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Tbilisi Denies Visa to Transcaucasia Troops Commander

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  • Tbilisi Denies Visa to Transcaucasia Troops Commander

    Tbilisi Denies Visa to Transcaucasia Troops Commander

    Russian Article as of Mar. 11, 2005

    New Commander of Russiaâ~@~Ys Troops in Transcaucasia, Major General
    Alexander Bespalov has been denied an entry visa to Georgia and is
    unable to arrive in Tbilisi, notwithstanding that the RF Ministry of
    Foreign Affairs notified in advance the Georgian Foreign Ministry
    about forthcoming change in the troopsâ~@~Y commander.

    Major General Bespalov has replaced Lieutenant General Alexander
    Studenikin, who was appointed to command the 2nd Guards All-Arms Army
    (Samara). Bespalov, who arrived from Moscow after finishing the
    General Staffâ~@~Ys Military Academy, had to take over the office not
    in the staff of the Transcaucasiaâ~@~Ys troops in Tbilisi, but in the
    territory of the 102nd Russiaâ~@~Ys military base in Gyumri, Armenia.
    According to Vladimir Kuparadze, Deputy Commander of the
    Transcaucasiaâ~@~Ys troops, Georgia has given no reasons for
    visaâ~@~Ys denial to Bespalov.
