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ANKARA: US Armenian Lobby Prepared Propaganda Attack for April 24

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  • ANKARA: US Armenian Lobby Prepared Propaganda Attack for April 24

    Zaman Online, Turkey
    March 11 2005

    US Armenian Lobby Prepared Propaganda Attack for April 24
    By Anadolu News Agency (aa)
    Published: Friday 11, 2005

    As April 24, the 90th anniversary of the Armenian incidents
    approaches, Armenian intuitions in the US are attempting to make US
    President George W. Bush recognize the alleged Armenian Genocide.

    The Armenian Lobby is anticipated to hand in a Genocide bill to the
    US Congress before April 24. The American National Congress of
    Armenians (ANCA), which brings Radical Armenian institutions
    together, has asked Armenians living in the US, to send a message to
    the President and ask him to recognize the genocide. ANCA's statement
    says, "There are some problems in Turkish-American relations and we
    have to take advantage of this." It is also says that there have been
    cracks recently in the US policy of denial of the Armenian Genocide.
    The US Ambassador to Yerevan John Evans used the term Genocide for
    the Armenian events in last century in his speech last week but wrote
    two corrections on official US Yerevan Embassy web site. Evans made
    clear in his apology that his use of the term genocide was incorrect
    and there are no changes in US policy.