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Russian head of CSTO warns of radical Islamic threat

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  • Russian head of CSTO warns of radical Islamic threat

    Russian head of ex-Soviet military pact warns of radical Islamic threat

    AP Worldstream
    Mar 29, 2005

    The Russian head of an ex-Soviet military pact that includes three
    Central Asian nations warned Tuesday that the organization's members
    must act urgently to combat the threat of radical Islamic groups.

    In the wake of the ousting of Kyrgyz leader Askar Akayev, observers
    have said that such groups could step up activity as Krygyzstan's new
    leaders try to restore order, and suggest that religious militants in
    Central Asia could find inspiration in the swift and almost effortless

    Nikolai Bordyuzha, secretary general of the six-nation Collective
    Security Treaty _ a pact that links Russia with Armenia, Belarus,
    Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan _ said in an interview with the
    Izvestia daily that coordinated action was essential to stop the
    threat from spreading further.

    "We should take coordinated steps to counter the attempt of Islamic
    extremists in all member states of the organization. I stress that the
    efforts should be coordinated because these networks are like mercury
    that flows from one country to another," he said.

    The radical group Hizb-ut-Tahrir, which advocates the creation of an
    Islamic state in the Central Asian region, is a particular worry, he

    "Hizb-ut-Tahrir is very active throughout Central Asia, damaging the
    consciousness especially of young people, importing religious dogmas
    in a bid to form a social base.

    "We have to prevent this trend. Otherwise we will face a lot of
    problems," he said, warning of a "struggle based on religion that has
    no peaceful resolution."

    Authorities in the Central Asian state of Uzbekistan _ which is not a
    member of the Moscow-led security pact _ blame Hizb-ut-Tahrir for
    attacks there last year that killed more than 50 people. The group,
    which is banned in Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and in Russia,
    claims to reject violence.

    Radical Islamic groups emerged in predominantly Muslim Central Asia
    after the 1991 Soviet collapse. Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan have both
    seen bombings and incursions blamed on extremist groups.