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BAKU: Speech of Aliyev on 13th ann. of creation of internal troops

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  • BAKU: Speech of Aliyev on 13th ann. of creation of internal troops

    Azer Tag, Azerbaijan
    March 12 2005

    [March 12, 2005, 22:22:03]

    Dear soldiers and officers!

    I cordially congratulate you on the occasion of 13th anniversary of
    creation of the Internal Troops, and I wish each of you success.

    After restoration of state independence, in Azerbaijan there had been
    created Internal Troops. It was the extremely difficult period for
    our country. The first years of our independence were accompanied in
    Azerbaijan by anarchy and chaos. The country, it is possible to tell,
    was on the verge of partition, and because of crisis experienced in
    Azerbaijan, our country appeared at edge of precipice. In such
    difficult conditions Internal Troops, certainly, could not perform
    its functions in full sense. At the same time, the staff of Internal
    Troops bravely battled for territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, has
    done huge work on protection of our grounds, many lost their lives
    and became shehids. Those years the future of Azerbaijan was
    determined, and its destiny was solved. Each citizen was disturbed,
    questions on set thinking on what way Azerbaijan can develop,
    stability will be established in Azerbaijan whether or not. After the
    Azerbaijan people extremely due to its wisdom and foresight has
    addressed to the national leader and has invited him to Azerbaijan,
    after arrival of the leader of our people Heydar Aliyev to authority,
    the situation has completely changed. The anarchy and chaos has been
    put an end, bitter consequences of the experienced crisis gradually
    began to be eliminated. Despite of all these difficulties, Azerbaijan
    has taken a way of development. The ceasefire regime that has allowed
    Azerbaijan to achieve all-around development of the potential has
    been established. The ceasefire regime operates till now.

    As you know, we are now negotiating on settlement of the
    Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. I think, that positive
    tendencies in negotiations amplify, and these negotiations can
    proceed extremely within the framework of restoration of the
    territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. We aspire to settlement of the
    mentioned conflict on the basis of principles of international law,
    and I am confident, that we shall achieve it. Azerbaijan should
    restore and will restore its territorial integrity. We want to solve
    this question peacefully, by negotiations. But it is not a secret
    that we must necessarily be ready and we are ready to all other
    variants, in this direction also was done huge work.

    Last years, huge work has been done in the field of army
    construction. Material base of army was strengthened, and the
    necessary new techniques and equipment were got. In the process of
    strengthening of economic potential of Azerbaijan, naturally, our
    military potential should become stronger. Not casually, the volume
    of the charges, allocated for troops in the budget of 2005, is
    increased approximately by 40 percent. We also shall carry out
    henceforth it. Azerbaijan should liberate the native lands. We shall
    never reconcile with loss of our lands and by all means we shall
    liberate our native lands

    After establishment of the ceasefire regime, new horizons and new
    prospects have opened for Azerbaijan. Our country began to develop
    promptly. Carried out by the leader of our people Heydar Aliyev, the
    political-economical reforms have provided to our country all-round
    development. Today, both the political authority of Azerbaijan on
    region, and internal economic potential has transformed our country
    into the leader of region. I think that all positive tendencies
    should continue successfully, Azerbaijan should achieve further
    strengthening of the power, strengthening of the potential.

    All the work done for last years, has allowed developing our country
    in high level. Today, our task consists in rise the international
    authority of our country, on more courageous, convincing statement,
    protection of our position on the international organizations,
    establishment on the region of closer fruitful relations with
    friendly, neighboring countries and, certainly, strengthening of our
    economic potential. Much has been done in this direction. The program
    of economic development is successfully realized, and due to all this
    work Azerbaijan becomes stronger and powerful state.

    Now, are being carried out large-scale projects extremely important
    for our country, our people, and also the whole region. The oil
    pipeline Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan successfully is under construction. All
    other power projects successfully implemented brings and will bring
    to our country colossal benefit.

    Not a secret that Azerbaijan, by virtue of the geo-politic position,
    economic potential, natural resources, draws attention of many
    foreign circles which direct here many questions or undertake such
    attempts. We do not presume it. Azerbaijan is fully independent
    state. Independence does not mean extremely state attributes.
    Azerbaijan pursues completely independent policy. We carry out our
    policy only for protection of national interests of Azerbaijan
    people. We establish kind and sincere relations with all countries,
    all organizations, and such policy will continue. But, first of all,
    national interests of Azerbaijan should be protected in full sense.

    Happiness of Azerbaijan is that thanks to policy of the national
    leader of our people Heydar Aliyev, the country has got stronger both
    economically, and politically that today allows us to carry out
    independent policy in full sense. This policy will be carried out and
    henceforth, and I am confident, that will result Azerbaijan in the
    light future.

    For protection and further development of all the achieved successes,
    for even more scale accomplishments, political conditions in the
    country should be stable. Where there is no stability, there is no
    development. The main condition of any development is stability. Such
    stability in Azerbaijan exists, and it is strong enough. The forces,
    trying to break stability, I am confident, well understand, that will
    receive worthy repulse. We do not presume, that political condition
    in Azerbaijan has become aggravated, that stability has been broken,
    and rights of citizens are broken. For us, protection of the rights
    of each citizen is extremely important. The state has provided and
    will provide henceforth safety of our citizens. In this sense, the
    Internal Troops have very big tasks, which are successfully carried

    Last years, the Internal Troops in Azerbaijan have achieved quick
    development, professionalism and patriotism are observed at the
    highest level. It is extremely important achievement for us.
    Protection and strengthening of political conditions in Azerbaijan
    should become for all of us the main condition. Only in such
    conditions, the country can successfully develop. All of us know,
    that Azerbaijan will face fine and bright future. After putting into
    operation of the oil pipeline Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan after Heydar
    Aliyev, large currency means will act to Azerbaijan. It will open new
    opportunities for all-around development of our country. It should
    benefit to each citizen of Azerbaijan. Such opportunities have
    appeared and will appear henceforth. In that case, the major
    condition for us is internal stability, calmness. I do not doubt,
    that this policy, the policy pursued for more than 10 years, it will
    be carried out and henceforth. If before presidential elections
    someone also doubted of it, now as it seems to me, for doubts and
    anxieties are not present any bases.

    The time past after presidential elections, has shown that between
    people and authority there is deep trust. We feel this support, we
    base on it. It is confident, that this unity represents extremely
    great value for the future of Azerbaijan. In the countries, where
    there is unity, the trust between people and authority, there is
    success. There, where it is not present, there are big difficulties.
    I think, that we shall successfully cope with all tasks. Anyway, the
    time past after presidential elections, has shown, that any question
    we put has found solution. There is no such question, which was not
    solved, or the promise not fulfilled by us. All given promises were
    fulfilled. We hold the given word, have gained trust of people and we
    shall achieve its further strengthening.

    Great value also represents the question of equipment of the Internal
    Troops. In this direction, essential steps also were undertaken. I
    can tell that all the requests from the Ministry of Internal Affairs
    have received the positive answer. The most part of techniques, which
    we today see here, is got for last year. We give to this great value.
    Each sphere of Azerbaijan, in particular, military, should be
    equipped with new technical equipment. Opportunities of Azerbaijan
    extend. The financial position improves, and the basic purpose of our
    economic policy consists in that in the country, there was a powerful
    economic potential that we could solve all questions successfully. I
    think, process of purchase of technical equipment will continue. We
    can have new questions, and therefore, we shall carry out it.

    Simultaneously, are being solved social problems of staff. The wages,
    as a whole were increased, these tendencies in Azerbaijan have
    amplified. Improvement of living conditions of our citizens is
    priority for us, for the government. In Azerbaijan, there should not
    remain poor people, jobless. With this purpose, it is stipulated
    realization of the Program of Regional Development, which is
    successfully put into practice. All other programs - the program of
    poverty reduction and so forth are realized also. But for this
    purpose, time is necessary. The number of people living in Azerbaijan
    in conditions of poverty, is great enough, somewhere 40 percent. We
    try to reduce and we shall reduce this number. This purpose is
    pursued with increase twice of the minimal wages. It is necessary for
    us to do the utmost that each citizen, each Azerbaijani lived well.
    Anyway, we aspire to this. We carry out this work on the basis of the
    thought over programs - Programs of Economic Development, the Program
    of Regional Development and other social programs.

    In Azerbaijan, it is necessary to strengthen combat against
    criminality. Till now, in this direction, has been done great work,
    and the Ministry of Internal Affairs has exposed criminals. Some
    criminal groups were neutralized. Calmness prevailing today in the
    country and social order testify that we can achieve successes in
    this direction. In particular, the statistics shows, that Azerbaijan
    is among the first among neighboring countries, republics of former
    Soviet Union. At the same time, this combat is not up to the mark.
    Here, there are big lacks, and it is necessary to do serious work on
    their prompt elimination.

    As you know, recently, on March 10, as a result of the national
    safety of special operation carried out by the Ministry, a big
    criminal group has been exposed, arrested, and the person taken in
    hostages was released. I regret, that the leader of this criminal
    group is the person, long years worked in the Ministry of Internal
    Affairs, and a part of the criminals who have gathered around of him
    are employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It is the big
    stain for the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and it should wash off
    this stain.

    As you know, this criminal group within 10 years made various crimes
    in Azerbaijan. It was engaged in kidnapping. They kidnapped and after
    reception of the repayment released. Besides, they have made some
    murders, which, unfortunately, within long years remained uncovered.
    When there was last case connected to abduction of the person, I have
    charged with this question to the Ministry of National Security,
    investigation and inquiry was carried out in strict confidence. It is
    possible to tell, for short time, approximately two weeks ago,
    criminal group and all its heads and participants have been
    established. Simply, for the lack of data on the location of the
    person seized in hostages, I have not allowed to carry out operation
    and have raised the question so, that safety of the person, first of
    all, should be provided. On March 10, as a result of the operation
    carried out with high professionalism, it is possible to tell, all
    members of criminal group have been arrested, and the hostage was

    This is monstrous incident. It is gangster group which during long
    years held in fear Azerbaijan, Baku, and we have exposed it. They
    will answer under the law. The most awful consists that last hostage
    was the woman. It is an act incompatible with any morals. Certainly,
    this gangster group, its members will answer before the law for all
    committed crimes. Each criminal and each person who has broken the
    law should answer under the law. Leadership of the law should guide
    all of us. People should know, that the state conducts ruthless
    struggle against criminals. We cannot allow that criminal groups here
    have appeared. We cannot allow that our citizens lived in fear.

    I want to note once again, that our main task consists in that our
    people lived in peace and calmness. As the President, I realize this
    task and I do utmost for protection, preservation, strengthening of
    stability. Therefore, yesterday I have given to Minister of Internal
    Affairs strict instructions on carrying out of internal inquiry,
    serious investigation and as soon as possible to remove available in
    the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in this system lacks.

    I want to note also, it is already obviously that the some people,
    using the developed situation, are going to launch campaign against
    Minister of Internal Affairs for maintenance of personal or political
    interests. We do not admit it. As I have already told, the incident
    is a big stain for all bodies. But it is necessary to know also, that
    similar can take place and in other organizations. The happened
    incident should not cross out all work done till now by the Ministry
    of Internal Affairs. The Ministry of Internal Affairs has done
    extremely important work in Azerbaijan. It has very important
    functions. It is the structure on guard of the law in Azerbaijan, and
    I highly estimate the work done in the past. At the same time, I
    strictly charge to remove all lacks and inform on it the public. I
    repeat, I shall not allow, that it has turned to campaign and that
    someone, having taken advantage of it in personal or political ends,
    slandered all body.

    Dear soldiers and officers!

    Azerbaijan will have bright future. Our country already feels its
    force in region, and not only we, but also the public and the
    international community see it. Also is available the diplomatic
    successes achieved by Azerbaijan lately. The international
    organizations have accepted a plenty of documents exposing Armenia:
    last resolution adopted by the Council of Europe, the resolutions
    adopted up to it by the United Nations Organization, the resolutions
    adopted by the Organization of Islamic Conference. As a whole, we see
    and we feel, that the international community supports our just
    cause. For the first time, the European international organization
    has recognized Armenia as a state - aggressor, has condemned the
    policy of ethnic cleanings carried out by Armenia, having created
    thus new, favorable circumstances for process of negotiations.

    I repeat, that we do not want war. We know, that war is a
    humanitarian disaster. At the same time, all should know, that we
    should be ready and are ready to war. The big work in this direction
    will be carried out and henceforth. The work done in the field of
    army construction is a priority question in my activity, as
    President. All our efforts, all forces should be directed on the
    further strengthening of our army, increase of its professionalism,
    equipment by the advanced technical equipment and maintenance of its
    ability at any moment to release the native lands. We shall carry out
    it and henceforth.

    I do not doubt at all that this conflict, the Armenia-Azerbaijan,
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict will find its solution. The policy of
    Armenia is deprived of any prospect, a legal basis, and political
    support. Simply, the Armenian Diaspora, patrons of Armenia in the
    world, some hypocritical policies, circles, the organizations,
    pursuing the policy of double standards, interfere with normalization
    of conditions. But justice will triumph. Our cause is right. We did
    not grasp another's lands, did not carry out ethnic cleaning, and did
    not break territorial integrity of other country. We demand what
    belongs to us by the right. We do not claim for the lands of other
    country. But also the land we shall concede to nobody. It should know
    all. First of all, it is necessary to know by Armenia, it should
    know, that the patience of Azerbaijan people is not boundless. I want
    to repeat, that we shall participate during negotiations till last
    moment if there are even 5 percent of hope for the peace settlement
    of question. If we shall be convinced that hopes are not present, we
    shall interrupt negotiations and we shall solve the problem in other
    way. Let nobody doubts of it!

    Dear soldiers!

    Dear officers!

    Once again I congratulate you on the occasion of the Day of Internal
    Troops, I wish you health and successes.
