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Former U.S. Envoy Backs Armenian Genocide Recognition

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  • Former U.S. Envoy Backs Armenian Genocide Recognition

    Former U.S. Envoy Backs Armenian Genocide Recognition
    By Emil Danielyan

    7 March 05

    A retired diplomat who served as Americaâ~@~Ys first ambassador to
    Armenia has joined calls for international recognition of the
    Armenian genocide, echoing surprise statements on the subject made by
    the current head of the U.S. mission in Yerevan.

    In a weekend interview with RFE/RL, Ambassador Harry Gilmore said the
    extermination of an estimated 1.5 million Armenians in Ottoman Turkey
    fits into the definition of genocide set by the UN Convention on the
    Prevention and Punishment of Genocide. â~@~There is no doubt that
    the Armenian events were genocide,â~@~] Gilmore said.

    â~@~Of course, we have to bear in mind that the Genocide Convention
    came well after the events in the Ottoman Empire,â~@~] he added.
    â~@~I think legally there is no question of the convention applying
    retroactively. But the key point is that the convention sets up a
    standard and the massacres and deportations of the Ottoman Armenians
    meet that standard fully.â~@~]

    Gilmore argued that Raphael Lemkin, the Jewish author of the word
    â~@~genocide,â~@~] referred not only to the Jewish Holocaust but
    also the events of 1915-1918 when he came up with the concept
    following the Second World War. â~@~In fact, when Mr. Lemkin coined
    the term genocide the Armenian events were one of the two archetypes
    he used in his work,â~@~] he said.

    Gilmore, who served as ambassador to Armenia from 1993-1995, was the
    first U.S. government official to visit and lay flowers at the
    genocide memorial in Yerevan. But both he and his two successors
    consistently avoided calling the Armenian massacres a
    â~@~genocideâ~@~] in line with Washingtonâ~@~Ys policy on the highly
    sensitive subject.

    Successive White House administrations have been anxious not to upset
    Turkey, a major U.S. ally which strongly denies that the government
    of the crumbling Ottoman Empire pursued a premeditated policy of
    exterminating its Armenian population. Ankara also claims that the
    Armenian death toll is inflated.

    John Evans, the current U.S. ambassador in Yerevan, therefore took
    many observers by surprise when declared at a series of meetings with
    members of the Armenian-American community last month that the Turks
    did commit â~@~the first genocide of the 20th century.â~@~] The
    remarks fueled speculation about a pro-Armenian shift in the U.S.
    governmentâ~@~Ys position on the issue.

    But Evans denied it, saying in a statement last week that he
    expressed his personal opinion. A senior official from the
    administration of President George W. Bush told RFE/RL that
    Evansâ~@~Ys statements â~@~absolutely contradict the policy of the
    U.S. government.â~@~]

    Gilmore declined to comment on possible implications of Evansâ~@~Ys
    extraordinary genocide recognition. â~@~Because I am outside the
    U.S. government now, I have no insider knowledge of what his
    communication with the U.S. government might be on the issue,â~@~] he

    â~@~From my thorough study of the events of that period I am
    persuaded that they do indeed constitute a genocide,â~@~] he added.

    Evans likewise told the U.S.-Armenian community that he studied the
    subject in detail and consulted with a State Department lawyer before
    going on record. Leading Armenian-American organizations were quick
    to commend him.

    One of those groups, the Armenian Assembly of America, has launched a
    public campaign in support of the envoy, sending letters to members
    of the U.S. Congress. "The Assembly commends Ambassador Evans for
    accurately labeling the attempted annihilation of the Armenians as
    Genocide and urges the President to follow his example and properly
    characterize the atrocities in his remembrance statement next month,"
    the chairman of its Board of Trustees, Hirair Hovnanian, said in a

    Frank Pallone, the co-chairman of the Congressional Caucus on
    Armenian Issues, read out a similar statement on the House of
    Representatives floor last Tuesday. â~@~Ambassador Evans simply
    assigned the word to the definition that was already provided by
    President Bush as well as members of his administration,â~@~] Pallone
