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In Turkey, taboo lifts over past treatment of Armenians

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  • In Turkey, taboo lifts over past treatment of Armenians

    Christian Science Monitor
    March 16 2005

    In Turkey, taboo lifts over past treatment of Armenians

    Last week, Prime Minister Erdogan proposed a joint study into
    Armenian claims of genocide.

    By Yigal Schleifer | Correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor

    ISTANBUL, TURKEY - When Turkish executive Noyan Soyak helped found a
    group to bring together businessmen from Turkey and Armenia, the
    organization stepped into a gaping void.
    "When we started [in 1997], it was difficult even to publicly
    pronounce the word 'Armenia' or 'Armenians' in Turkey," says Mr.
    Soyak, whose group today has some 250 Turkish and Armenian members.

    The Armenian issue has long been one of the most fraught in Turkey,
    the limits of its discussion strictly controlled by the state. Driven
    apart by nearly a century of hatred and accusations of genocide, the
    two neighbors became further estranged after diplomatic relations
    were broken off by Ankara in 1993, in the wake of Armenia's
    occupation of a large chunk of territory belonging to Turkish ally

    But Soyak and others say something has changed - that Turkey's
    increasing democratization and reforms related to its European Union
    membership bid have slowly started to soften the country's historical

    Despite the lack of official relations, a growing number of
    nongovernmental Turkish groups - from academics and businessmen to
    musicians and women's organizations - are now meeting with their
    Armenian counterparts, in the process helping to redefine the debate
    in Turkey and ease the enmity between the two nations.

    "Any and all kinds of relationships are important for softening up
    the infrastructure for the politicians," Soyak says. "Governments
    can't move as quickly as we do, so civil society groups are leading
    the way."

    Hrant Dink, the editor of Agos, a newspaper serving Turkey's Armenian
    community, says the evolution of what is allowed to be said can be
    seen in the pages of his publication. When Agos was launched 10 years
    ago, Mr. Dink took an indirect approach to writing about the past.
    "Previously, when we talked about history, we didn't mention things
    that happened but focused on culture instead," says Dink, speaking in
    the newspaper's Istanbul office.

    "Slowly we started to ask what happened to the Armenians," he says.
    "Now we're at the point of telling what happened."

    Even if the subject is "no longer taboo" as Dink says, the debate
    still fundamentally divides Turkey and Armenia. Armenians say the
    Ottomans killed 1.5 million of their people from 1915 to 1923 through
    deportations and mass killings in what is now eastern Turkey.
    Armenians have been waging an international campaign to have this
    recognized as genocide; more than a dozen nations do so today. Turkey
    rejects the genocide claim. It admits that Armenians were killed but
    disputes the number and says that the deaths were unorganized and
    part of wider regional violence that also affected Muslim Turks.

    Until recently, the Turkish state's official version of events was
    all that could be aired publicly. But observers say that democratic
    reforms - many of them the result of pressure by the EU - have
    created more space for public debate on the topic.

    "The level of education has gone up and civil society has expanded,
    so the state can no longer dominate and monopolize the public
    sphere," says Muge Gocek, a Turkish sociologist who is the
    co-organizer of the Workshop for Armenian-Turkish Studies, an annual
    gathering of Turkish and Armenian scholars.

    In an unusual turn, Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan called last
    week for a study by Turkish and Armenian historians of claims of
    genocide at the hands of Ottoman Turkish troops. The Armenian Foreign
    Ministry has rejected Mr. Erdogan's proposal.

    Indeed, those involved in Turkish-Armenian reconciliation efforts
    caution that the road towards normalizing relations is still very
    bumpy. Turkish officials say they believe Armenian genocide claims
    will lead to demands for reparations and territory.

    Ustun Erguder, a Turkish political scientist and member of the
    Turkish Armenian Reconciliation Commission, a group of academics and
    former diplomats from both sides, says the association of the word
    "genocide" with the barbarity of Nazi Germany makes the claim hard
    for Turks. "I think Turks have come a long way even to say, 'We did
    something wrong to the Armenians.' "

    The issue remains explosive. When Orhan Pamuk, a famous Turkish
    author, stated in a Swiss paper last month that "a million Armenians
    were killed in Turkey," the response included death threats and
    charges of dishonoring the state filed against him in court.

    Van Krikorian, a former chairman of the Armenian Assembly of America,
    says the only way forward is more dialogue. "On the Turkish side and
    the Armenian side, people need to feel they can discuss what happened
    and not feel as though somebody is going to attack them," he says.