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Lebanese Envoy asks Armenia to send sappers to Lebanon

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  • Lebanese Envoy asks Armenia to send sappers to Lebanon

    Envoy asks Armenia to send sappers to Lebanon

    Public Television of Armenia, Yerevan
    14 Mar 05

    [Presenter over video of the meeting] Armenian Defence Minister Serzh
    Sarkisyan has received the Lebanese ambassador to Armenia, Jibra'il
    Butrus (?Jaare). Ambassador Jaare asked the Armenian defence minister
    to discuss the issue of sending a group of professional sappers to

    During the meeting with the ambassador, Serzh Sarkisyan expressed his
    deep condolences over the murder of Rafiq al-Hariri, former Lebanese
    prime minister.

    We have ourselves felt what terrorism is and we know what a terrible
    loss it is. I am sure that finally the life of people will return to
    normal, Serzh Sarkisyan said.

    Ambassador Jaare thanked for the condolences and said that the
    Armenian people had lost a great friend in the person of Hariri.