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OSCE Report States: There Is No Clear Organized Resettlement

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  • OSCE Report States: There Is No Clear Organized Resettlement


    19 March 05

    `The Overwhelming Majority of Settlers Are displaced Persons from
    Various Parts of Azerbaijan'

    The OSCE Fact-Finding Mission that visited the seven regions
    surrounding Nagorno Karabakh on January 30-February 4, has officially
    presented its report to the OSCE Permanent Council. In particular, it
    is said in the report that "Overall settlement is quite limited,"
    "there is no clear organized resettlement, no non-voluntary
    resettlement, no recruitment."

    The Fact-Finding Mission affirms the following number of the
    population: "In Kelbajar District approximately 1,500; in Aghdam
    District from 800 to 1000,in Fizuli District under 10, in Jebrail
    District under 100, in Zangelan District from 7000 to 1000; and in
    Kubatlu District from 1000 to 1500. In Lachin, the Fact Finding
    Mission estimates that there are fewer than 8000 people livingin the
    district overall."

    The mission did not determine that such settlement has resulted from a
    deliberate policy by the government of Armenia." The report says: "The
    Fact-Finding Mission has seen no evidence of direct involvement by the
    authorities of Armenian in the territories," "the overwhelming
    majority of the settlers are displaced persons from various parts of
    Azerbaijan, notably from Shahumian (Goranboy) Getashen (Chaikent) -
    now under Azerbaijani control - and Sumgait and Baku."

    Masis Mailian, NKR deputy foreign minister, accompanied the
    fact-finding mission during their visit. In the interview to Azg,
    Masis Mailian said that official Stepanakert will give its evaluation
    of the report when that will be represented to the Karabakh
    side. Mr. Mailian reminded that NKR authoritiesdid everything to
    secure all the conditions for the activities of the fact-finding

    David Babayan, political expert from Stepanakert, also accompanied the
    fact-finding mission. He said in that the report is an objective one
    and reflects the reality. "But it doesn't mean that Azerbaijan will
    give up manipulating with the issue of resettling these
    territories. Most likely, Baku will try to make the international
    community to force the settlers move to the territory of the former
    NKAR or Armenia, explaining this by the fact there are few people
    living in these territories," Babayan said.

    Araz Azimov, Azeri deputy foreign minister, said in an interview to
    the Baku Ekho that "We already know that the OSCE Fact-Finding Mission
    has confirmed the facts of settlement. The report of the mission is
    very close to the data Azerbaijan managed to accumulate."

    A press release by RA Foreign Ministry on March 17, says that the OSCE
    Fact-Finding Mission denies the claims of Azerbaijan, according to
    which "There are exclusively large numbers of settlers in the
    territories surrounding Nagorno Karabakh. At various times, their
    number ranged from 30000 to 300000 even." "The Republic of Armenia is
    directly intentionally engaged in the so-called settlement process,
    and even has a state policy of settlement, with budgetary
    allocations," and "the overwhelming majority of the settlers are
    citizens of Armenia, or from the Diaspora."

    RA Foreign Ministry stated that the total number of these settlers is
    insignificant given that there are over 400.000 Armenian refugees as a
    result of the conflict. Without those living in Lachin, then the total
    number of settlersis indeed negligible. The co-chairs have noted that
    "Lachin has been treated as a separate case in previous negotiations."
    This is because Lachin is Nagorno Karabakh's humanitarian and security
    corridor. Without it, Nagorno Karabakh would remain an isolated
    enclave. It is because of Lachin's political and geographical reality
    and security dimension that it is viewed differently in the
    negotiation process," the statement says.

    "Armenia, at the request of Nagorno Karabakh authorities, has
    requested that the OSCE Permanent Council mandate a fact-finding
    mission for a similarly transparent assessment of those regions which
    were formerly largely-Armenian populated, and are today under
    Azerbaijan's control: The Northern Martakert and eastern Martuni
    regions of Nagorno Karabakh, and Shahumian," the statement says.

    It's worth reminding that according to the United Nations Economic and
    Social Council Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights " The
    Committee is concerned about the illegal occupation by refugees and
    internally displaced persons of properties belonging to Armenians and
    other ethnic minorities."

    In particular, the UN Committee pointed out Shahumian and Getashen
    region that were formerly Armenian-populated.

    By Tatoul Hakobian