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Baku: OSCE Says, Ceasefire Breach Not Observed

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  • Baku: OSCE Says, Ceasefire Breach Not Observed

    Baku Today


    OSCE Says, Ceasefire Breach Not Observed

    18/03/2005 12:23

    The OSCE held an emergency monitoring of the contact line of
    Azerbaijani and Armenian military units in the Gapanly village of
    Terter District on Thursday. No incidents observed in the monitoring
    process, according to media reports.

    The OSCE chairman's special envoy Anjey Kaspshik has told journalists
    that the monitoring is aimed at preventing ceasefire breaches that
    became frequent over the recent period.

    One Azeri soldier was killed in a ceasefire breach along the tense
    line dividing Azerbaijan and Armenian-occupied territory on Tuesday.

    Last year six people lost their lives in ceasefire breaches while an
    additional 13 people were killed and 21 injured on landmines around
    Karabakh, according to AFP.

    The issue of frequent ceasefire violations will be discussed in a
    meeting of Azerbaijani and Armenians parliamentarians in Brussels on
    the initiative of the OSCE special envoy on Karabakh Goran
    Lennmarker. Members of the Azerbaijani delegation at OSCE Eldar
    Ibrahimov and Sattar Safarov will represent Azerbaijan at the