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Gibrahayer - Nicosia - March 1, 2005

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  • Gibrahayer - Nicosia - March 1, 2005

    GIBRAHAYER e-magazine
    [email protected]

    The largest circulation Armenian
    online e-magazine on the WWW


    MARCH 1, 2005 YEREVAN (YERKIR) - A fund raising event in Paris raised
    almost $1.7 million to help advance the work of Armenian National
    Committees worldwide, including
    recognition of the Armenian genocide, and advancing Armenian issues.
    Over 180 Armenians from Armenia, Russia, Middle East, and Europe
    gathered at a banquet on February 26, with the participation of
    Catholicos Aram I of the Holy See of Cilicia, ARF Dashnaktsoutiun
    Bureau representative Hrant Margarian, Armenian ministers, religious
    leaders, politicians, and public figures.
    Dashnaktsoutiun Press office reported that though donations are
    still coming in, $555,000 has already been received from Armenia and
    Russia, $325,000 from Lebanon, $150,000 from Iran, $200,000 from the
    Persian Golf Arab countries, as well as sums from the UK, France,
    Belgium, Greece, and other countries. The complete report in Armenian
    can be read at

    By Charlie Charalambous - The Cyprus Weekly
    CYPRUS has denounced Ankara for raising tensions on the island by
    strengthening its forces in the Turkish-held north with upgraded
    US-made weaponry during the Turkish Cypriot elections.
    "According to our observations, the Turkish army has transferred
    to the occupied north fully-equipped and modernised US-made tanks and
    a significantly large number of armoured personnel carriers," Defence
    Minister Koullis Mavronicolas told a news conference.
    He said the arms were "not replacements" but "additional
    weaponry" in moves to upgrade the capabilities of Turkish forces whose
    guns are trained on a weaker National Guard.
    "Moreover, the increase in Turkey's occupational presence
    heightens tension across the ceasefire line," said the minister.
    He argued that an arms build-up in the north did not contribute
    to efforts to find a Cyprus settlement or sit well with Turkey's own
    ambitions to join the European Union.
    "This event alone shows a contradiction between the words and
    deeds of the Turkish side."

    Meanwhile in Strasbourg¦
    (combines sources)
    ¢ Armenian genocide allegations spark fury in Strasbourg meetings
    ¢ Marios Matsakis accuses Turkey of three genocides

    The Armenian genocide overshadowed the 53rd meeting of the
    Turkey-European Union Joint Parliamentary Commission in Strasbourg
    last Friday, as French right-wing deputy Jacques Toubon sparked harsh
    reactions from Turkish deputies when he displayed Turkey's recognition
    of the Armenian genocide as a condition for its membership to the
    European Union.
    Turkey's relations with its neighbours such as Armenia, Greece
    and Cyprus were on the agenda during the last session of meetings
    which was held close to the press yesterday. Toubon suggested that
    Turkey should accept the Sevres Treaty of 1920, giving outright
    independence to the Armenians and autonomy to the Kurds.
    Cyprus Euro MP Marios Matsakis a member of the joint
    parliamentary commission, stated that Turkey had committed genocide
    not only on Armenians, Greeks and Kurds.
    Turkey's permanent representative to the EU, said proposing the
    ratification of the Sevres Treaty is unacceptable for Turkey, while a
    representative from the main opposition Republican People's Party
    (CHP) said the genocide allegations should be examined by historians
    not by politicians.
    The Armenian genocide is not only an issue for European deputies
    in Strasbourg, but has also been brought to the agenda of the German
    Federal Parliament (Bundestag) by Angela Merkel, the main opposition
    Christian Democrat Union (CDU) leader. Merkel is expected to introduce
    a proposal for the 1.5 million Armenians killed by the Ottoman Empire
    in 1915.
    She said that the denial attitude of Turkey - that is the legal heir
    of the Ottoman Empire - does not go with the idea of `peace and
    forgiving' which is one of the EU's founding elements.

    Alaric Gomes, Staff Reporter -
    Gulf News, United Arab Emirates

    February 21, 2005: - After a quick tour of Dubai, American legend

    Andre Agassi admitted that he wouldn't mind risking a trip to
    neighbouring Iran in an attempt to trace his roots.
    "If I have more time here, then I don't mind making a quick
    trip to Tehran and seeing things for myself," Agassi told reporters at
    the Dubai Tennis Stadium.
    Born in Armenia, Agassi's father Mike Agassian was a boxer with
    the national team that went to the 1952 Olympic Games. After he moved
    to the US, however, Mike dropped the final two letters in Agassian to
    become Agassi.
    Armenian Cypriot author Nouritza Matossian, author of Black Angel, A
    Life of Arshile Gorky, the book which inspired Atom Egoyan's movie
    Ararat, breaks the story of Orhan Pamuk's stand for the Armenians and
    human rights in Turkey, the hate campaign in the Press, the charges
    brought against him and the ensuing human rights debate in last
    Sunday's Observer.
    You can read it at,6903,1426319,00.html
    Armenian Cypriot artist Nanor Tashdjian will be exhibiting her
    works in Cardiff from April 12 - April 21, 2005 at the Temple of
    Peace, Cathays Park.
    The exhibition, entitled "The Battle Field" is partly a
    reflection by Nanor on her background. She was born during the Turkish
    invasion of Cyprus and in her work she identifies strongly with her
    grand parents, orphaned during the Armenian Genocide of 1915-23. The
    exhibition will be held in the foyer of the entrance to the Temple of
    Peace, from April 12 -21 from 9.00 a.m. till 5.00p.m.(not the weekend)
    The exhibition will culminate in a Commemorative meeting at The
    Temple of Peace (upstairs Council Committee room) at 7.00 p.m. on
    Wednesday, 20th April. Taking part will Caerphilly Labour Councillor
    and Human Rights campaigner Ray Davies, and the well-known poet Mike
    Jenkins of Merthyr. He will read his poem "Komitas" on the composer
    who suffered terribly during the round-up and massacre of Armenian
    intellectuals at the beginning of the Genocide.
    As Cardiff is the first city in the UK to recognise the Armenian
    Genocide, the organisers are planning to commission a mural in the
    city to depict this tragic and ignored Holocaust.

    By Jean Ipdjian*

    It would have given me so much pleasure and satisfaction if I
    could write today that the only problem, the Armenian community in
    Cyprus has, was the closure of the Melkonian Educational Institute.
    Unfortunately, that I cannot do, since despite the apparent
    health and activity of the community, it has a host of underlying
    problems, which threaten its very existence and future well-being.
    Incidentally, this apparent health and well-being is only the result
    of the work of a handful of selfless people, who without pay or profit
    spend their free ` and not so free - time serving their community.
    This cannot continue and will surely end one day when they also in
    turn burn out and cannot be replaced.
    The yins (life `force) of a community are its churches, schools,
    political parties, clubs, cultural and social entities, and last but
    not least, its leaders.
    Each of these has its role to play in the forging of the
    character, mind and spiritual world of our community. Each of these
    has its role in forging the Armenian of Diaspora, in the forging of
    individuals, who not only are good citizens of the countries they live
    in, but are good Armenians as well. Being a small nation, being a
    nation who has more people living in Diaspora than in the Mother
    country, the life of us, Armenians, has always been a continued battle
    against assimilation, a continued battle to retain our national
    character ` our language, our culture, our church, a continued
    struggle for the recognition of the Armenian Genocide and the
    settlement of our national demands ` the regaining our lost lands. So,
    it is essential that our different communal institutions work
    separately, and together, in order to fulfil these ambitions.
    The Armenian community in Cyprus has a unique advantage. It has a
    person who carries the title of "House Representative", who is elected
    by the community members during the parliamentary elections in a
    parallel election and who attends Parliament in a non-voting status.
    The uniqueness of this position is that the government considers him
    as being the official representative of the community and so prefers,
    for his own convenience, to deal only with him in all matters
    regarding the community. Although this position has only a nominal
    status, within the hands of an able person, it can be turned into a
    really useful tool.
    That person can turn into the central peg of the community's
    wheel, bringing together and coordinating the work of all the
    different factions, clubs, cultural organizations and institutions
    operating in the community. But in order to do that, the elected
    representative should have the courage and the will to, once elected,
    forget whose votes had elected him and work for the whole community
    without factional and other regards, without nepotism and favouritism.
    He should use all the means under his disposal for the good of all.
    Unfortunately, our community has not been able to find the
    person, who has the required understanding, strength, nationalism and
    impartiality to resist the corruptive effects of power and succumb to
    the divisive pressures of one group or the other.
    At a time when our community is faced with so many problems
    threatening its existence, at a time when our youth ` both minors and
    seniors ` are under the relentless pressures of modern society and
    assimilation, at a time when a historical institution like the
    Melkonian has already capitulated and sentenced to death, at a time
    when the secondary education of our children in an Armenian
    institution and atmosphere is denied to them, at a time when day by
    day the number of people going to our church is dwindling and the
    community is losing touch with our national church, at a time when our
    clubs are threatened to become just empty buildings, at a time when
    the organization of each cultural event is becoming a "golgotha" for
    its organisers, at a time when our community desperately needs a
    person with the vision and charisma of a real leader, our
    "Representative" together with his immediate entourage is content to
    do nothing and when they occasionally decide to do something, they do
    it either for the sake of appearances or with utter incompetence.
    Unfortunately, - and that is the most painful ` many members of
    our community instead of using their judgement and instead of giving
    priority to matters pertinent to the benefit of the whole community,
    still prefer and chose to continue being guided by factional gains.
    They still prefer and chose to continue to regard matters
    conservatively and still prefer and chose to continue to regard the
    name and person of the "representative" as their paramount and
    foremost concern.
    Perhaps, in order to be rid of these malaise, we should start
    looking for and adopting new ways and methods when deciding the person
    of our "representative". Perhaps we should first write a job
    description and accordingly look for the person who can fill the post
    rather than ` as we now do ` decide upon the person and adopt and
    amend the job description to fit him.
    Whatever we finally decide to do, we must find the resolve to do
    it selflessly, to do it conscientiously, to do it right for our sake
    and more to the point, for the sake of the future generations of this
    community whom I ` and I presume all of us too ` would like to see
    remain and be true Armenians.

    * Jean Ipdjian is a Melkonian graduate and the Editor of Artsagang
    monthly newspaper. You can contact him direct on
    [email protected]

    All political directions in life should stay parallel, and existent at
    all times as equally valuable and necessary poles for different human
    attitudes. It is only when one or the other becomes severely dominant,
    crippling the other, that dangerous imbalance in life occurs.
    Perhaps it is a law of nature that dictates we can only be one thing,
    think and act one way at any given time. But, perhaps it is also an
    innate weakness in humanity. We are not as broad-minded or broad-based
    as we like to think. And, perhaps it is that during more disturbed
    times, when established values are crumbling, our uneasiness gives
    rise to fanaticism, forcing us to cling ferociously to a single
    belief, thought, action or way.
    Charles Darwin said "It is not the strongest of the species that
    survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones most responsive to
    change." in order to guarantee the survival of your fond dreams you
    might want to keep transforming yourself...!
    Tatiana Ferahian - Limassol

    Please note that firewalls and storage limitations may sometimes
    disrupt smooth delivery of our e-magazine to you. Please adjust your
    settings accordingly to ensure you receive Gibrahayer. Alternately,
    you can read the last five issues by going to the Archives section of
    the above link.


    * 36 ambassadors to Turkey together with their wives spent a weekend
    at historic places of Kars, upon the invitation of Kars Mayor Naif

    * AGBU President Berge Setrakian, on a visit to Jerusalem on February
    3rd and 4th, met with the Armenian Patriarch of Jerusalem, Archbishop
    Torkom Manoogian, and discussed matters of mutual interest.

    * Germany's main opposition parties, which oppose Turkey's bid to join
    the European Union, plan to submit a motion to parliament calling on
    Turkey to acknowledge responsibility for the deaths of hundreds of
    thousands of Armenians in 1915.

    * The Singapore Armenian Church of St. Gregory the Illuminator and the
    Armenian residents of Thailand, Singapore and Hong Kong, have decided
    to honour the 170th anniversary of the construction of the Church with
    a series of events.

    * Armenia's 46-member member non-combat platoon, which left for its
    peacekeeping mission in Iraq on January 18, has begun the
    implementation of its duties in Iraq.

    * Armenian servicemen have confirmed that they have captured three
    Azerbaijani servicemen, who crossed the front-line, at 5.20 p.m. on
    February 15, 2005

    * The Shushi Foundation, a non-governmental charity, is planning to
    launch archaeological excavations in about 200 ancient cemeteries
    dating to the Bronze age.

    * 36-year-old former Monaco, Paris St Germain, Internazionale,
    Kaiserslautern, Bolton and Blackburn striker Youri Djorkaeff is
    joining US Soccer New York/New Jersey Metrostars.

    * Thousands of citizens, along with political figures paid their
    respects on Monday to the victims of pogroms against Armenians in the
    Azeri city of Sumgait in 1988.

    g i b r a h a y c a l e n d a r

    Lecture series dedicated to clergymen that were killed in the
    Armenian Genocide of 1915 will continue every Wednesday after Hsgoum
    throughout Medz Bak with the following schedule.
    * Wednesday 2 March 2005 - Souren Dz.Vart.Kalemian (1884 - 1915) is
    by Dr.Antranik Ashdjian
    * Wednesday 9 March 2005 - Nerses Yebisgobos Tanielian (1868 - 1915)
    is presented
    by Anahid Eskidjian
    * Wednesday 16 March 2005 - Shavarsh Dz.Vart.Sahagian (1881 - 1915) is
    presented by Elsy Utudjian

    * Annual Traditional Michink Dinner at AYMA organised by The Armenian
    Relief Society "Sosse" Cyprus Chapter on Wednesday March 2, 2005 at
    8:30 pm at AYMA.

    * Tsunami Relief Aid Concert March 2, 2005 at 7:30 p.m., MEI
    Auditorium, organised by the AGBU Melkonian Educational Institute with
    the participation of Melkonian Students.

    * Two Day celebrations in Cyprus for the 75th Anniversary celebrations
    of the Cilician Seminary and the 10th anniversary of the enthronement
    of Catholicos Aram I of the Holy See of Cilicia. Main event on
    Saturday March 5, 2005 at 8:00 pm at the Sourp Asdvadzadzin Church in
    Nicosia where Shnorhali Choir from Beirut under Der Bartev Vartabed
    Guelimian will perform. Speakers at the same event: His Holiness
    Catholicos Aram I. Sebouh Tavitian and Vartan Tashdjian.

    * Holy Mass on Sunday March 6, 2005. Karoz by His Holiness Catholicos
    Aram I followed by a Luncheon at Makedonitissa Palace at 1:00 pm
    organised by the Temagan and Varchakan Joghov.

    * Carnival Party organised by the Parent's Association of Nareg
    Schools. March 9, 2005 at The Hall of Nareg School in Nicosia, from
    4:00 - 6:00 pm. Entrance: £4.00 for adults and £3.00 for children.

    * On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of martyrdom of ARF
    Dashnaktsoutiun founder Christapor Mikaelian the following
    commemorative events have been planned: Symposium at 10 & 11 March,
    with the participation of various political figures and academics in
    Sofia. Pilgrimage to Christapor Mikaelian's grave at Sophia Cemetery
    on March 11. All wishing to take part in the pilgrimage, should
    contact ARF Dashnaktsoutiun Cyprus.

    * Armenian Cultural Event ` Dance & Poetry April 8, 2005 at 7:30 p.m.,
    MEI Auditorium. Organised by the AGBU ` Melkonian Educational
    Institute with the participation of Melkonian Students.

    * The "Sipan" Dance Group of Hamazkayin Cultural and Educational
    Association of Cyprus will be presenting the Musical Performance of
    Toumanyian "Famous Children's Stories" on Sunday April 10, 2005 at
    8:30 pm at PASIDY Auditorium.

    * Armenian Cypriot artist Nanor Tashdjian will be exhibiting her works
    in Cardiff from April 12 - April 21, 2005 at the Temple of Peace,
    Cathays Park. The exhibition, entitled "The Battle Field" is partly a
    reflection by Nanor on her background. She was born during the Turkish
    invasion of Cyprus. The exhibition will be held in the foyer of the
    entrance to the Temple of Peace, from April 12 -21 from 9.00 a.m. till
    5.00p.m.(not the weekend).The exhibition will culminate in a
    Commemorative meeting at The Temple of Peace (upstairs Council
    Committee room) at 7.00 p.m. on Wednesday, 20th April. Taking part
    will Caerphilly Labour Councillor and Human Rights campaigner Ray
    Davies, and the well-known poet Mike Jenkins of Merthyr. He will read
    his poem "Komitas".

    * The "Timag" Theater Company of Hamazkayin Cultural and Educational
    Association of Cyprus is getting ready for its annual performance
    which will take place on Saturday May 7, 2005 at 8:30 pm

    * Armenian musical duo of Jean Davidian and Marie Louise Kouyoumdjian
    perform at Champs every Friday at 9:30 pm. Reservations on 22 873888.

    * Arevakal and Hsgoum ceremonies begin from Wednesday 9 February, 2005
    as follows: Every Wednesday and Friday - Arevakal 7:40 am and Hsgoum
    at 6:00 pm

    * Opening of a Painting Exhibition of Armenian Cypriot Artists,
    organised by The Hamazkayin Cultural and Educational Association
    Cyprus Chapter at The Utudjian Hall of The Armenian Prelature, on
    Friday 18 March, 2005 at 7:30 pm. The Exhibition will remain open
    until the 20th of March, 2005.

    * Commemoration of The Armenian Genocide ` 90th Anniversary April 20,
    2005 at 7:30 p.m., MEI Auditorium. Organised by the AGBU ` Melkonian
    Educational Institute with the participation of Melkonian Students.

    * Lecture by Peter Balakian on Friday May 20, 2005 organised by The
    Hamazkayin Cultural and Educational Association Cyprus Chapter.
    Details to follow.

    * Cyprus Dart Championships. AYMA/HMEM is participating in the Cyprus
    Dart League with home matches being played every other Thursday at

    * AYF Badanegan Mioutian get-togethers take place on Saturday at 3:30
    pm at AYMA. Contact Vartoog Karageulian on 24-659245.

    * Practices of the "Sipan" Dance Group of Hamazkayin Cultural and
    Educational Association of Cyprus for the Musical Performance of
    Toumanyian "Famous Children's Stories" take place as follows: Every
    Friday and Sunday at 5:30 pm and every Saturday at 4:30 pm

    * AYMA/HMEM Chicco Football practices take place every Friday from
    7:00 - 8:30 pm for children starting from the age of 7. Contact Krikor
    Mahdessian on 99650897.

    * AYMA/HMEM Table Tennis practices take place every Saturday from 5:30
    pm under the guidance of ex-Cyprus Champion Sirvart Costanian. Classes
    for all ages.

    * AYF meetings every Wednesday at 9:00 pm at AYMA. This week's meeting
    is postponed because of three community events on March 2.

    * AYMA/HMEM Football team practices take place every Thursday at 7:30
    For more details of the next Bible Study Class organised by the
    Armenian Prelature at the Vahram Utudjian Hall of The Armenian
    Prelature call Father Momik Habeshian direct on 99 307966 or at the
    Prelature Office on 22 493560 email [email protected]

    * Armenian Radio Hour on The Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation via real
    audio on . Broadcast 17:00-18:00 local Cyprus time
    (14:00-15:00 GMT)

    * The Armenian Prelature announces that the next permit for the
    Armenian Cemetery visitation at Ayios Dhometios on the Green line, is
    on Sunday March 13, 2005

    * Every Wednesday from 7-8 pm (Cyprus time + 2 GMT) on CyBC's Trito,
    Puzant Nadjarian presents the "History of the Blue". Internet edition

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress