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Abkhaz leader urges Georgia to focus on economic issues not politics

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  • Abkhaz leader urges Georgia to focus on economic issues not politics

    Abkhaz leader urges Georgia to focus on economic issues, not politics

    Ren TV, Moscow
    15 Mar 05

    [Presenter] The new leaders of the unrecognized republic of Abkhazia
    are ready for talks with Georgian leader Mikheil Saakashvili. Abkhaz
    President Sergey Bagapsh said today that working groups from both
    sides would meet in April in Geneva.

    The Abkhaz leader believes that the most important thing now is to
    talk not about politics but about how to find solutions to specific
    economic issues.

    [Sergey Bagapsh, speaking at a news conference in Moscow] One such
    issue is a through railway link from southern Russia to Armenia. That
    is why we are proposing to consider this issue, resolve it so that we
    are able to say that we have found common ground in resolving economic
    issues. That was how once we resolved energy issues, agreeing on
    InguriGES [dam]. There are some issues there, too. These are basic
    matters that we can resolve and then tell the people that we are
    already resolving these issues and that talks will continue further.