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Baku: British ambassador warns of domestic threat to vital pipelines

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  • Baku: British ambassador warns of domestic threat to vital pipelines

    Azer News
    17/03/2005 12:49

    British ambassador warns of threat to vital pipelines

    Certain domestic forces opposed to democratic development in Azerbaijan may
    jeopardize the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) and Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum (BTE)
    pipelines any time, the British Ambassador to Azerbaijan Laurie Bristow told
    ANS TV channel.

    As for the security of the BTC pipeline, Bristow said that co-operation
    between Azerbaijan and NATO in this area is possible. At the same time, the
    ambassador, mentioning the successful involvement of the Azerbaijani army in
    international anti-terror operations, said that Azerbaijan may ensure the
    pipeline's security using its own forces.
    Last week Deputy Prime Minister Abid Sharifov said that Azerbaijan's vital
    pipelines have come under a terror threat from Armenia.