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`No Need To Close Melkonian' Emphasizes Patriarch

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  • `No Need To Close Melkonian' Emphasizes Patriarch


    ISTANBUL, March 13 (LRAPER Bulletin). His Beatitude Mesrob II, Armenian
    Patriarch of Istanbul and All Turkey, answered questions posed by the Noyan
    Tapan information agency. The following is the authorized translation from
    Western Armenian to English.

    Q. - Your Beatitude, Armenians worldwide are concerned with the dispute
    concerning the Melkonian Educational Institute that is evolving between the
    Armenian Patriarchate of Istanbul and the Armenian General Benevolent
    Union (AGBU). Please, present the background of this issue briefly.

    A. - Let me summarize. In 1921, Karapet Melkonian transferred to the
    Patriarchate of Istanbul a donation of 400,000 Egyptian pounds which was
    worth at the time 3,5 million dollars. In 1924, Patriarch Zaven Der
    Yeghiayan of blessed memory, established a school and an orphanage in the
    city of Nicosia, Cyprus, with the income from this donation. He named it the
    Melkonian Educational Institute. In 1925, Patriarch Zaven transferred the
    Cyprus MEI and the entire Melkonian fund to the AGBU. It is to be noted that
    the AGBU received everything from the Istanbul Patriarchate. In 1926, with a
    court decision an agreement was signed between Karapet Melkonian, Patriarch
    Zaven and the AGBU. According to this agreement, the AGBU must keep the
    Melkonian Educational Institute open, provide it with necessary funds, pay
    1,000 Egyptian pounds per annum to the Jerusalem Patriarchate, 1,500
    Egyptian pounds per annum to the Istanbul Patriarchate, as well as open a
    kindergarten for Armenians living in Alexandria. In 2004, however, the AGBU
    announced its decision to close down the Melkonian Educational Institute,
    which is the only 12-year Armenian school within the European Union. With
    regret, I followed the conflicting opinions on this matter published in the
    Armenian media. However, on December 26, 2004, I personally saw, for the
    first time, the official copy of the 1926 agreement. It was now clear that
    the lawful successors to Patriarch Zaven had the right to intervene in the
    issue. Therefore, in January, we took legal action against the AGBU in the
    California supreme court to withdraw the decision to close down the
    Melkonian Educational Institute.

    Q. - How do you assess the AGBU announcement of their wish to establish a
    similar institution in Armenia, instead of keeping the Melkonian
    Educational Institute open?

    A. - What does "similar" institution mean? How can the only Armenian senior
    high school operating in the European Union be replaced with a new school in
    Armenia? Opening a new school in Armenia will cost, with the most
    exaggerated estimate, 2-3 million US dollars. The AGBU elite or their
    flatterers can easily afford such a school in Armenia, so the closure of yet
    another school operating in Europe is not necessary at all. One ponders: if
    the land and buildings of the Melkonian Educational Institute are sold, the
    AGBU would earn, according to Cypriot Armenians, perhaps more than 120
    million US dollars. There is also the Melkonian fund itself, which,
    according to experts, would comprise no less than 20 million US dollars if
    it has been reasonably managed. What are they going to do with this sum? Our
    people have a right to know. Karapet Melkonian was an ethnophile and he left
    his wealth to the children of his nation through this Patriarchal See. Thus,
    in the words of the Gospel, today we can all say to the AGBU "Give an
    account of thy stewardship."

    Q. - So, may we conclude that the primary goal of the Patriarchate is to
    maintain the Melkonian Educational Institute, rather than getting funds from
    the will of patron Melkonian?

    A. - Naturally. Already, the Patriarchate receives annually a certain
    allocation. In 2004, I wouldn't know the figures by heart, but I suppose we
    received something like 1,600 US dollars. A little more or less will not
    create a significant change in our annual budget. What is important is this:
    Like every charitable institution, the AGBU, also, must be accountable to
    our people. What happened to the 3,5 million US dollars of the 1920s? How
    much money is left in the Melkonian fund today? Let them inform the nation.

    Q. - In the critical observations addressed to you, among others, there was
    an accusation that you have not attempted to settle the dispute with the
    AGBU by way of negotiations prior to taking legal action. Please comment on

    A. - We would be pleased if they were satisfied only with critical
    observations. Also prior to the Catholicosal Elections in 1999, when they
    supposed that I would declare my candidacy - then proposed by certain
    clergymen presently occupying primatial sees - they began to try to stick
    mud on me, and to defame me with false accusations and slanderous
    expressions via hired pens in the Armenian media. Other potential
    candidates, too, were treated in the same way. It is bad and immoral people
    who resort to such methods when they fear that their interests are
    endangered. Today, too, the same circles resort to the same murky methods,
    due to their lack of moral and intellectual probity. A pity! As for the
    negotiations: the current successor of Patriarch Zaven is the guarantor of
    the Melkonian will. Why has the AGBU not applied to the Patriarchate to this
    day? Let me say why. Because it does not wish to negotiate. It must not be
    forgotten that no reply has been given to the letters and criticisms
    directed at the AGBU, to this day. In other words, the accusation should be
    reversed and directed to the AGBU.

    Q. - Do you see any prospect today of avoiding the judicial act and
    achieve an agreement with the AGBU?

    A. - In response to Californian mediators, we already expressed willingness,
    two months ago, to receive an AGBU delegation in Istanbul. Therefore, it is
    difficult to comprehend the purpose of the heinous announcement of the
    Armenian Democratic Liberal Party, as well as other media assaults. It is
    possible that they think it more opportune to negotiate after having dealt
    blows. They are mistaken.