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Baku - A Meeting point for Chechen radicals

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  • Baku - A Meeting point for Chechen radicals

    PanArmenian News Analysis
    March 14 2005


    Determined to continue his father's job, Aslan Maskhadov's son has
    found asylum in the capital of Azerbaijan.

    The three-day mourning for the killed Ichkerian president Aslan
    Maskhadov has come to an end. The ceremony was held in Baku where
    Anzor Maskhadov, the son of the late president lives. In honor of his
    father, he bought the biggest bull in market, slaughtered it and gave
    out to the poor. According to Baku mass media, Anzor, together with
    Maskhadov's widow and the "leaders of official representations of
    Chechnian Republic of Ichkeria in Azerbaijan and Europe" received
    condolences from hundreds of people. The presence of all those people
    on the hospitable land of Azerbaijan cannot but arise questions among
    Russians whom Baku leaders assure of friendship and brotherhood.

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ Recently, in his interview to "Interfax" agency,
    the head of state frontier service Elchin Guliev stated with
    responsibility that no person named Anzor Maskhadov entered the
    territory of Azerbaijan. The chief of police of Baku Mageram Aliev
    also assures that the Chechen leader's son has never been to
    Azerbaijan. It turns out that high-ranking officials have simply told
    lies because according to independent sources the former field
    commander Anzor Maskhadov lives and works in Baku since 2003.
    Thumbing through his biography it will be quite easy to guess what he
    is doing in Azerbaijan.

    Twenty-nine year old Anzor started to fight against Russians yet
    during the first Chechen campaign. At first, he formally was an
    ordinary fighter but very soon, his father started to entrust his
    group with quite responsible missions. During one of the diversionary
    sallies he was wounded. Noticing the talent of commander in his son,
    Aslan Maskhadov sent him to training in a military academy in
    Malaysia. According to Russian mass media he was at the same time the
    "representative of the government of Chechen Republic of Ichkeria" in
    Kuala-Lumpur and provided shade turnover of state funds for funding
    terrorism. Anzor's business did not limit in gold and precious stones
    trade. According to "Komsomolskaya Pravda" paper in February 2003, he
    decided to multiply the money trusted to him thanks to porn industry.
    In January 2002 in Sacramento, he registered a porn website with a
    monthly entrance fee of 39.9 dollars.

    For some course of time, Anzor lived in Turkey but then he realized
    that in no other country would he feel as comfortable as in
    Azerbaijan where Chechen emissaries had established a regional
    headquarters. In Baku Maskhadov junior worked in active cooperation
    with the "leader of the representation of Chechen Republic of
    Ichkeria" Ali Asaev. Soon, his mother, 16-year-old Fatima, his wife
    and three children also moved to Azerbaijan. The formal status of
    Maskhadov in Azerbaijan - correspondent of Turkish network edition
    "". Anyway, it is hard to believe that he earns his
    living by publishing his articles on the website. Possibly, Anzor had
    several grounds to suppose that after his father's death he would be
    proclaimed the successor of his father as it was after the murder of
    Akhmad Kadirov, the head of pro-Russian Chechnian regime. "I will
    replace my father. I have already established contact with his
    assistants abroad," said Anzor Maskhadov in his interview to "Reiter"
    news agency on the next day after the events in Tolsta-Urta.
    Nevertheless, he did not manage to come to power.

    Official Moscow has more than once expressed surprise about the
    comfortable conditions that are provided in Baku for Chechen figures.
    Not setting any hopes on the cooperation with local security organs,
    Russian special services have liquidated nine notorious terrorists
    during the last four years. Among them were Vakha Ibragimov who
    represented Djakhar Dudayev in the negotiations with the leadership
    of Afghan "Taliban" movement, field commander Magomed Kariev, former
    bodyguard of Aslan Maskhadov Khizir Talkhadov, field commander and
    assistant of Emir Khatab Magomedali Magomedov. According to Baku
    "Echo" paper in August 2004, Russian special services were intending
    to capture Anzor Maskhadov in Baku, but for some reason later on,
    they gave up that idea.

    It is getting more and more difficult for Russian authorities to
    suppress their indignation on the free activity of Chechen terrorists
    in Baku. This can be noticed in the latest statements of the deputy
    head of the committee on regional policy of the upper chamber of
    Russian parliament Valerie Kadakhov who is very well aware of the
    "Azeri tracks" of Chechen terrorists because he has taken part in the
    investigation of the tragedy in Beslan. During the last conference of
    the Russian-Azerbaijanian inter-Parliamentary commission he stated,
    "Headquarters of Aslan Maskhadov is located on the territory of
    Azerbaijan and I do not believe that Baku authorities fight against
    terrorism". In the course of preparations to the operation in Beslan
    school Kadakhov got assured that the terrorists were coordinated from
    Baku. "To get people out we agreed to get in touch with the forces
    controlling terrorists. The only telephone call was from Baku" the
    Russian deputy mentioned. In addition, Kadakhov said, "I would advise
    not to irritate Russia. We have had a lot of losses..." Azerbaijan
    did not listen to the advice again. Meanwhile, the patience of Moscow
    of course has limits.

    Artyom Yerkanyan