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Archbishop Mutafian in Mischief

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  • Archbishop Mutafian in Mischief


    5 March 05

    Ever since exterminating 1.5 million Armenians and depopulating
    historic Armenia, successive regimes in Turkey have been hard at work,
    in an obsessive determination to wipe out all traces of Armenian
    heritage in our ancestral land.

    However, since Ataturk's Europeanization, the traditional Turkish
    scimitar has been replaced by more sophisticated methods with the very
    same ultimate goal to drive the original inhabitants of the land into

    Recognizing fully the role of the Armenian Church in preserving the
    Armenian culture and identity, the Turks have turned it into a prime
    target of destruction. Thousands of houses of worship have been
    reduced to ruins. Additionally, the Turks have resorted to every ruse,
    any kind of Byzantine law to emasculate the remaining Armenian
    community in Istanbul, especially decapitating its spiritual

    Contrary to Lausanne Treaty (1923) provisions, the Turkish government
    has shut down the Holy Cross Armenian Seminary, the only center where
    young generations of clergy could be trained. When Armenians resorted
    to other creative means to replenish the dwindling pool clergymen by
    emoting aspiring clergymen at the Jerusalem Seminary, the Turkish
    government acted swiftly to ban that route as wail, accusing Armenians
    of training terrorists in that seminary. One of those returning
    seminarians, Father Manuel Yergatian, ended up in jail with ludicrous
    accusations and he suffered most of his 14 years verdict in the
    Turkish dungeons.

    While denying all venues to train young clergy, the Turkish government
    has devised another trap: thus the Turkish law prohibits anyone from
    being elected as the Armenian Patriarch who is not born in Turkey.
    These restrictions severely curtail the number of potential
    candidates, only to eliminate all the candidates in a matter of
    several years.

    Under these devilish Turkish schemes, clergymen of dubious reputation
    will ascend the Patriarchal throne default. The current Patriarch,
    Archbishop Mesrob Mutafian, is the product of that default.

    His predecessors, Archbishop Karekin Khachadourian, Archbishop Shnork
    Kalousdian, and even Archbishop Kazanjian, have served the
    Patriarchate with extreme prudence, cognizant of the limitations and
    restrictions imposed by the Turkish government. Thanks to their
    prudence, wisdom and inspiring personalities, the great traditions of
    the Istanbul Armenian community have been preserved, the creative
    impulse of the intellectual life has remained productive, and the
    institutions have survived.

    The emergence of Archbishop Mutafian has altered the scene
    dramatically. Traditionally united, the Istanbul Armenian community
    has been severely divided. He has bullied intellectuals, journalists
    and benefactors by his unorthodox behavior; however, thanks to the
    wisdom of the injured parties not to react, eccentric behavior of this
    young clergyman continues its damage.

    Since Archbishop Mutafian was easily elected to the Patriarchal
    throne, with Turkish government crutches, he was intoxicated with his
    instant success and he used the Patriarchal throne as a launching pad
    to try his luck as the Supreme head of the Armenian Church - where he
    discovered that Turkish tentacles were not long enough to help him in
    his outlandish design. He was frustrated and he turned against the
    Holy See of Etchmiadzin; used every opportunity to demonstrate his
    disrespect and he broke away from the traditional hierarchal
    relations, which the former Patriarchs had established and cherished

    All his predecessors had been coerced by the Turkish government to get
    involved politically to promote its dubious agenda to the detriment of
    the Armenian cause, but they had wisely shied away from engaging in
    any such adventure. Yet Archbishop Mutafian gleefully engaged in that
    adventure at the first advance of the Turkish authorities. He allowed
    himself to be used as a political tool when he took a tour of Europe
    last year to promote Turkey's admission into the European Union, while
    the world Armenian political leadership was opposing the move

    Upon his return to Istanbul he believed that he had earned Brownie
    points with the Turkish government. When he approached the Turkish
    authorities with problems plaguing the Armenian community, he
    discovered that nothing had been changed, and that the same
    authorities continued their discrimination policies. They continued
    usurping community assets and controlling the Armenian schools to
    eradicate any ethnic tradition left there.

    As the Turkish heavy hand was relentlessly working to disrupt
    community life, instead of complaining to the International Court, or
    declaring a hunger strike at UN Headquarters to draw attention to the
    plight of the Armenian community, he dared to show up at the Turkish
    TV to say what the Turks waited to hear and what they wanted the world
    to hear - that Armenian community had been living freely and
    peacefully and that no other Armenians from abroad had to meddle im
    their affairs.

    When the European Union representatives visited Turkey to contact the
    community leaders, Greeks, Kurds and Jews courageously cited their
    grievances, yet Archbishop Mutafian disappeared on a Greek island.

    During President Bush's visit he spoke of humanitarian values and
    complained about Abu Ghreib Prison in Iraq, instead of complaining
    about Midnight Express style Turkish prisons.

    As the world Armenian community struggles for the recognition of the
    Armenian Genocide, Archbishop Mutafian plays the Turkish tunes: that
    history has to be left to the historians, as if there was anything
    left to be said about the genocide.

    The Armenian Mirror Spectator