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EU Criticizes Police, Says Turks Must Implement Laws

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  • EU Criticizes Police, Says Turks Must Implement Laws

    EU Criticizes Police, Says Turks Must Implement Laws

    March 7 (Bloomberg) -- The European Union condemned violence
    yesterday by Turkish police against demonstrators in Istanbul and
    urged the government to take steps to strengthen democracy and
    respect for human rights as part of its bid to join the 25-member

    Police used pepper gas and batons against women and children and
    arrested scores of people at a rally to mark International Women's
    Day. Turkey's parliament last year passed laws strengthening rights
    of peaceful assembly.

    "We condemn all violence, and demonstrations have to be conducted in
    a peaceful manner," EU Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn told a
    news conference in Ankara. "I want to underline the need to properly
    implement reforms. It's very important to keep the reform process

    Turkey is relying on membership talks with the EU, due to start on
    Oct. 3, to help attract foreign investment and reduce the cost of
    servicing its $250 billion debt. Hansjoerg Kretschmer, the head of
    the European Commission in Turkey, last week said the government had
    been slow to implement EU-backed laws since it won a date to start
    membership talks three months ago.


    Turkish Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul expressed his "sorrow" over
    the violence and pledged a full investigation. Turkey must continue
    to strengthen minority and women's rights and bolster freedom of
    expression, Rehn told reporters after meetings with Luxembourg
    Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn, U.K. Minister for Europe Denis
    McShane and Turkish officials.

    The U.S. and Britain say the EU must embrace a country that's both
    Muslim and democratic to help win the war on terror and encourage
    democracy in the Middle East. Turkey, which became a candidate for EU
    membership in 1999, borders countries including Iraq, Iran, Syria and
    Armenia. It's the only member of the North Atlantic treaty
    Organization that's 99 percent Muslim.

    The EU will run a so-called "screening process" for Turkey's
    membership parallel with accession negotiations starting in October,
    Rehn told reporters yesterday. Turkey should maintain zero tolerance
    for torture and respect the rights of non-Muslims to help its case
    for membership, he said.


    The European Union will publish a framework for the negotiations with
    Turkey by the end of June, Rehn said. The document outlines the
    political and economic steps the nation must take before it can join
    the 25-nation EU.

    "The government perhaps has been too busy with other domestic and
    political issues," said Volkan Kurt, an economist at Finans Yatirim
    Securities in Istanbul. "The problem of course has been on the
    implementation side. The government needs more time for
    implementation of the reforms."

    One area where the government needs to improve the enforcement of its
    "zero-tolerance" of torture is in them mainly Kurdish southeast of
    Turkey, Yusuf Alatas, head of the country' Human Rights Association,
    said in an interview on March 3.

    The government must also tackle problems with freedom of expression
    that have resulted in several court cases against the media in the
    past year, the EU's Kretschmer said last week.

    French Opposition

    Turkey shouldn't be allowed to join the EU because its culture and
    history aren't sufficiently European, say some EU politicians,
    including Nicolas Sarkozy, leader of French President Jacques
    Chirac's Union for a Popular Movement Party. Chirac last year said
    the talks may take 15 years to complete.

    By 2025, Turkey would swallow up EU farm and regional subsidies equal
    to about 0.17 percent of annual European economic output, or about
    $20 billion in today's terms, the European Commission said in a
    report published in October. France, the biggest beneficiary of the
    EU's $47 billion budget for agriculture, gets $9 billion in farm aid.

    The EU's political leaders agreed at a summit on Dec. 17 to start the
    negotiations with Turkey after the government took steps to curb the
    political influence of the military and improve the rights of the
    nation's 12 million Kurds.

    Today's meetings increased chances that Turkey would sign in the
    coming weeks a protocol to extend its free trade agreement with the
    EU to include Cyprus, Asselborn said. Such a step might pave the way
    for EU aid to Turkish Cyprus and direct trade with the north of the
    Island. Turkey must approve the accord before it can start the
    accession process.

    The Turkish government has said that widening the protocol won't mean
    recognition of the Greek Cypriot south, which joined the EU in May.
    The Island has been divided since 1974, after Turkish forced invaded
    in response to a brief coup by Greek Cypriots.

    To contact the reporter on this story:
    Mark Bentley in Ankara at [email protected].

    To contact the editor responsible for this story:
    Catherine Hickley in Berlin at [email protected].