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Isfahan: Matsuura: Concerns over Jahan-Nama Tower project not apolit

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  • Isfahan: Matsuura: Concerns over Jahan-Nama Tower project not apolit

    IRNA, Iran
    March 27, 2005 Sunday

    Matsuura: Concerns over Jahan-Nama Tower project not a political

    Isfahan, March 27, IRNA Iran-UNESCO-Naqsh-e Jahan Director General of
    the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
    (UNESCO) Kushiro Matsuura here Sunday said that the concerns over
    Jahan-Nama Tower project currently under construction adjacent to
    Isfahan's Imam Khomeini (Naqsh-e Jahan) Square is not a political

    Speaking at the banquet in Isfahan's Abbasi Hotel hosted by the
    provincial Governor General Mahmoud Hosseini, Matsuura added that no
    historical monument has ever been omitted from the world heritage

    "However, in case this takes place in any country, the relevant
    political consequences will be quite detrimental.

    >>From UNESCO's point of view there is no political motivation behind
    the move and the world heritage is the main concern in this case.

    Concerning the likelihood of such an event, he noted, "Given that
    President Mohammad Khatami and the provincial governor general are
    determined to convince the municipality and city council of the
    provincial capital of Isfahan to make the necessary adjustments in
    the tower, I do not even wish to consider such a possibility."

    For his part, Hosseini said that Isfahan Municipality and City
    Council are doing their best to safeguard the provincial historical

    "Similar to the decision taken on the urban metro project to change
    its initially planned route to prevent its crossing through
    Chahar-Bagh, we are determined to make the necessary changes in
    Jahan-Nama Tower to safeguard its international status," added

    The official referred to Zayandeh Roud area as a significant
    historical site in the province and of great value in view of the
    world heritage.

    During his two- -day visit to Isfahan, Matsuura toured some of the
    city's archaic relics including the historical bridges, Imam Khomeini
    Square Complex, Chehel-Sotoun Palace, Qeisarieh Bazaar, Vang Church
    and the Armenians neighborhood.

    Iran's Human Rights Defenders Association has already filed a
    complaint against Jahan-Nama contractors with Isfahan Justice
    Department and a verdict calling for a halt to the project has been

    Despite the verdict, it has not yet been enforced.

    The construction of Jahan-Nama Tower project, as a cultural and
    commercial complex, was launched in 1996. It is being constructed in
    an area measuring 90,000 square meters and is situated adjacent to
    the historical Naqsh-e Jahan Square, Chahar- -Bagh and other ancient