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Los Angeles City Mayor James Hahn visits Rose & Alex Pilibos

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  • Los Angeles City Mayor James Hahn visits Rose & Alex Pilibos

    Rose and Alex Pilibos Armenian School
    1615 North Alexandria Avenus
    Los Angeles, CA 90027
    Contact: Nazaret Apanian
    Tel: 323-668-2661
    E-mail: [email protected]


    LOS ANGELES - Los Angeles City Mayor James Hahn visited Rose & Alex
    Pilibos Armenian School on March 3, 2005. Accompanying Mayor Hahn were
    members of his staff as well as campaign managers. Mayor Hahn is running
    for reelection as Los Angeles Mayor in the upcoming March 8 citywide
    primary elections. Upon arriving at Pilibos Armenian School, Mayor Hahn
    was greeted by Dr. Viken Yacoubian, Principal of the school and members
    of the Administration. City Commissioners, Community activists, church
    board members, as well as ANCA Regional Board representatives were also
    at hand at greeting the Mayor. Paying a surprise visit, after Mayor
    Hahn's arrival, was Councilman Eric Garcetti. It is noteworthy that
    Councilman Garcetti represents the Little Armenia District at the Los
    Angeles City Hall. Meeting with the Mayor and Councilman Garcetti, Dr.
    Yacoubian briefly introduced the Pilibos School and the growing
    community. Touching upon the growth of the school since 1969, Dr.
    Yacoubian highlighted major developments, including the recent addition
    of the library and gymnasium, as well as the surge in the student body
    population. Dr. Yacoubian further mentioned that graduates of Pilibos
    Armenian School leave the school with a strong sense of their Armenian
    identity, simultaneously having constructively integrated their American
    identity into their sense of self.

    After the brief meeting, Dr. Yacoubian led the Mayor and all guests to
    the gymnasium. Students and faculty members enthusiastically welcomed
    the Mayor. Mayor Hahn went out of his way to greet students at the
    gymnasium. After the welcoming, Dr. Yacoubian introduced Mayor Hahn to
    the students. Mayor Hahn thanked the students for their warm welcome. He
    said, "Thank you Eagles, for the warm welcome. I am honored to be at
    this fine school of yours". He also congratulated the Boys Varsity
    basketball team for advancing to the playoffs. Prior to answering
    questions from students, the Mayor emphasized the importance of positive
    community involvement. He mentioned that activism opens the doors of
    opportunity and keeps individuals away from trouble.

    After the town hall meeting with students and squeezing time in their
    tight schedules, Mayor Hahn and Councilman Garcetti visited the 1st
    grade class. The Mayor spoke about the city and his visit. He took the
    time to answer questions from young Pilibos students, as well as
    answered their "reading and spelling" questions.

    Mayor Hahn and Councilman Garcetti also participated in the Student
    Council's "Cheese Beoreg" sale. President Ara Thomassian and Junior
    Alice Sislian presented the guests with hot and delicious cheese
    beoregs, compliments of the Student Council. The Mayor and his staff
    enjoyed this Armenian treat.

    The Pilibos School Administration would like to extend its sincere
    gratitude to Mayor Hahn and Councilman Garcetti for taking their time in
    visiting the school.

    For pictures from the visit, please visit