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BAKU: Speech of Aliyev at 3rd Congress of Yeni Azerbaijan Party

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  • BAKU: Speech of Aliyev at 3rd Congress of Yeni Azerbaijan Party

    AzerTag, Azerbaijan
    March 28 2005

    [March 26, 2005, 22:50:52]

    Dear Ladies and gentlemen!

    Dear Congress participants!

    I would like to extend to all of you my cordial greetings and best
    wishes for your good health and every success. I am grateful to you
    for the kind words about me. The III Congress of the Yeni Azerbaijan
    Party is a very important event in socio-political life of our
    country. I believe its resolutions will play a key role in further
    democratic development of Azerbaijan.

    The Yeni Azerbaijan Party was founded under severe conditions in
    1992. Initiated by our national leader Heydar Aliyev, the Yeni
    Azerbaijan Party was founded as an opposition party. Unlike some
    members of the today~Rs opposition, however, the Yeni Azerbaijan Party
    has never been in opposition to Azerbaijan~Rs statehood or national
    interests. Not only we but also the whole Azerbaijani people used to
    be in opposition to the country~Rs leadership of that as their
    destructive policy had led to anarchy, chaos and total crisis. They
    had brought the country to the brink of a precipice. The processes
    taking place in the country at that time questioned the very future
    of Azerbaijan; the country was on the verge of separation. It was
    wisdom of the Azerbaijani people and national leader Heydar Aliyev~Rs
    political experience, knowledge and courage that allowed our country
    to get out of that critical situation, saved the country from all
    existing threats.

    Our country started to advance with confidence, and having
    strengthened its political and economic potential for a short period
    of time, has turned into a leading state in the region.

    If our people~Rs national leader Heydar Aliyev had not come to power
    in that hard moment, now it~Rs hard to imagine what kind of troubles
    Azerbaijan would face with then.

    With our national leader Heydar Aliyev~Rs coming to power in
    Azerbaijan, a new era of development has begun in our country. The
    first years of this era were also very difficult: stability was not
    established in full measure, and consequences of the civil war were
    not eliminated in the country. Population~Rs welfare was getting worse
    form year to year; the country~Rs economy was in breaking point. And
    again, it was efforts by Heydar Aliyev, his far-seeing policy that
    allowed the country to eliminate negative factors and take the path
    of progress. Irrespective of political system, Heydar Aliyev had
    always been a leader of the Azerbaijani people, in the true sense of
    the word. His activities while running the country in 1970-1982 were
    aimed at meeting the interests of the Azerbaijani people. It was a
    result of his services that large amount of funds were brought to
    Azerbaijan from the center: new plants and factories were built.
    Today, these plants and factories provide considerable support to
    Azerbaijan~Rs economic and industrial potential. If the large
    industrial infrastructure were not created then in Azerbaijan,
    especially in oil sector, the country~Rs economic potential would not
    be so huge today. As a result of the work done, Azerbaijan is now
    enhancing its political and economic potential. The work done in the
    country from 1993 to 2003 has turned Azerbaijan into a truly
    independent state. Independence is not just a state~Rs attribute.
    There are some countries, which have all state~Rs attributes, and have
    joined the international community just formally. Their policy,
    however, is far from being really independent. One of our nation~Rs
    wealth is that today, Azerbaijan and its leadership is pursuing
    completely independent policy. This policy is serving only national
    interests of the Azerbaijani people.

    The implementation of the Heydar Aliyev~Rs oil strategy has led to
    attraction of billions of dollars of foreign investments in
    Azerbaijan. I repeat, if the Contract of the Century were not signed
    in 1994, the subsequent infrastructure projects were not realized and
    the construction of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline were not
    started, the today~Rs economic development in Azerbaijan would be out
    of question.

    The signing of the Contract of the Century triggered the development
    of a number if sectors in Azerbaijan. This contract gave a powerful
    impetus to overall economic growth in the country.

    Today, Azerbaijan~Rs currency reserves make up 2 billion dollars. This
    is the wealth we use to protect national interests of the Azerbaijani
    people and make our state more powerful.

    Huge work has been done towards army building, as well. The today~Rs
    Azerbaijani army is capable of solving any task if needed. We are
    taking necessary measures to reinforce our army, and will do so in
    the future.

    Azerbaijan has managed to break the information blockade. Azerbaijan
    has joined the international family, and managed to take its worthy
    place in the international arena. Today, Azerbaijan holds strong
    positions in the region, and is able to impact on the processes
    taking place in the region. I think we use effectively these
    possibilities, enhancing Azerbaijan~Rs international prestige day by
    day. I believe our international activities, foreign policy play an
    important role in protection of our national interests.

    I have to say that 2003 was a decisive year in the modern history of
    Azerbaijan. The health problems our national leader Heydar Aliyev
    experienced did not allow him to join the presidential elections.
    Supported by the people of Azerbaijan and the Yeni Azerbaijan Party,
    I was nominated for the election. And you all are aware of my
    pre-election campaign statements. I said then, and I want to repeat
    it now, that Azerbaijan must follow the Heydar Aliyev~Rs path, the
    only one that can lead us to success.

    Heydar Aliyev~Rs policy must be continued. This is a demand of the
    present. This is the only policy that will make Azerbaijan stronger,
    and serve the improvement of the Azerbaijani people~Rs living
    standard. I am very glad that the people of Azerbaijan made a right
    choice in 2003 voting for the Heydar Aliyev~Rs policy.

    In 2003, the people of Azerbaijan experienced a great loss. We lost
    our leader. That was a great shock and tragedy to all of us. At this
    hard moment, however, the people of Azerbaijan came together and
    demonstrated its will and devotion to the Heydar Aliyev~Rs policy, his
    ideology and philosophy.

    I also rest on the people~Rs support in my activities. I can feel this
    support, and this support gives me strength. People~Rs trust, support
    and appreciation are the most important factors for any leader. I
    keep the promises I made during my pre-election campaign with respect
    to domestic, foreign and economic policy, and all other spheres. Over
    the past period, Azerbaijan has made considerable progress in all
    fields. Our foreign policy is pursued within the framework of the
    deliberate and purposeful conception. This conception has several
    directions. One of them is establishment of sincere relations with
    neighbors. Some results have been gained in this regard. Azerbaijan
    has established very warm relations with his neighbors. Our neighbors
    support territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, and approach the
    Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh through the prism
    of international legal norms only.

    Azerbaijan is actively involved in regional cooperation, and there is
    a graphic evidence of this: the largest regional Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan
    oil pipeline project is being realized at the initiative and active
    participation of Azerbaijan. Our policy towards integration into the
    European and Euroatlantic structures are successfully continued. To
    date, Azerbaijan has joined the European Union~Rs New Neighborhood
    Policy, has been working in cooperation with NATO in the framework of
    the Individual Partnership Plan of Actions. Azerbaijan~Rs position has
    been strengthened in the United Nations, Council of Europe,
    Organization of Islamic Conference and other international
    organizations. The work done, and the adopted resolutions, in
    particular, the political decisions concerning the Armenia-Azerbaijan
    conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh demonstrate that our activities in
    this direction were very successful.

    All we have done within the country serve safeguarding of the
    existing stability. Stability is the basic condition to any country
    to ensure its progress. Where there is no stability, progress is out
    of question. Where there is no stability, attraction of foreign
    investments is impossible. Where there is no stability, distrust
    arouses in people. That~Rs why our national leader stated more than
    once - and we are devoted to this policy - that successful and
    all-round development of Azerbaijan requires maintenance and
    strengthening of stability. Those who want to break this stability
    will meet with an adequate rebuff. Such attempts would take place
    before. Such attempts took place following the presidential elections
    in 2003, and they all were suppressed. I hope that was a good lesson
    for the forces that had made these attempts. If they resort to that
    again, they will get the same. We use words and politics in our
    political struggle, not stones and sticks.

    It is my regret that opposition does not accept our repeated calls
    for a dialogue. Such proposals were advanced more than once both
    before and after the elections. But what we could see was that those
    in the opposition camp inclined to dialogue were expelled from the
    parties. This shows clearly that these forces do not want to
    dialogue. In this case, we have to consider other ways. Anyway, I
    believe only civilized political relations can ensure normal and
    democratic development in our country.

    Azerbaijan continues to advance successfully. All the pre-election
    promises are kept. We promised to continue economic reforms, and we
    are doing so. On one hand structural reforms are being realized, on
    the other hand, the adopted programs of socio-economic development of
    regions are now being successfully implemented. We promised we would
    create 600 thousand jobs, and the number of those already created
    exceeded 170 thousand in just a year. We promised to help
    entrepreneurs. The amount of funds set aside to assist business has
    been doubled in the 2005 state budget. We promised an increase in our
    budget. As a result of the, first of all, financial discipline, the
    2005 budget has increased by some 25-30%.

    Non-oil sector began to develop rapidly. Development of the non-oil
    sector is a very important factor for our future activities. I am
    very glad that the consolidating class of entrepreneurs in Azerbaijan
    uses successfully all these opportunities.

    Our links with youth have always been at a high level, I personally
    have always communicated with youth, and now keep in touch. It gives
    me pleasure that overwhelming majority of those joined our party
    after the II Congress is youth. This is natural, because young people
    are very well aware of the processes taking place within the country,
    and around the world. They see that the today~Rs leadership of
    Azerbaijan is pursuing its policy adequately to the processes taking
    place in the world as this meets our national interests. Our national
    interest is creation of democratic and civilized state in Azerbaijan.

    We are a country rich in natural resources. We have huge potential,
    human resources. But we also know that only a democratic society
    enable every citizen to freely express his wish and realize its
    potential. It is only democratic development that can lead the
    country to progress. This is why all our steps are taken in this
    direction. Both enhancing of our economic potential, very serious
    measures in army building, maintenance and strengthening of political
    stability in Azerbaijan and further democratization of our country
    are priority directions of our policy.

    Our country has great prospects. I don~Rt think Azerbaijan will face
    serious problems in the future. All the problems will be solved
    including social ones. We have doubled the minimum wage, and will
    raise it in future. We will raise pensions. Population~Rs incomes rise
    from year to year. The reforms implemented in the country create new
    opportunities. The work to be carried out in agriculture will allow
    to develop this sector; up-to-date equipment will be acquired.

    Commissioning of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline will bring huge
    funds to the country creating favorable conditions for development of
    all sectors of the economy. This will increase social protection
    possibilities, and improve living standard of our refugees and
    internally displace persons, the most needy members of our society.
    As you know, creation of a new infrastructure, construction of
    settlements, schools and hospitals are in progress. In other word,
    neither in the near nor in the distant future I can see the problems
    Azerbaijan could have come across, as, I repeat, our present and
    expected activities, the governmental programs will allow us to cope
    with the tasks set.

    The only and the most difficult problem is the Armenia-Azerbaijan
    conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh. We are striving for its settlement.
    But, of course, this question does not depend on the wish of one
    side. In this regard, we are doing everything in our power too. On
    one hand, this is our purposeful foreign policy, one might say, a
    quite serious offensive, international organizations~R more careful
    approach to the issue, diplomatic efforts, on the other hand, army
    building - it is no secret that the 2005 budget~Rs army expenditures
    have increased by more than 30%, and will be increased more in
    future, as well as Azerbaijan~Rs prestige in the region, realization
    of the regional projects, construction of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil
    pipeline, i.e. these factors give us considerable advantage. The
    tendencies that can be observed now in the negotiation process are in
    our favor. This is the reality. Just destructive position of Armenia
    is what hampers the problem~Rs solution.

    The international law norms are on our side. Economic potential is on
    our side. Military potential is on our side. Justice is in on our
    side. The people of Azerbaijan will never put up with the lost of
    their lands. The people will liberate their native lands at all
    costs. We want to solve the problem in peaceful way. We don~Rt want
    war, we have great plans and good prospects. We want to be engaged in
    constructive work and make further progress in our country. Everybody
    realizes, however, that the uncertain situation cannot be endless.
    The current talks are held within the framework of the Prague
    process. On the whole, the Prague process has led to a new situation,
    that means, as a matter of fact, a step-by-step resolution. So, we
    hope a mutually acceptable solution meeting all the international law
    norms will be found as a result of the Prague process. However, if
    the negotiations are unsuccessful again, then further talks will be
    senseless at all, because, as you know, they lasted over ten years.
    All possible ways have already been discussed. In this case,
    Azerbaijan will have to make serious changes in its strategic course,
    and political approach to this problem.

    Dear friends!

    The year 2005 will be extremely important for our country. In all,
    2005 began well: all our plans concerning economic development are
    being realized. In 2005, Azerbaijan advances new international
    initiatives. The country strengthens its bilateral relations with
    various countries, enhances its regional cooperation. In 2005, the
    Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline will be put into operation thus
    completely changing the situation. On one hand, this will have a
    strong impact on the regional processes; on the other hand, oil from
    other countries will be delivered through this pipeline to the world
    markets. Commissioning of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline will
    enhance the role of Azerbaijan in the region, and allow us, in just
    three years, to double, quadruple and even quintuple our export
    potential. This of course will bring huge revenues to our country
    that will serve improvement of the living standards of the
    Azerbaijani people. The funds accumulated to date in the State Oil
    Fund are managed transparently. The people are kept informed about
    it, all data are made publicly available, and all the expenditures
    are carried out through the centralized budget. All these issues are
    debated in the parliament. I mean the people of Azerbaijan through
    their representatives in the parliament are directly involved in
    distribution of the Oil Fund~Rs revenues. This is very important as we
    are talking about our common property. This is the property of the
    Azerbaijani people that every citizen should take an advantage of. At
    the same time, every citizen must have knowledge of what the
    collected funds are spent on.

    Parliamentary elections are expected in 2005. We attach a great
    significance to these elections. We believe these elections will play
    a key role in the further democratic development of Azerbaijan. I
    make no doubt that the elections will be absolutely fair and
    transparent, and that they will become a reflection of the
    Azerbaijani people~Rs will and wishes.

    The Yeni Azerbaijan Party also should prepare for the elections, and
    we shall do it. Although we cannot see a rival in the today~Rs
    political arena, we should confess that the opposition - maybe we
    shouldn~Rt have talk about it now - is in a very sorry plight. The
    barbarian actions they perpetrated after the presidential elections
    have destroyed the ruins of their no longer existing foundations.
    Today, the presence of the opposition in the Azerbaijan~Rs political
    scene is not felt at all. They only tours abroad at the invitation of
    certain international organizations, meet here with minor officials,
    and come back to Azerbaijan inspired with promising plans and ideas.
    But after a while, we all make sure it counts for nothing. In other
    word, the Yeni Azerbaijan Party has no a rival. I am sorry about it.
    I consider such a situation in our society as abnormal. We, the Yeni
    Azerbaijan Party, are able to impact upon socio-political processes
    taking place in the country. The people of Azerbaijan support our
    policy. Our policy is a practical work, practical steps, and real
    issues. We are far from populism, do not give interviews ten times
    per day, but we are busy.

    I stated before the elections that if elected I would worthily serve
    my people. I am trying to do so, and will do my best for the people
    of Azerbaijan to live better and better every day, for our country to
    consolidate, enrich and turn into a powerful state.

    Dear friends!

    I am sure that staying devoted to the Heydar Aliyev~Rs political
    course, we will worthily and attachedly serve our Homeland and

    Long live the Yeni Azerbaijan Party!

    Long live the modern, independence Republic of Azerbaijan - the
    creation of Heydar Aliyev!

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress