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The People Who Cover Up Genocide

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  • The People Who Cover Up Genocide

    UCLA International Institute
    Educating Global Citizens

    Date Posted: 3/3/2005

    The People Who Cover Up Genocide

    UCLA panel looks at people and governments who deny or explain away the
    Armenian genocide, the Holocaust, the killing of Tutsis in Rwanda in 1994,
    and the ongoing massacres in the Darfur provinces of Sudan.

    Leslie Evans [email protected]

    What lessons can be drawn from the successive genocides of the last hundred
    years? Four panelists examined the failures to act and the outright denial
    that anything happened in some of the most famous cases of the twentieth and
    twenty-first centuries: the massacre of the Armenians in Turkey in 1915-23,
    the Holocaust of the Jews in Hitler's Germany, the mass killing of Tutsis in
    Rwanda in 1994, and the ongoing slaughter in the Darfur provinces of western
    Sudan today. Their conclusion: it happens again because no one was punished
    the last time. And the professional deniers, whatever their motive,
    encourage the next genocide.

    Some 80 students crowded into the Kerckhoff Hall Grand Salon on the UCLA
    campus the evening of February 28, where they heard Levon Marashlian of the
    History Department of Glendale Community College document the Turkish and
    U.S. governments' present-day denial of the Armenian genocide that took
    place in the last years of the Ottoman Empire; Richard Eaton of the Simon
    Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles deliver a scathing critique of the pseudo
    scholars and neo-Nazis who comprise the Holocaust denial movement; Alexandre
    Kimenyi, a survivor of the Tutsi genocide in Rwanda and professor of
    Linguistics and Ethnic Studies at California State University Sacramento,
    recount the failure of the American government to acknowledge or act to halt
    the killings in Rwanda in 1994; and UCLA Professor Edmond Keller denounce
    the U.S. and world failure to intervene in Darfur today.

    The event was part of a "Week of Awareness, A Call to Action" about Darfur
    on the UCLA campus. The week of events is being organized by the UCLA
    student Darfur Action Committee and is cosponsored by many organizations
    including the Ronald W. Burkle Center for International Relations and the
    James S. Coleman Center for African Studies. Organizers of the panel on
    genocide denial also included the UCLA Armenian Students' Association,
    Hillel Jewish Students Association, and the Progressive Jewish Students

    Levon Marashlian: The White House Campaign of Silence on the Armenian
    Beginning with the arrest and execution of hundreds of prominent Armenians
    in Constantinople in April 1915, the Armenian population of the Ottoman
    Empire was systematically reduced by killing, starvation, and deportation
    from 2,000,000 before the outbreak of World War I to some 200,000 by 1923.
    Levon Marashlian took up not the massacre itself but the numerous failed
    bipartisan efforts to pass bills condemning the massacre in the United
    States Congress, in 1975, 1987, 1988, 1990, and 2000. "The State Department
    consistently tries to suppress these resolutions," Marashlian said, "even
    though they are not binding." He showed news clips of several House and
    Senate debates over the years.

    The resolutions condemning the genocide received genuinely bipartisan
    support, ranging from Democratic senator from California Barbara Boxer to
    one-time Republican presidential aspirant and then-senator from Kansas Bob
    Dole. They were opposed by members of Congress from both parties who had as
    constituents companies that do business with Turkey. U.S. presidents of both
    parties as well as the State Department consistently urged Congress to
    defeat the resolutions condemning the genocide on the grounds of not wishing
    to alienate an important U.S. ally.

    Bob Dole in one of the news clips declared, "America should do what is
    right, not what is expedient." Opponents of the resolutions most often cited
    fears, which many did not themselves take very seriously, that Turkey might
    quit NATO if the Ottoman government of 1915 were condemned for its crimes.
    "One of the cornerstones of the advocates of denial," Marashlian said, "is
    that whatever happened was under the Ottoman Empire, not the modern Republic
    of Turkey, which was established in 1923, so whatever happened was not under
    this government anyway. If that's the case, why is there this sense of
    responsibility for something that happened under a previous regime?"

    The Turkish government does try extremely hard to steer other countries away
    from acknowledging the Ottoman crimes against the Armenians. Bob Dole in the
    footage from 1987 complains that the many of the original cosigners of his
    bill on the genocide had withdrawn their names. Dole declared: "Why? Nothing
    has changed, has it? The history of 1915-1923 hasn't changed since last
    fall. The facts certainly haven't changed since last fall. What has changed
    is the launching of a massive lobbying effort against the resolution by the
    administration, by the government of Turkey, and by American businesses who
    operate in Turkey." Dole added that the Turkish ambassador had met with
    every U.S. senator to lobby against the resolution. "But Armenia has no
    ambassador. They have no embassy. They don't have any contracts with any
    businesses in the United States. They can't put pressure on senators."

    Levon Marashlian said that lobbying the U.S. Congress against any criticism
    of the killing of the Armenians continues today by General Dynamics,
    McDonnell Douglas, Hilton hotels, and other U.S. corporations that have
    interests in Turkey.

    In addition to highly paid lobbyists working for Turkey, U.S. presidents
    George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush personally intervened to
    prevent passage of congressional resolutions condemning the murder of
    hundreds of thousands of Armenians. In 2000 there appeared to be enough
    votes in the House of Representatives to pass a resolution when President
    Clinton intervened with a new argument: that American lives in Turkey might
    be in danger from angry Turks if the resolution was passed. It was quashed
    at the last minute by the Speaker of the House and never brought to a vote.
    Clips of the Turkish ambassador declaring that U.S. members of Congress who
    supported the pro-Armenian resolution didn't know what they were talking
    about drew hisses from the UCLA audience.

    The most recent intervention by a U.S. president to stymie an official U.S.
    statement of fact about the Armenian genocide was by George W. Bush,
    opposing an April 2003 House resolution. Bush used the argument that Turkish
    support was needed to permit U.S. troops to enter Iraq from Turkey in the
    imminent U.S. invasion. The Turks in the end did not permit the U.S. to use
    its territory as a launching pad.

    Richard Eaton: Who Are the Holocaust Deniers and How Do They Operate?
    "The people who deny the Holocaust understand something," Richard Eaton
    said. "There are a lot of historians who understand the Holocaust, but most
    people do not understand the disgusting details of the Holocaust, they are
    not scholars, [the deniers] rely on this, they capitalize on it, because
    they know how they can go about denying the Holocaust."

    Eaton began by undercutting a central claim of by the Holocaust denial
    organizations that the German concentrations camps were an invention of
    postwar Jewish propaganda. "It is important to understand that in Nazi
    Germany, Jews and Gypsies and homosexuals were not the first victims of the
    Nazis. The first victims of the Nazis were Germans themselves. They were the
    mental patients, they were political prisoners, and others. The first camps
    were set up in Germany in 1933, only seven weeks after Hitler came to

    Before looking at the motives of the Holocaust denial movement, Richard
    Eaton discussed their methods. While there are some outright lies, he said,
    they more commonly take isolated facts out of context and present them to
    mean something very different. This is usually done in a context that
    attempts to sound scholarly and avoids overt anti-Semitic declarations.
    "They pick very specific items out of the vast subject of the Holocaust and
    say this didn't happen that way and so forth."

    The deniers' strategy has been to pressure legitimate historians to debate
    them in public, as though their antifactual positions have equal validity
    with the body of established historical facts and accredited university
    scholars. A few years ago "they started a campaign taking out full-page ads
    in campus newspapers." Almost half the schools that received these ads
    printed them, Eaton said. "Many of them believed they were doing this on a
    free speech basis, even though they were selling advertising. They had every
    right to not print the ad." The goal, he said, was to gain legitimacy in the
    academic community.

    Here he turned to the substance of the denial claims. Eaton commented that
    everybody knows the figure that six million died, but most do not know how
    the figure was arrived at. It comes, he said, by comparing the Jewish
    population of cities and villages throughout Nazi-occupied Europe before and
    after World War II. That is, not all the killing took place in particular
    camps. The Holocaust deniers have focused on trying to refute the numbers,
    particularly at specific concentration camps.

    "They brought in a man who was supposed to be a gas-chamber expert, and
    actually went over to Poland and he went to the gas chambers and he took
    samples and scrapings off the walls, and looked at the plans. And he came up
    and said the gas chambers couldn't actually do what they were said to have
    done. They could not have killed these hundreds of thousands of people in
    the short time with the amount of gas that they had.

    "Well, the one thing that they actually proved in doing so is that their
    expert didn't understand how the gas chambers worked in the first place. The
    truth is that the gas chambers worked on displacement. If you take a room
    like this one and you put about a thousand people into it you are going to
    literally jam them up to the ceiling. As such, all you have to take is a
    couple of small cans of Zyklon-B, the gas that was used, and poison what
    little air is left in the room and most of the victims there die of
    suffocation from the other people that they are jammed in with. So these
    people proved they didn't know how the gas chambers worked, yet they
    produced this scientific engineering study by this so-called engineer that
    went to the camps and checked them out. In truth they found out that he
    wasn't actually an engineer and he was later tried in the state of
    Massachusetts for impersonating one."

    Another example Eaton gave was a photograph widely circulated by the
    Holocaust deniers of General Eisenhower standing next to one of the gas
    chambers at Dachau. "And they hold this up and say, here is Eisenhower being
    shown a false gas chamber. And they are correct. At Dachau, which was a camp
    in Germany used mainly for political prisoners, they started to construct a
    gas chamber. They used inmates to construct the gas chamber. The inmates
    sabotaged the chamber and it was never actually used as a gas chamber."

    Eaton said that the largest of the true death camps was the Birkenau section
    of the enormous Auschwitz complex. "The average lifespan of people who were
    placed on trains and sent there, when they arrived at Auschwitz, was about
    three hours." He pointed to the use by the deniers of Red Cross figures that
    recorded only some 300,000 deaths at Auschwitz, which the Red Cross listed
    as caused by disease. Auschwitz, Richard Eaton said, was actually a large
    series of camps the size of the San Fernando Valley. It included gas
    chambers but also munitions factories that employed slave labor. The Red
    Cross was admitted to Auschwitz One, where they saw bodies of people who had
    died of disease, but they were barred by the Nazis from the rest of the

    "There were five other camps that used gas chambers. They did not keep
    records and they did everything to conceal them. Treblinka killed somewhere
    between 800,000 and 1,000,000 people, mainly from Warsaw and the surrounding
    area." When Germany was losing the war, he said, "they bulldozed the
    property and put a Ukrainian farmer on there and told him to tell people he
    had been farming there for the whole war."

    The Holocaust deniers, Eaton said, "are very good at what they do, and too
    many people that have no business doing so try to tangle with them." Just
    knowing that six million people were murdered is not enough to win an
    argument with people who have a litany of documents taken out of context and
    are well versed in it. "I guarantee that when ordinary people try to take
    them on they do not know the details about the Holocaust the way the people
    that deny it do. They are very practiced. They have all the answers."

    Another example of their tactics was to send a man named David Cole to
    Auschwitz to interview the director of the Auschwitz Museum on video. In the
    full interview, the director explained the Nazis' decision to use gas
    chambers after earlier efforts -- to seal the Jews in ghettos and starve
    them to death and the widespread use of traveling gas-chamber vans -- proved
    to be too slow or too messy. The video was edited back in the United States
    and released by the Institute for Historical Review, one of the main
    Holocaust denier organizations, with the claim that the footage had the
    museum director admitting that the gas chambers were all fakes constructed
    after the war.

    In a few-minute segment of the long interview the museum director said that
    a pilot gas chamber had been built by the Nazis at Auschwitz One as a test,
    in which they killed some Russian soldiers. When they were satisfied that
    the process worked, they converted the experimental gas-chamber building to
    other uses and constructed the main gas chambers at nearby Birkenau, where
    millions of people were murdered. At the end of the war, the museum director
    explained, as part of the Auschwitz memorial the experimental gas chamber
    was restored for visitors to see. "So David Cole cuts this video and makes
    it sound like the Allies built the whole camp after the war to show that the
    evil Nazis were gassing Jews at Auschwitz. And they touted this video for a
    long time."

    The Institute for Historical Review and similar Holocaust denial groups
    write heavily footnoted essays with a scholarly tone. "All it takes to
    dispel this is to dig into their footnotes and see what the original sources
    actually say. But they know that the good majority of people are not going
    to do this."

    Who are these people and why do they propound these counterfactual
    positions? Richard Eaton said his opinion is that they hope to lay the
    groundwork for disbelief in the Holocaust in some future generation when all
    the witnesses are dead. "In the meantime it gives them something to do, they
    may hope to get a job pretending to be scholars. But deep down you do find
    neo-Nazis involved with this movement. One of the premier movers and shakers
    of the Holocaust denial movement is a man named Willis Cardo," the head of
    the Institute for Historical Review. "Cardo has been a long-time racist in
    this country. Back in the 1940s he started an organization called the Joint
    Council for Repatriation. If you haven't figured that one out, what it was
    was an organization that lobbied Congress to pass a law to send African
    Americans back to Africa."

    These groups have pamphlets and web pages where you don't see racism and
    anti-Semitism, Eaton concluded, "but when you scratch a Holocaust denier
    deep enough you can usually find something else beneath."

    Alexandre Kimenyi: The Tutsi Genocide in Rwanda
    "This was the only genocide that was broadcast live in your home," Professor
    Kimenyi began. In part this happened because scores of international
    journalists were attending the inauguration of Nelson Mandela as president
    of South Africa when the killing in Rwanda began on April 6, 1994. Many went
    to Rwanda and provided written and filmed reports of the carnage.

    On 6 April 1994, the president of Rwanda, a Hutu, was killed in a missile
    attack on his aircraft. This led to the murder of the prime minister, who
    was a Tutsi. Then an organized massacre of the minority Tutsi community and
    moderate Hutus started. The campaign burst out with an elemental ferocity in
    which members of the Hutu majority hunted down and massacred at least half a
    million of the Tutsi minority over the next thirteen weeks in a slaughter of
    as much as three-quarters of the Tutsi population of that country. Many
    thousands of the dominant Hutus were killed as well for opposing the

    Another reason why the facts became well known around the world, Kimenyi
    said, was "because the genocidal regime was defeated" when rebel Tutsi
    troops invaded from neighboring countries in July 1994 and overthrew the
    Hutu government, which prevented the killers from suppressing information on
    what they had done.

    "Actually this was not the first time that genocide took place in Rwanda,"
    Alexandre Kimenyi said. "It started in 1959. At that time Rwanda was still a
    colony of Belgium. Nationalists were fighting against the Belgians." The
    Belgians has used the Tutsi minority to rule over the Hutu majority during
    the colonial period. The Parmahutu, a Hutu party formed in 1957, revolted
    against the Belgians and their Tutsi allies in 1959. "A thousand Tutsis were
    killed. Many Tutsis went into exile. In 1963 they killed Tutsis again. In
    1964 they killed. In 1967 and in 1973, and 1990" when Tutsi guerrillas of
    the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) invaded the country from Uganda. "At that
    time there was censorship and nothing was said, so apparently that act was
    not really genocide which was taking place but a revolution."

    Here Kimenyi held up two books in French that proposed the view that the
    killing of the Tutsis in the 1950s and 1960s was just an inevitable
    byproduct of revolution. One of these was Rwanda de la féodalité à la
    démocratie 1955-1962 (Rwanda from feudalism to democracy, 1955 to 1962) by
    Jean-Paul Harroy, the last Belgian colonial resident in Rwanda. "So if the
    killing is done in the name of a revolution it is okay," Kimenyi said
    ironicaly, "because this happened in the French Revolution, it happened in
    the Bolshevik Revolution, so as far as killing unarmed civilians, this is

    Alexandre Kimenyi caustically noted that there were representatives of many
    important countries in Rwanda when these various anti-Tutsi purges took
    place, "and they didn't say anything, nothing at all was written in the
    papers condemning the killing of civilians." It was only after the still
    greater massacre of 1994 that even African historians began to reconsider
    dismissing the earlier massacres as the natural acts of a social revolution.
    "As a matter of fact, I remember in 1994 before the genocide a Belgian paper
    ran an article on Rwanda under the headline 'The Unfinished Revolution'
    because there had not yet been a final solution to the problem of Tutsi

    The speaker pointed out that the international community and the United
    Nations also found excuses not to act in 1994 "by using names that do not
    denote genocide." For example, the United States government "said that what
    was happening in Rwanda was not genocide but 'acts of genocide.'" Some
    international comentators attempted to justify or explain away what
    happened, and it was common "to try to minimize the number of people who
    were killed."

    Kimenyi was critical of the widely used phrase "Rwandan genocide." This made
    it difficult for people out side the country to fix in their minds who was
    being killed. The term "Rwandan genocide," Kimenyi said, is used by some
    writers not to signify the murder of the Tutsis "but to suggest apparently
    that the two groups were killing each other."

    Another term used to deny genocide in Rwanda is "civil war." Because "if
    there are acts of war, two groups kill each other." Not a civil war but a
    massacre took place in the spring of 1994. The number killed, Alexandre
    Kimenyi said, "is more than a million, although the UN and other governments
    refuse to accept that number."

    Alexandre Kimenyi said that he was particularly concerned because many Hutu
    spokespeople who deny the Tutsi genocide "are very well educated, they have
    very influential friends. They not only raise these arguments on the
    internet but they also have journals where they publish articles, well
    footnoted, where they claim the victims were the ones responsible for the
    killings that took place."

    Why such pressure for denial? Kimenyi said that there is the issue of
    responsibility for the crimes. "A million and perhaps two million Hutus took
    part in the killings." This is a strong motive to deny what happened.

    Yet another false trail, Kimenyi said, are claims that the antagonism
    between the two ethnic groups were old and deep for generations before the
    outbreak of violence. This argument, for him, is just another way to reduce
    the responsibility of the killers of 1994. It was true that the minority
    Tutsis were favored in the government by the Belgians, "but the two peoples
    had lived in harmony for centuries. There was only one language. There were
    no separate spaces, everybody lived next to each other. Intermarriage was
    common. They had the same religion. It is not true that there were deep
    roots of hatred."

    Some writers have argued that the murderous frenzy was an understandable
    response to the plane crash in which the Hutu president was killed. "How
    many African presidents have been assassinated with no consequent mass
    killing?" Alexandre Kimenyi asked.

    In Professor Kimenyi's opinion, the many well-educated Hutus who live abroad
    create a problem in disseminating the truth because of their efforts to
    convince foreign public opinion of their position of denial.

    Edmond Keller: Genocide Now, in Darfur
    Sudan, Professor Edmond Keller said, has been independent for forty-eight
    years, and has been immersed in civil war for all but ten years of that
    time. Keller is the director of the Globalization Research Center - Africa
    and a former director of the James S. Coleman African Studies Center. He
    summarized the current status of these conflicts:

    "Just a couple of weeks ago in the capital of Kenya, Nairobi, a peace accord
    was signed between the warring factions in the most intense civil war in
    Sudan. That was an accord between the Sudan People's Liberation Movement and
    the government of Sudan." Sudan is 52% Black African and 39% Arab. Religion
    cuts across these lines, however, as 70% of the country adheres to Islam.
    The Sudan People's Liberation Movement is based in the Black African south
    of the country and its supporters are mainly Christian and animist. A key
    issue in their rebellion has been opposition to attempts by the Arab north,
    which controls the government at Khartoum, to impose Sharia law.

    The country is extremely diverse. "There are 120 different ethnic groups, of
    which about 19 are significant groups," Keller said. The country has a per
    capita GNP of $2,000. "That's very high for an African country, but most of
    the people live in poverty. Most of the wealth and prosperity is in the
    central part of the country."

    The main civil war in Sudan, in the south, "has been about power and about
    religion," Edmond Keller said. The newer conflict, in the three western
    provinces, Northern Darfur, Western Darfur, and Southern Darfur, is being
    fought among people who all adhere to Islam. It "has morphed into a struggle
    over power and race."

    The people of Darfur, in 2003, "under the leadership of a new rebel
    organization called the Sudan Liberation Front, surprised the central
    government forces with a dawn attack on a military installation located in
    Darfur. In a very short time the SLF was joined by another movement, called
    the Justice and Equality Movement. Over the past year and a half several
    other opposition movements have emerged in Darfur. The SLF advocates a
    secular-based state and the Justice and Equality Movement doesn't really
    have a position on whether the state should be secular or religious."

    The Sudan government launched a sharp counteroffensive against the SLF. "It
    was assisted in this counteroffensive by some local militias that the
    government claims are patriots. But the people in Darfur who are being
    victimized by these militias call them Janjaweed. A janjaweed is a term used
    in the region to refer to armed men on horseback. In that part of the Sahel,
    warfare historically has been either on camels or horses and that continues
    among the pastoral peoples in the Darfur area."

    The government tries to distinguish the militias from what it defines as
    Janjaweed, which it claims are only small bands of criminals, Keller said.
    "But it is widely known that there is a close relationship between the
    government forces and the Janjaweed. They actually engage in joint
    operations against people in the Darfur area."

    The militias are Arabs while the rebels "are mostly non-Arab black Muslims.
    So this makes it a racial conflict, not a religious conflict." The Arabs are
    pastoralists in Darfur while the black Africans are mostly farmers. There
    have been clashes between these two groups for some decades. "The disputes
    have been over land, over economic assets."

    To date, Edmond Keller said, "the alliance between the central government
    and the Janjaweed has resulted in more than 300,000 deaths. More than 1.6
    million internally displaced people. And more than 250,000 refugees who have
    fled to neighboring Chad."

    As an example of joint actions with the Janjaweed, Keller said, "the Sudan
    air force has been known to engage in targeting areas with SLF and JEM
    supporters and to bomb these locations in advance of the Janjaweed. And if
    you follow the newspapers, they have been doing this with impunity in recent
    dates. Now you tell me if it doesn't sound like genocide or ethnic cleansing
    is going on in that part of the world?"

    The Janjaweed, he said, regularly sack, burn, and pillage non-Arab villages
    and rape black African women they capture. "They are holed up in several
    camps, often not very far from the camps where displaced people are located,
    only a few kilometers away. They sometimes share their locations with the
    government and the government provides them with supplies and logistical
    support. Now the government of Sudan will say, we're not involved in
    genocide. If genocide is going on it is by individuals and is not
    state-sponsored. I would beg to differ with that."

    The International Community

    Unlike U.S. policy toward the Rwandan killings, the U.S. Congress and the
    State Department have labeled what is going on in Darfur as genocide.
    "President Bush in September signed a nonbinding resolution into effect
    calling for sanctions against Sudan. It is interesting to note, however, no
    actions have yet resulted from this resolution. Secretary of State Powell
    last summer said genocide was taking place. That was corroborated by an
    independent study by the United States State Department. But Secretary
    Powell also said there was no reason for the United States to take any
    further action. To me that is really disturbing and not understandable."

    At the same time, the United Nations has issued a report saying that what is
    going on in Darfur does not constitute state-sponsored genocide. "On its
    part, the U.S. is sticking by its guns, saying that there is genocide in
    Darfur, and while not acknowledging 'state-sponsored genocide' in Darfur,
    the UN has called the situation one of the worst man-made tragedies of our
    lifetime. It has passed two resolutions threatening sanctions against Sudan
    if it does not take serious measures to stop the killing in Darfur."

    Edmond Keller then asked, "Who speaks for the UN?" He pointed to the
    Security Council, saying that council members Russia and China both have oil
    contracts and other business investments with the Sudan government and
    openly oppose criticism of the government in Khartoum, while France has
    generally resisted interventions by other international entities in the
    northern part of Africa where it previously wielded great influence. Then,
    Keller went on, "you have the Arab countries, the Muslim countries, who may
    not be permanent members but they do have influence, and they have been
    opposed" to condemning the Sudan government.

    The African Union has pledged to send 4,000 troops to the region, but with
    the limited mandate of protecting cease-fire monitors, "not to protect the
    civilian population." And of these, only 900 have arrived. "Darfur is an
    area the size of Texas," Keller said, "so you can imagine how much good
    4,000 peacekeepers would do. Not much."

    Keller said that the Khartoum government has already committed violations of
    the peace accord with the south. It faces small insurgencies in the east as
    well as in Darfur. In his opinion the government is seeking to crush all of
    its opponents piecemeal rather than seek a peaceful resolution to its
    various conflicts.

    What Needs to Be Done

    Edmond Keller outlined his ideas for ending the killing in Darfur. "What is
    needed is an all-parties conference at which everybody can lay out their
    grievances and try to work out some kind of a resolution." The international
    community, he said, "has been dragging its feet. That is why we haven't
    gotten anywhere with this Darfur situation."

    He called for "drastic measures" by the international community to control
    the Janjaweed. He defined that as a contingent of "at least 40,000"
    peacekeepers, justifying this by declaring that "governments that do not
    behave responsibly toward their citizens in this day and age forfeit their
    right to sovereignty."

    He did not call for U.S. troops, but for the United States to offer
    large-scale logistical support to the African Union to ferry and supply its
    troops into Sudan to control the crisis, "including equipment,
    communications, housing, and transportation." If the AU forces do not
    succeed in their mission, then NATO and UN intervention should be
    considered, as well as strict sanctions on Sudan, Keller said. Sanctions
    could include an arms embargo, a ban on international travel by Sudan's
    leaders, and a freeze on assets of companies controlled by the ruling group
    in Sudan. He also called on the UN to prosecute the perpetrators of the
    genocide under the International Criminal Court of Justice in the Hague.

    "You don't just admonish people like this, the Janjaweed and the Sudan
    government," Keller concluded. "You have to make them pay."

    Burkle Center for International Relations

    Date Posted: 3/3/2005