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Maritime Admin Announces Removal of Hi-Prio Ships from James River

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  • Maritime Admin Announces Removal of Hi-Prio Ships from James River

    Maritime Administration Announces the Successful
    Removal of High Priority Ships from the James River

    Ten `High-Priority' Ships Safely Removed In Less Than
    10 Months

    MARAD 07-05
    Tuesday, March 15, 2005
    Contact: Wes Irvin
    Tel.: (202) 366-5807

    Acting Maritime Administrator John Jamian today announced that the
    U.S. Maritime Administration delivered on its promise to remove all
    ten `high-priority' ships from the James River Reserve Fleet.

    `In less than 10 months we followed through on our commitment to
    getting these ships out of here,' said Acting Administrator John
    Jamian. `With the safe removal of these ships, we will now turn our
    attention to a new group of aging vessels as we work to dispose of
    these ships as quickly and safely as possible.'

    The recent departures of the Lauderdale and the Mormacmoon to the
    North American Ship Recycling facility at Sparrows Point, Maryland
    follows through on the promise of the Administration to move the worst
    ships in the aging fleet out of the river and on to qualified
    shipyards to be dismantled. Additionally, since 2001 this
    Administration has successfully removed 35 ships from the James River
    Reserve fleet, Jamian said.

    There are three remaining `high-priority' ships that were not
    available for disposal as they are on congressional hold or undergoing
    a historical review process. These ships are the Saugatuck, Hoist and

    The James River Reserve Fleet is one of three National Defense Reserve
    Fleet anchorage sites. The NDRF is maintained by MARAD for the
    maintenance of readiness assets, including vessels owned or acquired
    by the United States Government that are determined to be of value for
    national defense purposes. When vessels are no longer considered
    militarily useful, MARAD arranges for their responsible disposal or
