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NKR: Families Of Servicemen To Get Free Medical Care

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  • NKR: Families Of Servicemen To Get Free Medical Care


    Azat Artsakh - Nagorno Karabakh Republic (NKR)
    18 March 05

    People have always had controversial opinions on free medical care. In
    fact, many of us do not know in which cases free medical aid and care
    is provided, thereby creating problems for ourselves and the doctors.
    According to the NKR minister of health Zoya Lazarian, this year the
    government provided 592 million 979 thousand drams for free inpatient
    treatment (against 475 million 506 thousand drams last year) and 711
    million drams for outpatient treatment. The minister of health said in
    NKR the groups of people who get free medical care outnumber those in
    the Republic of Armenia. According to her, until 2005 pensioners in
    Armenia did not get free medical care. This year it is available for
    persons above 65 whereas in NKR free medical care is provided to all
    the pensioners. There are no limitations for children under 18 (in
    Armenia only children under 7 receive free medical care), sole mothers
    and families having many children. By the decision of the government,
    free medical treatment is provided to diabetic patients, people
    suffering malignant tumours, tuberculosis, mental disorders and
    venereal diseases, the disabled, the veterans of the Patriotic War,
    sole mothers, families of servicemen killed during the defence of NKR,
    liquidators of the consequences of Chernobyl, the internees, children
    under 18, persons of conscription age, army servicemen, arrested and
    imprisoned persons, persons of 18-24 without parental care, pensioners
    and students. Recently, the families of servicemen were also included
    in this list. Z. Lazarian said this change was introduced in
    accordance with the Article 33 of the law on social security of the
    servicemen and the members of their families. The minister of health
    added that the soldiers can get necessary medical service at army
    hospitals. If the necessary service is not provided by the military
    hospital, they can go to civilian hospitals having a special note
    signed by the head of the military hospital. The same order works for
    the members of families of soldiers.
