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Strategic rail ferry starts operating between Russia and Caucasus

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  • Strategic rail ferry starts operating between Russia and Caucasus

    Strategic rail ferry starts operating between Russia and Caucasus

    Radio Russia, Moscow
    27 Mar 05

    [Presenter] The first rail ferry from Russia began unloading today
    in the Georgian port of Poti. Tengiz Pachkoria has the details.

    [Correspondent] The ferry has brought wheat and maize. It will
    operate once a week during the first few months, and then become more
    frequent. By April or May, the ferry is expected to begin taking wines,
    mineral waters, manganese concentrate and other products from Poti to
    [the Russian port of] Kavkaz. The agreement on a ferry link between
    Georgia and Russia was signed in January this year in Tbilisi by
    Russian Transport Minister Igor Levitin and the then Georgian prime
    minister, Zurab Zhvania. The ferry can be used not only by Georgia and
    Russia but also by Armenia, Azerbaijan and countries in Central Asia.