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Swiss minister travels to Turkey after diplomatic spat

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  • Swiss minister travels to Turkey after diplomatic spat

    Swiss minister travels to Turkey after diplomatic spat put paid to previous

    Swissinfo web site, Bern
    29 Mar 05

    Foreign Minister Micheline Calmy-Rey is travelling to Turkey on
    Tuesday [29 March], 18 months after a diplomatic spat put paid to a
    previous trip.

    Ankara withdrew its invitation at the last minute after a cantonal
    parliament voted to recognize the 1915 slaughter of hundreds of
    thousands of Armenians as genocide.

    Three months later - in December 2003 - a similar vote in the House of
    Representatives reached the same conclusion, drawing fresh
    condemnation from Turkey.

    Armenians say around 1.8m people were killed; Turkey disputes this,
    putting the figure closer to 200,000.

    The Turkish foreign ministry warned parliamentarians that the decision
    could have "negative consequences" on relations between the two

    The Swiss foreign minister is due to holds talks with her Turkish
    counterpart, Abdullah Gul, on a wide range of issues.

    Roberto Balzaretti, Calmy-Rey's diplomatic adviser, told swissinfo
    that discussions would cover mutual concerns such as "human rights,
    minorities and economic relations".

    Asked whether Calmy-Rey would raise the Armenian question, Balzaretti
    said it would be difficult "to avoid issues that have caused problems
    in the past".

    Tread gently

    Francoise Saudan, a member of the parliamentary foreign affairs
    committee, who visited Turkey in August, cautioned that the Swiss
    foreign minister would need to tread gently.

    She said the genocide remained a touchy subject for Turkey, which had
    not faced up to its past in the same way Switzerland addressed the
    Holocaust-era bank accounts scandal.

    But Jean-Jacques de Dardel, head of international security policy at
    the Swiss foreign ministry, said this week's visit was not about
    resurrecting past disagreements.

    "[She] is not going to Ankara to rekindle tensions, but to strengthen
    relations between Switzerland and Turkey," he said.

    The issue of Turkish membership of the European Union is also likely
    to feature during talks between both foreign ministers.

    Calmy-Rey made it clear in December that the Swiss stood to benefit
    should Turkey join the bloc.

    Switzerland, which is not a member of the EU, has signed a series of
    bilateral agreements with Brussels covering areas including trade.

    Iraq, which borders Turkey, and the Middle East are also expected to
    be on the agenda.

    Kurdish question

    On the second day of her visit Calmy-Rey is due in the city of
    Diyarbakir in the mainly Kurdish southeast of the country, where she
    is expected to meet local representatives and non-governmental

    This section of the trip was viewed in poor light by Ankara in
    2003. Shortly after the invitation was withdrawn, the Turkish
    authorities accused Calmy-Rey of meeting a member of a banned Kurdish
    organization in Lausanne.

    The Federal Prosecutor's Office later launched an investigation to
    find out whether the Swiss foreign minister had been spied on by
    Turkey's secret service.

    On the final day of her trip, Calmy-Rey is due to give an address to
    Swiss and Turkish business leaders in Istanbul.

    "Turkey is Switzerland's most important business partner in the Middle
    East. Around 40 Swiss firms move there every year," said Balzaretti.

    Swiss exports to Turkey totalled 1.9bn Swiss francs ($1.6bn dollars)
    in 2004 - up 17 per cent on the previous year.

    Last week the government lifted restrictions on arms exports to
    Turkey, which were imposed in 1992 during a Turkish crackdown against
    the Kurds.