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Cairo: The assumption

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  • Cairo: The assumption

    Al-Ahram Weekly, Egypt
    March 24-30 2005

    The assumption

    To mark the 200th anniversary of the year Mohamed Ali became
    exclusive ruler of Egypt, Professor Yunan Labib Rizk begins the first
    of a nine-part series on the life of the founder of our modern state,
    starting with his ascension

    Mohamed Ali

    For several weeks now the Al-Ahram history centre has been exploring
    a question that we knew would be asked by anyone interested in modern
    Egyptian history: How should we commemorate the bicentennial of
    Mohamed Ali Pasha's assumption to the throne in Egypt? The date on
    which this occurred -- 13 May 1805 -- marks a turning point not only
    in the history of Egypt but in the history of the entire region. For
    Egyptians in particular it was when their country started to make the
    transition from the middle ages to the modern era.

    After having considered several ideas for commemorating this
    occasion, our attention was serendipitously drawn to a set of very
    relevant back issues of Al-Ahram. In November 1949, Egypt was
    commemorating the centennial of Mohamed Ali's death. Al-Ahram 's
    contribution at the time was to gather the greatest amount possible
    of new and pertinent information on this unique figure and to solicit
    the contributions of prominent historians, intellectuals and literary
    figures of the period. The result was a full-scale portrait of the
    "Founder of Modern Egypt" and his times. We have taken the occasion
    of the bicentennial of Mohamed Ali's assumption to the throne to
    present today's readers pieces of this portrait as it appeared in
    Al-Ahram over half a century ago, intervening as little as possible
    for the purposes of clarification.

    The epithet was first coined by Henry Herbert Dodwell, author of The
    Founder of Modern Egypt: A Study of Mohamed Ali (Cambridge, The
    University Press, 1931).

    Al-Ahram 's first article in its Mohamed Ali series -- "How he
    ascended the throne" -- was the work of the newspaper's editorial
    staff. Their account opens during that brief respite following the
    end of the Napoleonic expedition, a year and a half after the
    evacuation of French forces on 3 July 1801 and three months before
    the final evacuation of the British forces that had helped drive out
    the French, the last phase of which was completed on 5 March 1801 in
    accordance with the Treaty of Amiens.

    "In January 1803, Egypt was divided into three areas of influence:
    Alexandria, which was occupied by a British force of 4,430 troops;
    the rest of the Delta and Cairo, which were controlled by a
    10,000-strong Ottoman army; and Upper Egypt, which was controlled by
    the Mamelukes whose forces consisted of 3,000 cavalry men, 6,000
    tribesmen and 80 French artillery soldiers who had deserted the
    French occupation army and joined the Mamelukes. In any confrontation
    between Mameluke and Ottoman forces, the latter were routinely
    defeated because they did not trust and hence obey their leaders. The
    viceroy of Egypt at the time was Mohamed Ali's sworn enemy, Mohamed
    Khusraw Pasha, who later became the grand vizier in Istanbul."

    This is one of the rare references to the desertion of French troops
    to Mameluke forces. It is not clear what prompted these soldiers to
    refuse to return to France with the rest of the expedition.
    Conjectures have varied from the personal -- the soldiers may have
    taken Egyptian wives for example -- to the political -- that they had
    volunteered to remain the eyes and ears of France in Egypt.
    Regardless, it is interesting how readily they could be absorbed into
    the Mameluke armies. Perhaps this is because of the heterogeneous
    nature of these forces in contrast to the Albanian forces, for
    example, which were bound by national-ethnic affiliations. Of course,
    it helped that the French artillery officers had useful skills to

    "In late June 1803, the Egyptian people, aided by the Mameluke beys
    in Cairo, rose up against and killed Taher Pasha, commander of the
    Ottoman garrison in Cairo, while Mameluke and Albanian forces under
    Mohamed Ali took Mohamed Khusraw prisoner. In July, Ali Pasha was
    appointed governor. Although he had curried favour with the British,
    he was disliked by other European powers and the Egyptian people.
    Meanwhile, the Albanian troops began to demand their arrears,
    threatening to leave Egypt if they did not receive it. In order to
    induce them to stay, Ali Pasha offered to conclude an alliance with
    them against the Mamelukes. However, the Mamelukes learned of this
    conspiracy, rose up against the governor and exiled him to Jaffa."

    Abdel-Rahman El-Gabarti relates a different version of the
    assassination of Taher Pasha. According to his account, after being
    appointed commander, he refused to meet the janissaries' demands for
    their back pay, in response to which a group of them "attacked him
    with their swords and one of them cut off his head and threw it from
    the window into the courtyard."

    Prior to this, the Ottoman governor waged several campaigns against
    the Mameluke forces ensconced in the Delta. After having suffered
    numerous defeats at their hands, he agreed to place himself under the
    protection of the Mameluke emirs, which provoked the surprise and
    scorn of the Egyptian people.

    "The Mamelukes demanded that Khurshid Pasha, governor of Alexandria,
    be made viceroy. At this time, too, Alfi Bek returned from England.
    Disturbed by this development, Othman Al-Bardisi Bek summoned Mohamed
    Ali, commander of the Armenian regiments, to discuss the subject.
    They concluded their meaning by agreeing to an alliance.

    "On 20 February, in the dead of night, Mohamed Ali and his soldiers
    crossed the Nile at the banks of Old Cairo, and launched a surprise
    attack on Alfi Bek's horsemen who had camped near Giza, although Alfi
    the younger managed to flee. Mohamed Ali seized control of the
    village of Giza and then pursued the remnants of Alfi's forces all
    the way to Manouf. Nevertheless, he was unable to capture Alfi the

    "These campaigns broke the back of the Mamelukes, which cheered the
    Albanian forces and helped Mohamed Ali's star to rise. The Albanian
    commander immediately contacted the French consul and asked him to
    mediate on his behalf with the sultan so that he could be granted the
    governorship of Egypt. The consul hastily penned a letter to his
    government stating, "I can assure you that Mohamed Ali has not
    concealed his determination to reach power. However, in spite of that
    commander's sympathy towards France, I am not certain whether he
    possesses the necessary ability to devise and implement a
    comprehensive programme.

    "In March, Mohamed Ali held a frank exchange with the French consul.
    He told him point blank that he intended to break the power of the
    Mamelukes. Then he shouted, "How can you put your trust in those men
    who betrayed your brother, your colleague and your friend? As for us,
    their sworn enemies, we expect nothing from them but treachery and

    The acting governor of Cairo: Like other Mameluke emirs during their
    short control of the capital, he was rapacious in his levies of taxes
    and duties, triggering popular protests led by Al-Azhar ulama and in
    which the protesters cried, "what can you take from my empty purse,

    This account establishes that Mohamed Ali, who took over command of
    the Albanian forces following the assassination of its former
    commander, had his eyes trained on the Egyptian throne quite early
    on. It contrasts sharply with the customary narrative according to
    which the young commander initially expressed reluctance when
    approached by Egyptian leaders with an offer to make him their ruler.

    "Soon afterwards, Mohamed Ali met Khurshid Pasha secretly and
    concluded a pact with him to attack the Mamelukes. On 11 March, the
    Albanian forces assaulted the homes of Othman Bek and Ibrahim Bek,
    forcing them to flee with their wounds. The Albanians then occupied
    the Citadel. When Khusraw Pasha and Ali Pasha learned of the Albanian
    victory, they fled to Istanbul."

    "Everything had gone to Khurshid Pasha's satisfaction. However, as he
    had assumed power without the authority of a firman from the sultan,
    Mohamed Ali proclaimed that Khurshid's rule was illegitimate and
    seized control of the army. When Ahmed Al-Jazzar, the governor of
    Akka, learned of this development, he sent an armed force to Arish to
    strike a treaty with Mohamed Ali. Fearing the consequences of such a
    pact, the sultan hastened to dispatch the firman Khurshid Pasha
    required; however, Ali Pasha died a few days later."

    These events illustrate the extent to which Istanbul's control over
    its provinces had weakened; it could do little but assent to de facto
    realities. They also establish a precedent for the events of 13 May
    1805 when Egyptian leaders effectively handed Mohamed Ali the

    "Then Alfi Bek advanced at the head of his forces to Cairo and
    offered a truce to Khurshid. Now mistrustful of Mohamed Ali, Khurshid
    agreed and Alfi Bek secured himself inside the Citadel. Mohamed Ali
    was aware of the precariousness of the situation. The Mamelukes had
    surrounded the capital and threatened to starve the population while
    the Albanian troops were growing restless over not having received
    their arrears."

    "It was not long, however, before the Mamelukes fell into dispute
    over what military strategy to adopt against the Albanians. Mohamed
    Ali hastened to take advantage of this opportunity to deliver an
    unanticipated strike, attacking the forces of Alfi the younger that
    were camped between Tura and Old Cairo and seizing four cannons.
    Then, on 23 July he seized Shalqan. At the same time, the Nile floods
    forced the Mamelukes to end their siege and withdraw again to the
    Fayoum. Mohamed Ali hastened into pursuit and put the forces of
    Al-Bardisi and Ibrahim Bek to flight into Upper Egypt."

    "In September 1804, in deference to the desire of this force to
    return to their country, Mohamed Ali decided to leave Egypt. However,
    Khurshid Pasha feared that the Mamelukes would take advantage of
    Mohamed Ali's withdrawal to seize power again and tried to persuade
    him to stay. Mohamed Ali agreed and took up battle again at the head
    of some Albanian regiments that decided to remain in Egypt."

    "In January 1805, after re-organising his forces to which had been
    added the Ottoman regiments, Mohamed Ali laid siege to Minia, then a
    formidable Mameluke stronghold. After two months of ferocious
    warfare, his soldiers succeeded in taking the city after inflicting
    an ignominious defeat upon the Mamelukes."

    A contemporary source relates that on 13 December 1804 "it was
    reported that a battle broke out between Ottoman forces and the
    Egyptian emirs (the Mamelukes) in Minia, during which Saleh Al-Alfi
    Bek and Murad Bek, two of the new district governors outside Cairo,
    were killed."

    "After this victory Mohamed Ali decided to return to Cairo, bringing
    all his forces with him and declaring that the forces that were under
    his command demanded their pay. Fearful of this advance, Khurshid
    Pasha took precautions to hold out against an attack. Then, as soon
    as Mohamed Ali crossed the Nile, Khurshid sent a messenger to learn
    of his intentions. In spite of this, Mohamed Ali marched into Cairo
    at the head of his forces. Henceforward, the relations between the
    two commanders were strained. There was no exchange of visits.
    Instead, Mohamed Ali demanded to see the government accounts dating
    from the day Khurshid assumed power. He also insisted that the
    lieutenant and commander of the Citadel garrison be sent to Upper
    Egypt, while he himself would remain in Cairo. Commenting on the
    situation at this time, the French consul observed, 'it appears that
    Mohamed Ali has great influence with both the soldiers and the
    people. All military and civilian leaders have visited him, in
    violation of the orders issued by Khurshid Pasha prohibiting this.'"

    "The inhabitants of Egypt had grown weary of the climate of tension
    that prevailed in the country at that time and yearned for stability.
    In May 1805, the French consul wrote to his government, 'in spite of
    the rumours to the effect that things have returned to normal and
    that Khurshid Pasha and Mohamed Ali have resolved their differences,
    I feel compelled to request instructions from the Foreign Ministry
    regarding the policy I should adopt in the event that Mohamed Ali
    seizes power.

    "Several days later, the people, led by the ulama, rose up against
    the Ottoman army which was still perpetrating crimes. Mohamed Ali
    declared himself ready to defend the people and issued strict orders
    to his soldiers to prevent crime and defend the rights and safety of
    the people."

    The following account by El-Gabarti underscores the importance of
    this event whose bicentennial we are celebrating today: "When Monday
    arrived, they met in the judge's house. A large throng of people had
    gathered but were prevented from opening the gate which was shut in
    their face. Therefore, all went to Mohamed Ali and said, 'We do not
    want that pasha to rule us. He has to be removed from power.' Mohamed
    Ali asked, 'and who do you want as governor?' They answered, 'we will
    only accept you. We want you to govern us according to our conditions
    because we feel you are just and good.' Mohamed Ali declined at first
    but then accepted. A kaftan was brought in which El-Sayed Omar and
    Sheikh El-Sharqawi helped him don. By now it was the late afternoon,
    and the news of Mohamed Ali's investiture was conveyed to Ahmed
    Pasha. He responded, 'I am invested governor by order of the sultan
    and I will not be dismissed by peasants. I will only leave the
    Citadel when commanded to do so by the sultan.' The following morning
    the people assembled again. The pasha mounted his horse and together
    with a large throng carrying swords and sticks they went to Ezbekiya

    "On 10 May 1805, Mohamed Ali learned that he had been appointed
    governor of Jeddah. This appointment had been issued two months
    earlier, but Khurshid Pasha had concealed the news out of his need
    for Mohamed Ali's services. However, now that he felt his power
    threatened by the general commander, he revealed the firman in an
    official assembly. Although Mohamed Ali declared that he was willing
    to depart, the Albanians surrounded Khurshid Pasha following the
    recitation of the firman and demanded their arrears. Khurshid Pasha
    announced he would levy a tax for this purpose, which provoked the
    populace to anger.

    "Upon leaving Khurshid's camp, Mohamed Ali broadcast the news of his
    departure to the people. The following day, he gathered his soldiers
    and notified Khurshid that he must resign his post. The people joined
    Mohamed Ali's forces, and Khurshid withdrew into the Citadel with a
    force of 2,000 men."

    "At the same time, Egyptian sheikhs and notables sent a delegate to
    Istanbul with a petition to the Supreme Porte to appoint Mohamed Ali
    governor of Egypt instead of Khurshid. The Supreme Porte sent a
    delegate to Egypt to investigate the matter."

    "On 10 July 1805, the supreme edict arrived from Istanbul and was
    announced in the Egyptian capital. It proclaimed that, in deference
    to the will of the populace, Mohamed Ali had been appointed viceroy
    of Egypt and ordered Khurshid Pasha to depart to Alexandria. When Ali
    Pasha, Khurshid's master of arms, learned the news he set out from
    Upper Egypt at the head of a force of 3,000, which was intercepted by
    Mohamed Ali."

    "While the fighting ranged between Ali Pasha and Mohamed Ali,
    Al-Qubtan Pasha arrived in Egypt and decided to await the outcome of
    the battle in order to determine what measures to take. The Mamelukes
    tried to persuade him of the friendship between them and Khurshid.
    When this failed, they staged a demonstration of their power. On 18
    August, 400 Mameluke horsemen marched into the capital, preceded by
    pipers and drummers in order to create the impression of a victory
    parade. This, too, ended in failure, for the people rose up against
    them. Moreover, when the horsemen attempted to take flight, leaving
    their arms, purses and property behind them, the people intercepted
    and eliminated them all."

    "Meanwhile, Hussein Al- Qubtan, who had formerly commanded a fleet
    that assisted in the expulsion of the French, became embroiled in
    internal conflicts between the Mamelukes and the Turks. The Turkish
    admiral used every means at his disposal to put an end to the
    'Egyptian emirs'."

    "The admiral only left Egypt when Khurshid Pasha was made governor of
    Salanik. However, before leaving he expressed his misgivings over
    leaving Mohamed Ali at the head of the army."

    "On 27 June, Qubtan Pasha returned to Egypt, offered Mohamed Ali the
    choice between the governorship of Salanik or Cyprus. He then
    declared that Alfi Bek was the governor of Cairo and that Moussa
    Pasha then governor of Salanik was on his way to Egypt at the head of
    a powerful army to take control of the government."

    "Mohamed Ali told the admiral that he would obey his orders and leave
    Egypt. However, before departing he insisted that the admiral pay
    LE100,000 to the armed forces, and threatened that if the admiral
    refused to do so he -- Mohamed Ali -- would put his own life at risk
    on behalf of the soldiers and also subject Cairo to severe hardship."

    "At this time, the chief magistrate, sheikhs and ulama of Al- Azhar
    and eminent notables signed a petition appealing to the Supreme Porte
    to retain Mohamed Ali in Egypt because his rule was more just than
    the rule of the Mamelukes. Mohamed Ali, for his part, proclaimed to
    the British consul that he feared no one, certainly not the chief
    admiral, and that he was capable of repelling any foreign force that
    attempted to intervene in Egypt to assist the Mamelukes."

    "Qubtan Pasha had not yet despaired of his ability to persuade
    Mohamed Ali to leave Egypt through a negotiated agreement. Only when
    it was too late that he decided to take the measures to remove him by

    "When Al-Alfi Bek's forces were defeated at Damanhour, Qubtan Pasha
    was forced to resume negotiations with Mohamed Ali. On 20 October
    1806 he returned to Istanbul taking with him Ibrahim, Mohamed Ali's

    "However, in 1807, Alfi Bek died. The death of Mohamed Ali's most
    formidable adversary brought an end to all effective resistance to
    his rule."

    Alfi Bek died of cholera on 10 January 1807. Before that, however, he
    had succeeded in eliminating his rival Mameluke emir, Othman Bek
    Al-Bardisi, whom he had poisoned. Nevertheless, Al-Alfi had won
    considerable admiration among his contemporaries. Even El-Gabarti
    felt remorse at the passing of the emir whose death he considered the
    end of an era:

    "Oh Egypt! Look at your children around you, fragmented, estranged
    and outcast, while boorish Turks and Jews and depraved Albanians take
    over your land and collect your taxes; make war on your children and
    combat your heroes; destroy your homes and inhabit your palaces;
    defile your visage and your sight and extinguish your joy and your

    Clearly, El-Gabarti did not hold out the best hopes for the era upon
    which he was about to embark. In his account, Al-Alfi said shortly
    before his death, "Fate has decreed that Egypt be left to Mohamed
    Ali." One imagines that in conveying these dire sentiments,
    El-Gabarti is not so much fearful of the advent of an age in which
    Mohamed Ali would exercise exclusive rule over Egypt as he was
    mournful of the passing of the age to which he himself had belonged.