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Rushailo optimistic about CIS prospects

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  • Rushailo optimistic about CIS prospects

    ITAR-TASS News Agency
    March 4, 2005 Friday

    Rushailo optimistic about CIS prospects

    By Tigran Liloyan


    CIS Executive Secretary Vladimir Rushailo believes there are no
    reasons for calling in question the future of the Commonwealth of
    Independent States (CIS). He told journalists about it in Yerevan. At
    the same time, he admitted that "there are some problems connected
    with the fulfilment of the adopted resolutions within the CIS

    "Perhaps, the CIS Charter should be amended in the future. CIS was
    created ten years ago, and the legal acts, that were adopted that
    time, should be updated," he said. According to his information, "an
    inventory of the CIS legal basis is being drawn up, with a view to
    establishing the spheres in which changes and amendments should be
    made for the purpose of improving the efficiency of CIS."

    "We are examining the experience of the European Union and other
    international organisations," he continued. "In our opinion, the
    experience of Latin America is interesting for us, especially in the
    economic sphere: It is difficult to automatically apply some schemes
    in CIS for a number of political, economic and other reasons. This is
    why we should take the fragments, which proved to be especially
    effective in other international organisations, and should try to use
    them in CIS."

    Rushailo stressed that "it is the leaders of the CIS member countries
    who will have a final say on all those matters." CIS includes 12
    countries: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan,
    Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and