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Armenia not interested in breaking cease-fire with Azerbaijan -minis

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  • Armenia not interested in breaking cease-fire with Azerbaijan -minis

    Armenia not interested in breaking cease-fire with Azerbaijan - minister

    Aravot, Yerevan
    24 Mar 05 p 3

    The Armenian defence minister has dismissed Azerbaijani accusations
    that Armenia is breaking the cease-fire in the conflict over Nagornyy
    Karabakh. Serzh Sarkisyan told journalists that the Armenian side
    was holding the positions it took back in 1994 and did not need to
    open fire and advance on the front line. Describing as nothing new
    remarks by the Azerbaijani leadership about the possible resumption
    of hostilities, he warned the Azerbaijani defence minister that "war
    is not a piece of cake". Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanyan hoped that
    the bellicose statements from Azerbaijan were for local consumption
    only. Serzh Sarkisyan also said that a report on Armenia's national
    security would be published within a month. The following is the
    text of Margarit Yesayan's report in Armenian newspaper Aravot on
    24 March headlined "How real is the danger of war? Defence Minister
    Serzh Sarkisyan and Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanyan comment on this";
    subheadings have been inserted editoria! lly:

    No weapons smuggled from Armenia to USA

    Yesterday [23 March] Defence Minister Serzh Sarkisyan confirmed once
    again that the criminal group arrested in the USA had not exported
    weapons from Armenia. The minister said that to date the investigation
    did not have any facts or evidence that weapons had been exported
    from Armenia to the USA or other states. Declaring that he did not
    know the details of the case, he added that it was important for him
    to keep weapons and ammunition safe.

    Armenia not interested in breaking cease-fire

    Journalists also touched on bellicose statements from the Azerbaijani
    side and on statements that allegedly the Armenian side is breaking
    the cease-fire on the border. Serzh Sarkisyan replied: "It is obvious
    to anyone who knows the ins and outs of the Karabakh conflict that the
    Armenian side does not need to fire at all, the Armenian side has no
    problem to settle, the Armenian side does not have a problem moving
    ahead or improving its positions because back in 1994 it improved
    its positions, that is to say, it took the positions that it thought
    the most advantageous. Although the Azerbaijani defence minister
    may say that Armenia is to blame for all this or initiated this,
    it is evident that this is a lie and a slur."

    In his latest speeches Azerbaijani Defence Minister Safar Abiyev has
    not ruled out a resumption of full-scale war and the Azerbaijani
    president has been saying the same. Serzh Sarkisyan said this is
    nothing new: "But I want these people to remember once and for all
    that war is not a piece of cake [literally, that no-one gives out
    pilaff in a war]. I would like Safar Abiyev to remember his past,
    I think this will be very useful for him. As for the Azerbaijani
    president, owing to certain circumstances I cannot allow myself to
    comment on what he said."

    Evidently, the "certain circumstances" are that Ilham Aliyev is the
    president of Azerbaijan and, if necessary, the Armenian president
    will respond to him.

    New national security blueprint to be published soon

    Asked about the prospects of Armenian-Russian relations deepening from
    the national security point of view, Serzh Sarkisyan replied that a
    report "On the national security of the Republic of Armenia", which he
    had delivered to the top brass, would soon be published. The defence
    minister said that the report presented the threats to Armenia's
    security and ways to neutralize them. The report also touches on
    Armenia's attitude to NATO, Russia, the European Union and the USA. The
    full version of the concept will be ready and published in a month.

    No good to come of Azerbaijani sabre-rattling

    In his turn Armenian Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanyan also said
    that the aggressive statements of the Azerbaijani side would lead
    to nothing: "These statements will lead to nothing positive and
    Azerbaijan should understand this." Are Ilham Aliyev's and other
    Azerbaijani officials' bellicose statements only for local consumption
    or are they more serious and would it be wrong to ignore them? Vardan
    Oskanyan hopes that they are for local consumption: "Let us hope they
    are for local consumption and that the Azerbaijanis themselves do not
    believe what they are saying. We have said many times that Azerbaijan
    has already made a mistake twice in this matter, we think that the
    third mistake will be the last."

    No "crude violation" of human rights in Armenia

    We noticed that on 14 March, when he made a speech to the UN Human
    Rights Commission in Geneva, the Armenian foreign minister viewed
    the genocide problem from the human rights' standpoint. But are human
    rights protected enough in Armenia? "I think they are well protected,
    the situation is not perfect, we have much to do on this issue,
    but I would not say there is a crude violation of human rights in
    our country." We would like to remind Mr Oskanyan that in connection
    with the April 2004 events alone [protests against President Robert
    Kocharyan] 17 applications have been sent to the European Court of
    Human Rights and their number will reach 30 by May. But there are
    thousands of cases over which Armenian citizens are unable to apply
    to the European Court.