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BAKU: Ornek: Turkey will not open borders with agressor Armenia

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  • BAKU: Ornek: Turkey will not open borders with agressor Armenia

    AzerTag, Azerbaijan
    March 29 2005

    [March 29, 2005, 17:55:35]

    Commander of Turkish Naval Forces, Fleet's Admiral Ozden Ornek was
    cordially welcomed in the Defense Ministry where was lined up a Guard
    of Honor.

    In the meeting, the Minister, Colonel-General Safar Abiyev stated
    that the relations between Azerbaijan and Turkey are high level in
    all spheres. Turkey was the first state to recognize sovereignty of
    Azerbaijan that regained it. It cannot be otherwise. We are `one
    nation, two states' and have common history, language and religion.
    Versatile relations of the fraternal countries cannot be compared
    with relations to other countries.

    Noting that Turkey supports Azerbaijan in all fields, including in
    the settlement of the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict, integration of the
    country to the European structures and in the activity in the frame
    of NATO PfP program, Mr. Abiyev said the relations between Azerbaijan
    and NATO are developing. Last year, President Ilham Aliyev has
    presented the Plan of Activity on Individual Partnership in the frame
    of NATO's PfP program to the Secretary General of NATO. Annually,
    representatives of the Armed Forces of the Azerbaijan Republic attend
    over 300 actions of this structure.

    Noting that the military cooperation between Azerbaijan and Turkey is
    at high level, Safar Abiyev said that representatives of the armed
    forces of the brotherly countries cooperate in Kosovo and Afghanistan
    implementing their international humanitarian mission. Cooperation
    between the naval Forces develop day by day, and the Turkish side
    renders assistance and in this direction. The defense minister of
    Azerbaijan thanked to the government of Turkey and management of the
    Armed Forces of Turkey.

    Commander of Turkish Naval Forces, Fleet's Admiral Ozden Ornek
    expressed pleasure to visit Baku, stating that the goal of the visit
    is to expand ties between the Turkish Naval Forces and Azerbaijan
    Navy. Because, the beginning of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan MEP is in
    Azerbaijan while the end is in Turkey. And we should secure this
    pipeline of friendship and fraternity.

    Colonel-General Safar Abiyev said that the Turkish-Azerbaijani
    relations base on a firm ground, the BTC MEP would be commissioned
    this year, and that the works for construction of the
    Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum gas pipeline would be launched in 2006. The
    Defense Minister especially stressed that the two states should
    guarantee safety of the pipelines and platforms. Turkey is one of the
    powerful and strongest members of NATO. Therefore, Azerbaijan's
    enemies try to impede this grandiose project. And subsequently, they
    render assistance appropriate forces to delay settlement of the
    Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict. We reiterate that Azerbaijan will not
    cede a sod of its lands to Armenia.

    The Minister spoke of the current military-political situation in the
    South Caucasus, underlining that in realization of the projects, in
    fair resolution to the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict, Turkey will
    always be with Azerbaijan, support it and not open the borders with

    Fleet's Admiral Ozden Ornek, in particular, noted that despite of
    pressures on Turkey, we have not opened the borders with Armenia.
    Despite continuous attempts of the Armenians, we shall not open our
    borders. Turkey and Azerbaijan should always back each other.

    Then, the sides had comprehensive exchange of vies on
    Azerbaijan-Turkey military ties, including expansion of naval Forces
    of both countries.

    In the meeting, also was participating Ambassador of Turkey to
    Azerbaijan Turan Morali.