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ARF Defending Himself From Gachechiladze

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  • ARF Defending Himself From Gachechiladze



    The Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) Bureau issued a press
    release on March 18 in regard with some statements made by Georgi
    Gachechiladze, advisor to the Georgian president on international
    issues, and published in the March 14 issue of the Georgian newspaper
    Rao-Rao. The release reads:

    1. The Armenian Revolutionary Federation has never sought and does not
    seek "Georgia's destruction through North Caucasus." The ARF is
    seeking the protection of the Javakhk Armenians' rights within
    Georgia. Such statements of the Georgian president's advisor may only
    sow disturbance in the Caucasus.

    2. On the eve of the 90th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, the
    Georgian president's advisor is insults the memory of the Genocide
    victims, accusing them of becoming a blind tool in the hands of
    others. Actually, he is repeating the official position of
    Turkey. Such unpardonable stance of the Georgian president's advisor
    is unfitted to the position he holds.

    3. The Georgian presidential advisor's threats directed at the Javakhk
    Armenians prompt that the attempts to initiate disruption in Javakhk
    are aimed at justifying those very threats. The Georgian presidential
    advisor's intimidating tone is no good for a country that claims to be
    a democracy champion; it resembles the style of dictators speaking to
    their subjects in tyrannies.

    4. The level of the Georgian presidential advisor's ignorance may be
    low enough to call a Yeltsin aide an ARF member, but it should not be
    as low as to overlook the real problems in Javakhk.

    5. The ARF is ready to assist the Georgian authorities in protecting
    the political and civil rights of the Javakhk Armenians as well as
    resolving their socio-economic problems if the Georgian authorities
    take such steps. Georgian authorities' continuing discriminatory
    policy towards the Javakhk Armenians will not result in favorable