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BAKU: Separatist Leaders Met in Moscow

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  • BAKU: Separatist Leaders Met in Moscow

    Baku Today
    March 17 2005

    Separatist Leaders Met in Moscow

    17/03/2005 12:36

    Leaders from three secessionist regions - Abkhazia, South Ossetia and
    Nagorno-Karabakh - Sergey Bagapsh, Eduard Kokoev and Arkadi Gukasyan
    held talks in Moscow on March 16, news agency Interfax reports on
    March 17.

    Interfax also reports, that the leaders of three breakaway regions
    agreed to hold a meeting of the de facto Presidents of Abkhazia,
    South Ossetia, Nagorno-Karabakh and Transdnestria in April in Abkhaz
    capital, Sokhumi.

    Earlier Sergey Bagapsh, the President of Georgia's breakaway
    Abkhazia, said at a news conference in Moscow that the leaders from
    the four breakaway regions plan to hold a summit in an attempt to
    coordinate their policies.

    This is a partner post from Civil Georgia

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress