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Two countries - one border

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  • Two countries - one border

    Agency WPS
    DEFENSE and SECURITY (Russia)
    March 9, 2005, Wednesday


    SOURCE: Krasnaya Zvezda, March 4, 2005, p. 1

    by Olg Gorupai

    Age-old partnership between Russia and Armenia is still developing.
    Our countries interact in the spheres of economy and culture; they
    advance military and military-technical cooperation. Here is an
    interview with Colonel Vyacheslav Voskanjan, Commander of the Border
    Troops of the National Security Service of Armenia, on why the
    Republic of Armenia appealed to Russia with the suggestion that they
    guard the Armenian borders together, on service of Armenian border
    guards and their interaction with Russian counterparts.

    >>From our folders:

    Vyacheslav Avetisovich Voskanjan was born on September 13, 1957, in
    Stepanakert (Nagorno-Karabakh). He finished the Red Banner Supreme
    Military Political School of the KGB of the USSR named after
    Voroshilov in 1978, and Frunze Academy in 1995. Voskanjan served in
    the Border Troops of the Caucasus Border District of the Soviet KGB.
    After 1993, he served with structures and troops of the National
    Security Service of Armenia. He became commander of the Border Troops
    in July 2003.

    Question: Armenia is one of the few post-Soviet states that did not
    reject help from Russia in defense of its state borders. Have there
    been valid reasons for it?

    Vyacheslav Voskanjan: Russia and Armenia signed the Treaty "On the
    status of Border Troops of the Russian Federation on the territory of
    the Republic of Armenia and their functioning..." on September 30,
    1992. Acting in the interests of its own security, security of the
    Russian Federation, and collective security of CIS countries, Armenia
    delegated the powers of protection of its borders with Turkey and
    Iran to the Russian Border Troops quartered on its territory at the
    time of signing of the treaty. The document defines the structure,
    tasks, rights, and procedures of funding of the Russian Border Troops
    quartered on the territory of Armenia, and regulate many other
    aspects. The signing of the treaty was a logical corollary of the
    situation Armenia found itself in when the Soviet Union disintegrated
    and sovereign countries appeared in its place, when the situation on
    the borders became complicated and Armenia did not have Border Troops
    of its own.

    Question: When were Border Troops of Armenia formed? Are there any
    differences between them and analogous structures in nearby

    Vyacheslav Voskanjan: Border Troops of the Republic of Armenia were
    formed on January 28, 1992. Initially, they were an element of the
    Defense Ministry. Border Troops were transferred to the National
    Security Service in 1993. Generally speaking, their structure is
    analogous to that of the Border Troops of the Soviet Union and
    Russian Federation - border detachments, commandant's offices,
    outposts, and checkpoints.

    Question: What parts of the Armenian state borders are manned by
    Russian border guards? How would you appraise relations between
    border guards of the two countries?

    Vyacheslav Voskanjan: We could not wish for any better relations.
    They are based on friendship and mutual assistance. We all share a
    common task - security of the Russian Federation and the Republic of
    Armenia. It involves maintenance of the state border regime, control
    over individuals, transport means, and shipments crossing the state
    border, prevention of all and any provocations, and interaction with
    foreign colleagues. In Armenia, Russia Gazeta, man the Turkish and a
    part of the Iranian part of the border totalling about 400 kilometers
    in length, they also man the crossing point at Zvartnots airport in

    We regularly arrange meetings; exchange of information is regular

    Question: Who else do Armenian border guards maintain close contacts
    in this sphere with? Apart from the Russian Federation, that is.

    Vyacheslav Voskanjan: A special emphasis is being made on advancement
    of contacts and cooperation on the Armenian-Georgian border.
    Everything is done with the interests of the countries and their
    national legislations taken into account. Armenian and Georgian
    border guards work side by side preventing activities of illegal
    armed formations and terrorist organizations, smugglers of arms and
    drugs, etc. multilateral interaction between border guards is also
    under way within the framework of the CIS Council of Commanders of
    Border Troops.

    Question: Are there any unsolved problems in the matter of
    demarcation and delimitation of the state border with Georgia?

    Vyacheslav Voskanjan: Under the protocol of the meeting on August 14,
    1995, signed by government delegations of Armenia and Georgia, our
    countries agreed to set up a joint panel for delimitation and
    demarcation. Four meetings of working groups have taken place so far.
    Moot points and conflicts (theft of cattle, illegal felling of trees,
    detention of vehicles with consumer goods, etc.) were handled at
    these meetings. A visa free regime is operating on the
    Armenian-Georgian border.

    Question: What parts of the Armenian borders are most problematic
    from the point of view of their security?

    Vyacheslav Voskanjan: We do not have any serious problems in this
    respect. On the other hand, parts of the state border with Azerbaijan
    bear watching, but units of the Armenian regular army successfully
    handle this particular task.

    Question: Where do you train border guards?

    Vyacheslav Voskanjan: Officers for our Border Troops are trained at
    colleges of the Border Service of the Russian Federal Security
    Service. There are also special courses at the Training Center of the
    National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia. Teaching staff
    there is quite experienced.

    There is also a training center for low-level officers.

    Question: Every now and then Armenian media outlets run critical
    materials on Russian border guards. Dissatisfaction with various
    aspects of their activities - from combat training to administrative
    functions - is expressed in these articles. Why is that? Does the
    Russian-Armenian interaction have enemies?

    Vyacheslav Voskanjan: I suspect that these quite infrequent articles
    are a result of their authors' lack of competence or knowledge of the
    subject. They do not even come close to understanding difficulties of
    the service of Russian border guards thousands of kilometers from
    their homes. Sure, some shortcomings do present themselves but I do
    not think that they are something to dwell on. I would not pay
    attention to articles like that. The way we dismiss the articles and
    criticism aimed against us.

    Question: What awaits the Armenian-Russian cooperation in the sphere
    of border protection?

    Vyacheslav Voskanjan: Well, cooperation and interaction should
    continue even when Russian border guards have fulfilled their mission
    in Armenia and turned the border over to their Armenian opposite
    numbers. This interaction is important from the point of view of our
    common war on challenges to mankind and from the angle of our
    brotherly relations and their advancement.

    Question: International terrorism is one of these challenges,
    nowadays. Standing in the way of extremists, gunmen, mercenaries,
    etc., border guards are expected to contribute too. What is being
    done by the Armenian Border Troops in this sphere?

    Vyacheslav Voskanjan: Main Directorate of State Border Protection of
    the National Security Service and other security structures take an
    active part in the war on international terrorism. We are doing what
    we can. For example, our specialists designed Infotel system of
    automatic monitoring of migration flows at crossing points. The
    system is being installed. Crossing points are outfitted with modern
    detectors of radioactive materials, drugs, and explosives. Special
    gear is used to verify validity of documents. We actively interact
    with other CIS countries in all of that.