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Abkhaz leader prepared to meet with Georgian president

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  • Abkhaz leader prepared to meet with Georgian president

    March 18 2005

    Abkhaz leader prepared to meet with Georgian president

    MOSCOW. March 18 (Interfax) - The President of the self-proclaimed
    republic of Abkhazia, Sergei Bagapsh, has said he is ready to meet
    with Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili but believes this meeting
    should be prepared by diplomats.

    "Such a meeting should be prepared," Bagapsh said at a press
    conference while visiting the Russian State Duma on Friday.

    The normalization of relations between Sukhumi and Tbilisi should
    start with the resolution of economic problems, which concern not
    only Abkhazia but also Georgia, Russia, and the South Caucasus as a
    whole, Bagapsh said.

    The Abkhaz leader suggested that contacts with Georgia could be
    established by discussing the reopening the railway line from Russia
    through Abkhazia and Georgia to Armenia.