on between Armenia and Azerbaijan. To what extent
    is the Karabakh party satisfied with the content of the `Prague
    process', to what extent is it acceptable for NK? `On the whole, today
    technical problems are concerned. I repeat that the settlement of the
    issue is, in our opinion, inthe direct negotiations between Azerbaijan
    and NKR. It is NKR that can assume responsibility for both the
    problems of territories and refugees, and theseare the primary
    problems that interest Azerbaijan.' `BBC Azerbaijani' A dangerous
    tendency for the Armenian party is arising: the world is gradually
    forgetting about the cause of the conflict and speaking about its
    consequences. What steps are taken in this direction? Azerbaijan is
    carrying on a powerful campaign propagating the consequences. We
    announce that we are going to do excavations in the vicinity of
    Shushi, and Azerbaijan is going to lodge complaint with different
    international organizations. `I do not know anything about the
    excavations. As to the problem of causes and consequences of the
    conflict, we have our approach to this question. We start from the
    fact that there was Soviet Azerbaijan which was divided into two
    states after the collapse of the Soviet Union; one of these was
    NKR. Then the war began, which was also the consequence of
    Azerbaijan's not recognizing the independence of NKR, that is to say,
    we have the cause of the war. Then Azerbaijan lost the war, and we, as
    the result of the war, have today's picture. We may make a clear
    distinction; theprimary problem is that of the status which was not
    recognized by Azerbaijan at thetime and resulted in the war, and we
    have the problem of consequences of the war which is a real topic for
    negotiations to be discussed by the parties for achieving a mutual
    understanding.' `H1' What obstructs direct negotiations between NK and
    Azerbaijan? Why definitely was this press conference organized? `NKR -
    Azerbaijan negotiations will begin when Azerbaijan wishes to
    participate in them and realizes their necessity. So far Azerbaijan
    has been trying to accuse Armenia of aggression. Those people who took
    part in or witnessed the military actions are well aware of what heavy
    burden is laid over the shoulders of the people of NKR. As to the
    problem of today's press conference, it isjust the first acquaintance
    with you the journalists. `Francepress' What definite steps are made
    in the direction of international recognition of NKR? `Thefirst step
    was made inside the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The ministry works
    onthe legislation on foreign policy. We have already drafted several
    bills, such as the bills on NKR international contracts, diplomatic
    and consular services,as well as we are going to join several
    international conventions, which are also directed at the solution of
    the conflict. The bill on NKR citizenship was drafted and soon will be
    offered for discussion, which we consider important for several
    reasons. From the ideological point of view we emphasize the article
    which refers to all the Armenians of the Republic of Azerbaijan. We
    think that in certain sense and directly NKR is responsible for all
    the Armenians who became refugees. The law provides for the right of
    these Armenians to become citizens of NKR. As a recognized or not
    recognized country NKR has all the legal and moral bases for defending
    the rights of these people when solving their problems with
    Azerbaijan. The bill is ready, details of technical characterare
    discussed presently. In the upcoming month the bill will be offered
    for discussion' `Noyan Tapan' Recently minister V. Oskanian said that
    NK and not Armenia is to make a request for sending a fact-finding
    group to the regions of Getashen and Shahumian, because Armenia has no
    relation to this. Is NKR going to make such a step, and won't this be
    the first step in involvement of NK in the negotiations? `I consider
    the mentioned problem in a larger context, which does not exclude the
    possibility of such a step. Now we are only discussing this
    step. After coming to a decision we shall decide on whether to act in
    this or in a larger context. Thus, the adoption of the problem of NKR
    citizenship in this case is a larger context than the question of
    Getashen and Shahumian, which includes your question as well.' `Noyan
    Tapan' You spoke about the prospects of NKR to join international
    conventions. In what way can NK join those conventions? Which
    conventions are concerned? `The fact of not being recognized does not
    prevent us from joining international conventions. A convention isan
    international law, and if we make that law an internal one, it means
    we have already joined the law. We shall also inform the international
    community onthis. Whether accepted or not is not our problem in this
    sense. Two of the conventions, the Vienna conventions on diplomatic
    and consular relationships, will be offered to the National Assembly
    for discussion next week.' `Arminfo' How would you comment on the news
    about forming a coalition of not recognized countries? `I cannot
    comment on it because we do not have such a point on the agenda.'
    `Liberty' What developments may take place in the process of
    regulation of the NK conflict? `Let us start with the report of David
    Atkinson, what consequences it may give rise to. Indeed, it has both
    positive and negativepoints. I emphasized one: I tend to think that
    the international community is coming to the idea that bilateral
    negotiations may prove effective. It is a problem that cannot be
    settled in a single day. In our turn we must show that we are willing
    to participate in the talks, we are able to express opinions on the
    problems discussed, which may be powerful enough to maintain
    peace. This isalso a process, and we must view everything in the
    framework of the process.' A1+ In your opinion, how will the upcoming
    elections in NKR pass? Will they be as democratic as or even more
    democratic than the elections in Armenia in 2003? `We want the
    elections to be democratic. We shall do our best for them to be
    transparent and fair. As fair as we want them to be. You know that
    recently elections to the local authorities took place in NKR, and
    both the government and the opposition were satisfied with their
    transparency and results. This is a vivid fact. We shall try to
    conduct the next elections on a higher level.


    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress