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Day of doom

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  • Day of doom

    Record-Harvard Law School, MA
    March 17 2005

    Day of doom
    By Raffi Melkonian

    I'm kind of ashamed to admit it, but I used one of those law school
    applicant discussion boards back when I was applying to school three
    years ago. The one thing that makes me feel better about the whole
    affair is that I'm sure I'm not the only one so besmirched on this
    campus. Obviously, many law school applicants (and students) are
    world-class neurotics, and it makes us feel better to try to exert
    control over a fundamentally uncontrollable process - who precisely
    is getting in to the schools we want? How do we compare? And most
    important of all, when are we going to hear? Nor do we suddenly get
    more civilized once in school - after all, the Greedy Clerks
    discussion board for federal clerks and applicants is no less active.

    Of course, I always noticed a lot of extraneous chatter on the
    discussion board I used. Most of it was about things you expect
    students to talk about - dating, for example - but some was really
    offensive and nasty.

    This week, though, there's been a debate among some law professors -
    writing online - about whether this kind of discussion board ought to
    be cleaned up. I checked the most popular one, and it's no surprise
    that people are up in arms. Undeniably, the board has gotten pretty
    bad in a lot of ways, including a startling quantity of the worst
    sort of racism and anti-Semitism. As much as I share the protestors'
    disgust with the speech involved, however, cleaning up such a web
    site is a bad idea, for two reasons.

    First, pressuring the site administrators to clean up the discussion
    board by employing a software filter is the equivalent of sweeping a
    potentially serious problem under the carpet. From the beginnings of
    free speech theory, people have realized that one of the main
    benefits of allowing people to voice even odious opinions publicly is
    that those who disagree are confronted with the fact that the
    minority opinion does actually exist. If there are law students who
    feel comfortable using the kind of racial epithets contained on the
    site, even under the thin blanket of internet anonymity, even as a
    stupid sort of shocking joke, those of us who find such speech
    disgusting should want to know about it. It's all very easy to assume
    that the great persuasive battles in terms of respect and civility
    have been won. Displays such as those on the discussion board at
    issue demonstrate that there might be work left to be done.

    Second, just as with all (even private) controls on expression,
    stifling evil speech might chill other speech that is really useful
    and good. The overwhelming benefit of the discussion board, as I
    remember it, was that traffic was high, knowledgeable people
    abundant, and answers to questions quick. Every effort made to censor
    discussion was quickly discovered to be over-broad, and instead of
    leaving a clean board, changes made to get rid of the racists drove
    away others as well. But those kinds of discussion boards are vital
    for law applicants trying to figure their way out through a tough
    process, and especially those without specialized institutional
    support - my British alma mater, for example, had no advising
    services, so I relied heavily on internet resources to organize
    myself. If we believe in expanding this school's diversity across
    geography and social status as well as race, tools like admittedly
    vulgar Internet boards are crucial in leveling the playing field of
    applicant information. After all, the details that some people know,
    and others don't, are important - and if an active, unfettered,
    discussion board can spread that kind of previously rare knowledge,
    it's a good thing.

    I should be clear - I don't like racists, and I don't like
    anti-Semites. Armenians, like myself, have had enough experience of
    such people to know better. But people with offensive opinions do
    exist, and from the evidence provided by the discussion board, some
    may even be among us. Sending those people underground isn't a good
    way to solve this problem. Free speech, even when the censoring party
    isn't the government, is generally preferable to restricted speech -
    and however uncomfortable such offensive language might make us, law
    school applicant discussion boards aren't an exception to that
    general rule.

    Raffi Melkonian's posts on law school Internet discussion boards are
    neither racist nor anti-semitic.