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Iraqi Students Strike in Protest of Religious Extremist Violence

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  • Iraqi Students Strike in Protest of Religious Extremist Violence

    Political Affairs Magazine, NY
    March 26 2005

    Iraqi Students Strike in Protest of Religious Extremist Violence
    By IFTU

    Several iraqi bloggers report that students from Basrah and Shatt
    Al-Arab universities in Basra City have been on all-out strike for the
    last three days as a reaction to the attack on 15 March by religious
    hardliners and Mahdi Army militiamen on students organising a field
    trip or a picnic at Al-Andalus park in the Al Makhal area of Basra.

    The Kuwaiti arabic newspaper Al-Qabas also reported that hooded men
    assaulted the students with rubber cables and truncheons which resulted
    in severe injuries to an Armenian Christian girl, Zihoor Ashour who
    lost one eye because of being beaten on her head very hard with a
    thick stick of wood. Another student (a boy) who came to her rescue
    after militiamen had torn off her clothes and were beating her was
    shot in the head and died subsequently from his injuries.

    One Iraqi email correspondent writes: "It was a tragedy. The students
    of all colleges are in what you can say a revolution because of this.
    They made many demonstrations against Al-Mahdi army and Al-Sadr
    demanding to remove their offices from the universities and also a
    group of the students went to Sayid Al-Sistani to make him talk to
    Al-Sadr and advise him to be sensible in his actions."

    Students say that their belongings, such as mobile phones, cameras,
    stereo players and loudspeakers, were stolen or smashed to pieces
    by the militiamen. Girl students not wearing headscarves, most of
    them Christian, were severely beaten and at least 20 students were
    kidnapped, taken to Sadr's office in Al-Tuwaisa for 'interrogation'
    and were only released late at night.

    Students also say the police and British soldiers were nearby but
    did not intervene.

    A Sheikh As'ad Al-Basri, one of Sadr's aides in Basrah, stated that the
    "believers" of the Mahdi Army did what they did in an act of "divine
    intervention" in order to punish the students for their "immoral and
    outrageous behaviour" during the 'holy month of Muharram, while the
    blood of Imam Hussein is yet to dry." He added that he had sent the
    "group of believers" to observe and photograph the students, and on
    witnessing them playing loud music, "the kind they play in bars and
    discos", and openly talking to female students, the "believers had
    to straighten things out". Do you subscribe to Political Affairs?
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    Thousands of students have been demonstrating in front of the Basrah
    Governorate building in Asharr for the last three days, shouting "No
    to political Islam", "No to the new tyranny" and "No to Sadr". The
    police (who are loyal to Da'wa in Basrah) reportedly attacked the
    students in order to disperse the demonstrations.

    One Iraqi blogger writes: "The Governor of Basrah appeared on Fayhaa
    TV on Sunday 20 March claiming that problems with Sadr's office had
    been resolved peacefully. The Governor (who is a member of Da'wa)
    apparently met with representatives from Sadr's office under the
    mediation of Shia Islamic parties in Basrah (Da'wa, SCIRI, Fadheela,
    Thar Allah) and it appears that Sadr's aides agreed to 'punish the
    guilty parties under a special religious court that would convene
    for this purpose' and to compensate the students and to return
    all stolen items to the students. The Governor claimed to have met
    with the family of another Christian girl who was badly injured,
    'generously' offering her free treatment in any country she chooses.

    "No mention of the rule of law here. No involvement of Basrah's civil
    courts at all. The whole incident was mopped up in a tribal-religious
    meeting, but this time at the Governorate level. The guilty parties
    were sinisterly assigned the job of punishing themselves. A great
    lesson in democracy. But then, no one was punished for the executions
    and torture at religious courts in Najaf the last time anyway.

    "What is even worse, the official statement from Sadr's office in
    Basrah. It asks for the names of the students that were 'allegedly
    mistreated' in order to compensate them. And listen to this; 'Sadr's
    office in Basrah offers to provide the universities of Basrah with
    groups to protect the students in their future field trips.' This
    following Sheikh As'ad Al-Basri's fiery statements that the students
    had 'disobeyed his orders, and the stick was for those who disobeyed,'
    alasa limen asa. He also alleged that the students had shouted 'No
    to Islam' in their demonstrations this week, insolently adding that
    the students should be punished for their 'blasphemy'.

    "The Governor literally appointed Sadr's office as judge, witness
    and law-enforcer. We might even say that the Sadrists were in fact
    rewarded for their vile act...

    "The students of Basra have made their demands clear; bringing
    the Sadrist militiamen to a public trial in the presence of
    representatives from Basrah's student groups, banning Islamist armed
    groups from entering campus or running Islamist student groups, and
    the dissolution of the infamous 'Security Committee' which operates
    in most of Basra's colleges, and which is reminiscient of the Ba'ath's
    'University Security' but taking a Shi'ite Islamic appearance instead
    of a fascist nationalistic one.

    "Student groups from Baghdad, Arbil and Suleimaniya have sent
    statements of support to Basra. Incidentally, four students were
    injured in Suleimaniya during demonstrations that have been taking
    place for the second week in row against the privatisation of
    educational institutions in the Kurdish region.

    "Still no condemnation from the the Hawza, when the attack against
    the students was done in its name."

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress