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BAKU: Azerbaijan raises issue of Armenian settlement with UN

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  • BAKU: Azerbaijan raises issue of Armenian settlement with UN

    Azerbaijan raises issue of Armenian settlement with UN

    Space TV, Baku
    18 Mar 05

    [Presenter] The OSCE Standing Committee in Vienna has heard out a
    report by an OSCE mission which has looked into reports of Armenian
    settlement in Nagornyy Karabakh and other occupied territories of

    Yuriy Merzlyakov, Russian co-chairman of the OSCE Minsk Group, who
    presented the report, said the Armenian government has no special
    programme of settlement and is not helping anyone settle in the
    occupied territories. The report says that there is no large-scale or
    organized settlement in the districts that are under Armenian control.

    Here are the figures presented by the mission on the number of
    Armenians who have settled in Azerbaijan's occupied territories:

    1. Kalbacar District - nearly 1,500 people,

    2. Agdam District - 800-1,000 people,

    3. Fuzuli District - 10 people,

    4. Cabrayil District - at least 100 people,

    5. Zangilan District - 700-1,000,

    6. Qubadli District - 1,000-1,500 people.

    As for Lacin District, the factfinding mission says less than 8,000
    Armenians have settled in this district.

    [Passage omitted: Armenians ask for the same kind of inspection in
    former Armenian settlements which are under Azerbaijani control]

    The report by the OSCE factfinding mission has confirmed the illegal
    settlement of Armenians in Azerbaijan's occupied territories. The
    issue of evicting the illegal Armenian settlers from the Azerbaijani
    districts has been raised with the UN, Deputy Foreign Minister Araz
    Azimov has said.

    [Azimov] It is the first report of this kind. This document is very
    rich in facts, which have yet to be assessed. According to our
    calculations, about 20,000-23,000 people have settled in the occupied
    territories. The mission has put this number at 15,000-16,000. They
    are not quite sure about these figures either.