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ARF intends to pass bill condemning "genocide" in Azerbaijan

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  • ARF intends to pass bill condemning "genocide" in Azerbaijan

    Armenian party intends to pass bill condemning "genocide" in Azerbaijan

    1 Mar 05


    The faction of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation - Dashnaktsutyun
    [ARFD] intends to put up for debate by the National Assembly a draft
    law condemning the genocide of Armenians in the Azerbaijani town of
    Sumqayit in 1988, the head of the ARFD faction, Levon Lazarian, told
    the National Assembly today.

    The adoption of such a law is topical against the backdrop of
    Azerbaijan's intensifying propaganda, which is trying to divert the
    international community's attention from the Armenian genocide in
    Ottoman Turkey in the early 20th century and in Azerbaijan in the late
    20th century to "the alleged genocide of Azerbaijanis in Xocali", he
    said. This policy of Azerbaijan is mainly dictated by Turkey,
    Lazarian noted.

    The adoption of this law will familiarize the international community
    with the real essence of the developments in 1988-90, he stressed.

    Lazarian recalled that the massacre of Armenians, which started in
    Sumqayit, continued in Shaumyan [Azerbaijan's Goranboy District] and
    Getashen [Caykand in Azerbaijan's Xanlar District]. It is precisely
    Azerbaijan's policy with regard to the Armenians living there that
    prompted the population of Nagornyy Karabakh to stand up for their
    motherland and start a national liberation st ruggle.

    In turn, a representative of the Republican Party, Gagik Melikyan,
    called on the international community to denounce the Armenian
    genocide in Ottoman Turkey and in the Azerbaijani town of Sumqayit in
    order to prevent similar crimes against humanity in the future. The
    fact that the organizers of the Armenian genocide in Ottoman Turkey in
    the early 20th century were not punished served as a prerequisite for
    committing similar crimes against other nations in the 20th century,
    the Armenian genocide in Sumqayit and the murder of a sleeping
    Armenian officer by an Azerbaijani serviceman in Budapest.

    The deputy chairman of the Orinats Yerkir [Law-Governed Country] Party
    and head of the commission on defence, national security and interior
    issues, Mger Shakhgeldyan, and a member of the opposition Justice
    bloc, Grant Khachatryan, made statements condemning the Armenian
    genocide in Sumqayit.

    Armenian MPs staged a march to the Tsitsernakabert memorial to the
    victims of the Armenian genocide on the anniversary of the Sumqayit