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The Most Distinguish Characteristic of Modern Turkish Nationalism

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  • The Most Distinguish Characteristic of Modern Turkish Nationalism

    March 7 2005

    The Most Distinguish Characteristic of Modern Turkish Nationalism:

    Denial of Reality, Xenophobia, Racism, and Anti-Semitism

    By: Amed Demirhan

    Mar 7, 2005

    The people in Turkey from elementary school and on are indoctrinated
    with denial of historical realities and socio-ethnographical and
    cultural diversity in their country. All form of mass media daily
    reinforces this abnormality, and any one that questions this, will
    become subject of the witch-hunt. When, one listens to mainstream
    Turkish politician and "educated class" one wonders if they are from
    the plant of Earth or somewhere else? The recent debate in Turkey is
    a typical example of this abnormalities: the government foreign
    policy; the mass medias which hunts against writer Orhan Pamuk
    statement in regards to Armenian genocide and crime against Kurds,
    and the Ministry of environment and forest changing name of wild
    animals just to exclude words Kurdistan and Armenian, and the
    increase in Anti-Semitism are typical characteristics of modern
    Turkish nationalism. This type of nationalism as evidenced in many
    historical examples is harmful to every one including the nation it
    advocate for, therefore, standing against current Turkish nationalism
    is as important as standing against Nazism, Stalinism, Saddams~R
    Regime and Bathism. It is in the best interest of Turkish people to
    be liberated from this illness.

    The government of Turkey still refuses to call Bath~Rsist
    (Sunni-Hanafi) and Islamic Fascist in central Iraq terrorist. In the
    past many time Turkey had strongly protested United States lead
    freedom forces victory in the city of Falluga and Tell Afar, in Iraq,
    but until now it never protested terrorist attacks against civilian
    in Iraq. At the same time it had characterized Israel~Rs shelve
    defense acts against terrorist Islam-I Jihad organization as state
    terrorism. Recently a Turkish news portal "Haber X (3/2/050) reported
    that about 400 Turks are fighting against the USA lead freedom forces
    in Iraq with terrorist leader Al-Zarkavi. It noted that these
    fighters are veterans from Bosnian war against Serbia. This indicates
    that Turkish government knows who are these "Turkish ~V Islamic"
    fighters because almost all of those fighters that went to Bosnia,
    Chechnya, and in the past to Afghanistan went via Turkish
    intelligence services. In addition, in March first of this year 200
    Turkish "intellectuals": journalists, professors, writers, and some
    "civic" organization representative visited Syria to show their
    solidarity with Syrian dictatorship against Western pressure and the
    United Nation request for Syrian withdrawal from Lebanon. Most of
    these 200 people are closely related to the state (its hard to call
    them civilian). March 1, is significant, it is the day Turkish
    Parliament under Turkish military pressure refused to let the USA
    lead forces go through Turkey and open a second front against Saddams
    regime. This indicate that Turkish regime is the most
    anti-Westernization and democratization of the Middle East because it
    sees freedom as a treat to its regime.

    One may expect a Turkey that had received a negotiation date from
    European Union (EU) may act little better internally but looking in a
    recent debate it is doubtful and domestic policy like its foreign
    policy is anti-democratic. Last week one of the most famous Turkish
    writers Orhan Pamuk in an interview stated, that One million Armenian
    and 30,000 Kurds had been victim of the state (Turkish state). About
    90% of media commentators started a lynching company against the
    author and political organization like infamous "Gray Wolfe" movement
    send death treat to the author. In fact Mr. Pamuk~Rs statement could
    have been subject of a serious debate and his statement is very
    questionable because more than one million Armenian and
    Assurian/Keldan have been killed and the number of Kurds have been
    killed since foundation of the Turkish republic is very high and
    millions were deported from their homes. This shows how much free
    debate is possible in Turkey that prepares to join to EU?

    The republic of Turkey prohibited every thing that wasn~Rt Turkish in
    historic multinational and cultural diverse geography and named them
    in Turkish from beginning. Apparently they have forgotten few wild
    animals name like: "~QVulpes Vulpes Kürdistanicum" (A fox in Kurdistan
    area) and "Ovis Armeniana" (wild sheep in old Armenia) in their
    scientific classification. The ministry of environment and forest
    acted right away on this discovery and changed their name to Turkish.
    ( 3/5/05). I wonder if any one knows or heard
    this kind of xenophobia, racism and hatred anywhere? Even Sheep and
    Foxes cannot be Armenian or Kurdistani? The modern Turkish
    nationalism is founded of the denial of reality and has been
    indoctrinating its population in this denial and hatred on any thing
    that is not Turkish. This is fundamental problem for every one who
    has to deal with Turkish regime. Despite every thing the official
    doctrine is totally bankrupted and regime is very weak. Change of
    regime is unavoidable in Turkey and its necessary.
