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BAKU: Armenia tries to influence talks by truce violation

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  • BAKU: Armenia tries to influence talks by truce violation

    Armenia tries to influence talks by truce violation - Azeri paper

    Yeni Musavat, Baku
    14 Mar 05

    Text of Zahid report by Azerbaijani newspaper Yeni Musavat on 14 March
    headlined "May the conflict inflame?" and subheaded "Tofiq Zulfuqarov
    has clarified the concerns of the American mediator"

    There has recently been a dramatic increase in the number of
    cease-fire breaches on the front line. The USA which is one of the
    countries mediating the conflict is concerned about the fact that the
    cease-fire violations have become frequent and even regular. In an
    interview with the press several days ago, Steven Mann, the US
    co-chairman of the OSCE Minsk Group, said that he is seriously
    concerned about the current situation. The diplomat did not even rule
    out that the cease-fire violations might inflame the conflict.

    Are there grounds for concern? Could the Armenian or the Azerbaijani
    leaderships be interested in violating the truce in order to distract
    public attention?

    While commenting on the issue, the former foreign minister, Tofiq
    Zulfuqarov, pointed out the seasonal factor saying that there used to
    be similar cases in the past as well.

    "This usually happens in May and June but it started a little earlier
    this year. In my view, the main reason is that Armenia does not agree
    to the stage-by-stage settlement of resolving the conflict, accepted
    by Azerbaijan. However, the mediators have been working on this option
    for a long time. Back last summer, they proposed that a point on a
    referendum be added to the stage-by-stage settlement in order to turn
    it [the stage-by-stage option] into the package option. Talks
    discussing this issue had been held in Astana and other places until
    the end of 2004. Azerbaijan did not accept this option. Therefore,
    Armenia is trying to drastically divert the course of the negotiations
    by breaching the truce because in this case Armenia might gain an
    opportunity to begin the talks discussing the issue from a different
    angle," Zulfuqarov said.

    The pundit thinks that this approach could suit Armenia and especially
    [Armenian President Robert] Kocharyan. "Because he came to power by
    speculating about the package option. This is why, I think the
    situation is not favourable for Armenia. Incidentally, there were
    reports last year that Yerevan had a special plan to provoke
    Azerbaijan into taking a retaliatory move. According to the plan,
    there was supposed to be a joint session held by the self-proclaimed
    [Karabakh] parliament and the Armenian parliament which would adopt a
    decision on unification. A plan like this is still possible in the
    future," Zulfuqarov said.

    Taking into account the political situation in Azerbaijan, could some
    political circles be interested in the cease-fire violation or in
    temporary tension on the frontline?

    Zulfuqarov does not reckon that the Azerbaijani authorities could be
    interested in the recent truce violations. "The death of a journalist
    has caused serious reaction abroad. The international community has
    increased interest in Azerbaijan. If the cease-fire is broken, there
    will pay more attention to Azerbaijan. I do not think that this
    attention would suit the current authorities because accusations would
    mainly be leveled against them," Zulfuqarov said.

    Zulfuqarov also noted that all this happens this year, on the
    threshold of the [parliamentary] elections. "All political forces,
    including the authorities, opposition and international organizations
    are busy preparing for the elections. According to my information,
    even ambassadors (of the Western countries) to Baku are paying great
    attention to the elections and have various plans to participate in
    the elections, supporting democratic processes. From this point of
    view, this idea does not seem to be real. In any case, I believe that
    Azerbaijan will do its best to make sure that truce is not broken from
    its side on the threshold of the elections," he said.