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Azerbaijan's president pins great hopes on coop with Georgia

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  • Azerbaijan's president pins great hopes on coop with Georgia

    ITAR-TASS News Agency
    March 4, 2005 Friday

    Azerbaijan's president pins great hopes on coop with Georgia

    By Sevindzh Abdullayeva, Viktor Shulman


    Azerbaijan's President Ilkham Aliyev believes that the potential of
    economic cooperation with Georgia must be used to the maximum extent
    possible. He made a statement to this effect at a meeting with
    Georgian Prime Minister Zurab Nogaideli, who has arrived in Baku on a
    working visit.

    About the condition of Azerbaijani-Georgian relations Aliyev said
    "mutual understanding, cooperation and mutual support between the two
    countries is at the highest level."

    Aliyev said this was a very important factor to both Azerbaijan and
    Georgia, whose well-being was tightly inter-connected.

    The Georgian prime minister said he would exert every effort to make
    bilateral relations more dynamic. As he talked to journalists,
    Nogaideli mentioned such major themes of negotiations in Baku as
    preparations for the meeting of the bilateral inter-government
    commission for economic cooperation, to be held in Tbilisi in April,
    and cooperation in the customs, transport and financial spheres.

    According to some sources, Nogaidelli discussed the rescheduling of
    Georgia's debt to Azerbaijan on the earlier extended loans, and the
    situation on the border, where about 500 railway carriages with
    transit cargoes are waiting for customs clearance.

    Azerbaijan since 2004 has thoroughly checked all transit cargoes
    bound for Georgia in order to prevent their eventual delivery to
    Armenia, with which Baku has no economic ties due to the continuing
    dispute over Nagorno-Karabakh.

    Azerbaijan's First Deputy Prime Minister Abbas Abbasov has told the
    media Georgia has expressed the readiness to provide guarantees
    including those in writing the transit cargoes from Azerbaijan would
    not be taken to Armenia.