Economic ties top agenda of CIS chief's talks in Armenia
4 Mar 05
"We are on the whole satisfied with the work carried out in Armenia
during our visit," the CIS executive secretary, Vladimir Rushaylo,
said at a news conference in Yerevan today.
[Passage omitted: meetings held during visit]
He said that economic integration was a priority issue. "We can say
that we have achieved serious progress in this regard, although there
are instances when effectiveness should be boosted," Rushaylo said.
[Passage omitted: praising Armenia's participation in trade
Trading houses have been opened in a number of CIS countries - Russia,
Belarus and Tajikistan. Work is under way to open such houses in
Uzbekistan and Armenia. "Those will be effective levers to boost
economic integration," Rushaylo said, adding that business structures
should be actively involved in this.
He also mentioned fighting terrorism, crime and drugs among the
cooperation priorities. Rushaylo said that this topic had also been
discussed during his meeting with the Armenian president.
Humanitarian cooperation is one of the major fields, which also
involves sending observers to elections in the CIS countries. "In our
opinion, this work demands more quality approaches, improved methods,
more close cooperation with other international organizations. We are
looking into this," the CIS executive secretary said.
Finally, Rushaylo thanked the Armenian leadership for the
well-organized visit and constructive position on the issues
4 Mar 05
"We are on the whole satisfied with the work carried out in Armenia
during our visit," the CIS executive secretary, Vladimir Rushaylo,
said at a news conference in Yerevan today.
[Passage omitted: meetings held during visit]
He said that economic integration was a priority issue. "We can say
that we have achieved serious progress in this regard, although there
are instances when effectiveness should be boosted," Rushaylo said.
[Passage omitted: praising Armenia's participation in trade
Trading houses have been opened in a number of CIS countries - Russia,
Belarus and Tajikistan. Work is under way to open such houses in
Uzbekistan and Armenia. "Those will be effective levers to boost
economic integration," Rushaylo said, adding that business structures
should be actively involved in this.
He also mentioned fighting terrorism, crime and drugs among the
cooperation priorities. Rushaylo said that this topic had also been
discussed during his meeting with the Armenian president.
Humanitarian cooperation is one of the major fields, which also
involves sending observers to elections in the CIS countries. "In our
opinion, this work demands more quality approaches, improved methods,
more close cooperation with other international organizations. We are
looking into this," the CIS executive secretary said.
Finally, Rushaylo thanked the Armenian leadership for the
well-organized visit and constructive position on the issues